Let's Imagine: Impressing the Empress!

The Empress snaps her fingers as her nails glow a reddish-orange.

—Fwoom Fwoom Fwoom Fwoom Fwoom

Several seating pillows situate themselves on the floor around a chabudai dining table.

As if it was a moving picture, the table itself was wooden but had white dragons dancing on the surface, shooting red and black flames while soaring through the air.

Iyuna, Calina, and King Ueno take a seat on the leftmost pillows, while Taiyo sits on the rightmost. Momoko reluctantly takes a seat next to the blond-haired girl as the Empress sits at the head of the table on a gold-fluffed pillow.

Yuumi starts to leave the room with a yawn.

"You're welcome to join us, Yuumi, as this information will probably benefit you as well." Iyuna glances toward her.

"Naw, I'm not good with lectures. Momoko'll give me a crash course in the morning. I'm gonna turn in early."