Let's Imagine: Epilogue!

Momoko nods her head with a smile. "I suppose you have some questions--"

Yuumi interrupts her statement, lunging forward with her arms wrapped around Momoko's torso, squeezing her tight.

"The only answer I needed is seein' that you're Ok." Yuumi holds her close with a smile.

All of the prisms of water then start to explode in waves, with Calina, Saori, and Echiko appearing in a dense mist followed by Taro, Yula, and Chief Aiga amongst others.

Yuumi backs away from Momoko with a wide grin, as the occupants walk forward.

Momoko looks around at them and nods her head before drawing her sword in front of her and planting it into the ground. "For many of you, I need to express gratitude for the time and wisdom you gave to me. And for others, an apology for the actions I took towards my goal. Goddess Ursula along with the previous goddess sects have been vanquished, bringing new order in the name of Goddess Knight Momoko."