Let's Imagine: Calling it as we see it!

Yuumi walks down a faintly lit hallway, pictures of noblemen torn and crooked along the wall with the red striped wallpaper below it shredded to pieces. She gazes up at a large mural of several goddess-like figures giving different trinkets to a begging man, with Momoko's body being planted in the middle.

Momoko breaks her arm loose, causing rubble to break down below her as she drops down onto the ground, a few feet away from Yuumi.

"This ain't right Momoko. You're siding with the people that took you away back in Wuulong. Have you lost your mind or something?" Yuumi entreated.

Momoko rips her torn dress off of her body, allowing a set of black steel to coat her figure then turns into a glistening set of armor with large spikes at her backside. A metal mask clamps down onto her face as she exhales while looking up at the painting.

"Sure, we don't have to fight. I didn't come here for you anyway, I came here for the girl."