Let's Imagine: The sanity of those who were never fit to die (Pt .2)

"You were blessed... Beheld the power of goddesses... Now you're of nothing less than a mortal... Look at you... Your gifts allowed you to stand and look me in the eye... But now you quiver in fear..."

Momoko looks through the slip of her hand at Zodelia's face; Her face is no longer visible, only a dark void surrounded by festering black centipedes creeping in and out of her mouth and eye sockets.

Momoko shields her eyes and curls into a ball while performing several soft whimpers.

"Do not cry… Little one… For you are free of all burden… You no longer belong… To Celestian nor Yularian… You are an empty vessel… That must fill your own cup…"

Momoko stumbles onto her feet and looks forward to the two children at the edge of the room.

"… M-Momoko?" One of the boys' whispers while taking a step back.

Momoko takes a deep breath then exhales. She then walks over to the boys with a smile, holding her arms out at her sides.