

Diego left thank God. Keisha crash here with me. I could still feel cum coming out my box. I don't know why would he cum inside? What am I going to tell my parents? Am not married yet.

I decided to get ready to talk to Derin. I took a shower put on a Yellow tight dress on. We need to talk. Walking to his room I could hear Amber moaning. Seems like Jerry had the same idea. We both smiled our greeting. I decided not to knock they were obviously busy. I went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Jerry followed.

Jerry: How is she?

Joana: Bad. She's quiet

Jerry: Aw man my little sprinkler

Joana: Thats disgusting.

There Cafeteria had small tables a chair with red tablecloth. The whole place looked like a mini Cazebo, out back had a pool. I told Jerry all Keishas failed relationships due to lies. He immediately understood.

Joana: You should make up with her now or she won't ever talk to you again.

He agreed and left with some bread, coffee, with butter on the side. I told him it's a haitian thing. That's what I was eating. He smiled and left. I seen Derin coming with Amber She had her hair down trying to cover her hickies.

Amber: Good morning

I didn't respond to her slick ass. She sat on my table With my man.

Derin: Morning

He said clearing his throat. He looked uncomfortable. Oh God did I make him uncomfortable?

Joana: Excuse me.

I said trying to leave

Derin: I gotta talk to you

Joana: Sure.

He led me to a empty hall way. Amber was still enjoying her breakfast.

Derin: Can we not tell anybody about the woods?

Joana: Oh Yeah of course no sweat bud

Derin: Am trying to make things work with Amber.

Joana: Okay yeah I get it. I won't say a word. Plus am going to college so you'll have all the time to focus on Amber

Derin: Alright

He left. Leaving with my hopes and dreams. I walked away leaving my breakfast. I wanted to crawl inside of hole. I went to my room to find Jerry butt naked putting it down on Keisha. I apologize. I decided to walk back to where me and him had sex yesterday. I sat on the same log. Having the scene replaying in my heart. "How do I move on when am still in love with you." I thought. I didn't want to feel pathetic but I am, my head was on my lap Wanting my tears to drown me.


Amber: This was a good idea.

She said as she pack her clothes We were going back in a few hours.

Keisha: I can't find Joana.

She came in my room without knocking, I knew exactly where she was.

Derin: Check the woods.

Keisha: Thanks.

Amber kept putting clothes in the suitcase. She was soo happy, I made her happy. She reminds me of me, if I couldn't love her than I don't deserve to be love in return. We were the same; she had so much of my trait, denying her would be like denying me.

Amber: Lets go babe.

Derin: Right behind you.

I said kissing her cheek grabing the suitcases from her. Everyone was already outside waiting on us.

We all got in the car.

Amber: Thank you for coming everyone

Jerry: I made up with my baby I can't complain.

He said kissing her.

Amber: Me and my baby are enjoying eachother fully now too.

I smiled, Joana was looking out the window not saying a word.

Keisha: Friend you good?

Joana: Peachy

Keisha: I know I still don't like Amber either.

She didn't respond she kept looking

out the window of the car, Of the plane, the limo back home? I have never seen her this quiet. Talking right now wouldn't help. We got to my house. Amber waive bye but she just got in Keisha car, they drove off. Jerry and Keisha had a date later on.


Mom: Kisa ou genyen pitit mwen? (What's wrong my child)

Joana: Nothing

Dad: No, you weren't like this. Something happen on that trip.

I turned around and change position in the opposite direction of my bed, Why can't they just leave. Everyday is the same thing.

Mom: Come on honey when she is ready she will talk.

Dad: My beautiful daughter.

I could hear them closing the door behind me. I turn off the light ignoring the food they brought me and dose off.

Keisha: What is this Death? Uh huh

Joana: Why is everyone in my room?

Keisha: Up on your feet. You stink let's go bathe.

She lift me up and brought me to my shower.

I could do it myself.

Joana: I could do it myself you perve

Keisha: Handle it then

Even the water felt cruel. When I got out. She had clothes picked out for me.

Keisha: We going out sis

Joana: Non(no)

Keisha: You so cute to think that was a choice.

She forcefully put my clothes on.

I put the panties on myself. She took me to some skating thing I don't know why am here. It smells bad. I didn't want nothing to eat. She force me to eat some wings, saying it's been days since I ate. I didn't feel hungry. One bite and I was vomiting my life out in the bathroom.

Keisha: We going to the doctors I think you sick. You might have food poisoning. Your stomach looks a little bigger than usual too.

She drag me somewhere I did not want to go. She bought me to the hospital. My dad came because she had to leave. I did the test they required, I was just waiting for the result.

Doctor: Congratulations your two weeks pregnant

I nearly wet my pants. Everything else the doctor said went in one ears and out the other. My dad was talking with his hands. He does that when his mad. When his waiting on a response he put his hands on his waist

Dad: Joana Ou gross Nan ti bout Kay mwen an la?(You pregnant in my house?)

Joana: I didn't know am sorry

Dad: You didn't know? How can you not know? Its okay we at the hospital right now we will discuss it when we get home.

The whole drive his breathing heavy. We got to the house he called my mom

Dad: Sandra Se pa anyen pitit ou a te Geyen tande Gross li gross (nothing was wrong with your child, she got pregnant)

Mom: What?

Dad: Yes than she say she didn't know.

Mom: Oh baby!

Dad: Don't Oh baby her li gen 26 an sou têt li. (she is 26 years of age)

Mom: Kôte papa? ( Where is the father?)

Joana: Umm

Dad: Talk louder I can't hear you

Carla: It was on the trip

Dad: Oh so ou ti American kounya (Your full blooded American now?)

You grown right, In my little dishwasher Job I can't take care of nobody's kids.

Joana: You don't need to take care of my baby

Dad: Ou pral touyel? (you gona kill it?) the Bible talks about that.

Mom: Let's just calm down.

Dad: Li pap dòmi la aswè an non se poul al jwen papa pitit li.( She is not sleeping here tonight, she needs to go to the father of the child.)

Don't he think I would of if I could?

I only had a few weeks left before leaving for school. I grab what ever I can put in my bag. I can't believe I was getting kicked out. I called Keisha to pick me up. She agrees to let me crash at her place until further notice.