Let's Imagine: The Calvary Has Arrived!

The man walks past Saori and looms over the black and dusted corpse. He removes his glasses, wiping them with a white handkerchief. 

"Seems as though that when faced against someone with genuine skill they falter… Only able to produce results when faced against someone with low attack pressure."


Saori raises her blade toward his throat; He shoves the clothe back into his pocket and adjusts them on his face.

"So sorry, when I'm discussing my projects, I get a bit… Pre-occupied." The man grins and puts two fingers in the air, snapping them together.


A girl with white hair and red skin crashes through the front of the house's wall and lunges toward Saori.

"Goma… Do try to keep this one intact. Her organs could be quite useful even after her death."