Let's Imagine: Excusing the facts for emotional trauma!

Her sentence is cut short as she makes eye contact with Calina's widened eyes, her azure pupils giving off a hazy glare. Momoko slouches her tense elbows and unravels her fist.

"It's for my younger sister… I want her to get into a good university so I'm saving up for her to go abroad."

Calina yawns and sits back in her chair. "Was that so hard? You're just a caring big sister who wants to support her kin. The… Actions you use to carry out the task are in question… But I suppose you're fine with 'the ends justifying the means,' right?"

Momoko rubs her upper elbow and scrunches her eyebrows.

"… But I don't believe you."

Momoko lifts her head and takes a step forward. "B-But it's the truth!"