Let's Imagine: My only enemies are the one's that I conjour myself!

Two guards wearing leather clothing with armored heels carry a large silver fire pillar housing a brilliant blue flame.

They set the pillar down in front of Chief Aiga, who puts his hand over the flame, letting the embers consume his entire arm.

Momoko looks in amazement as the flames move from the pillar onto his arm, then veil into his fingers, finally forming into a rolled-up crackling parchment.

Chief Aiga turns to Momoko and hands her the scorched scroll, she flinches from the heat as it rests in her fingers.

"Go to the Klackin Done's burrow and open the scroll. Unfortunately, we cannot follow where you are about to go."

Momoko heeds his instructions with a small nod and walks down the steps of the platform. She then continues to travel down to a nearby bridge, connecting to an adjacent floating isle.