Let's Imagine: A Worthy Foe!

Another towering stone Valkyrie takes a step forward making a gust of wind crush the surrounding townhouses in it's way. Momoko grips her hand into a fist causing a loud thunderous clap to resonate through the skies. 

Three large stone swords from the fallen Valkyries race toward the last one still standing, puncturing it's sharp tip straight through her torso. The Valkyrie reaches it's hand toward Momoko but is stopped by another large stone blade stabbing her in the middle of her palm. If not but a last measure, the third sword pushes through the back of the Valkyrie's head making her wilt and kneel onto the ground.

Ursula sounds an interested hum under her breath as she folds her arms below her bosom. 「Might I ask how you convinced the Sorcer Don and the rest of her following to release their essence to you, a mere mortal.」