I Do


This woman have been blowing up my phone. I don't want to pick up because I know I finish the treatment, What does my mom want now? I kept tossing and turning on Derin bed. His been spending alot of time at work lately. The babies have been sleeping at night thank God. Derin hired some extra help around the house to help me ease into motherhood. He so thoughtful. I can hear the babies crying for their breakfast. I got up from Derin king size bed, I thought I should go get their breakfast. I was a little sad that they didn't breastfeed but they were twins, imagine me sitting there both breast occupy. I made my way downstairs passing beautiful portrait. Walls and floor, Everything beautifully white. His furnitures was white too, the walls to the outside was glass. It was a special kind of glass, The kind you could see outside but the outside can't see you. It was my perfect dream house, I grew up telling him that. He had promise me he was going to buy me that house. I use to laugh, I didn't believe him. Maybe he did love me back then. I boiled some water; put the bottle in it to heat up, after a few minute I brought it over to the twins, Gabriella our maid was their already. I hand her one bottle to feed one of the babies and I fed the other. She was nice. She would tell me about her home country, how she misses her family, she's going to visit them next week. She was over the moon. We sat in the twins room laughing and carrying on until Keisha came rushing to the door.

Keisha: Hurry, feed my God babies, Lets go pick your dress

Joana: Dress? What are you talking about?

I side switching the baby to my shoulders so I can burp her. After Me and Gabriella finish feeding the babies we change them. I wanted to bathe them but my mom always say we need to wait for the sun to be at it highest to bathe infant. I had no idea what that old woman was talking about But it won't hurt to follow.

Gabriella: Don't you worry miss, soon as it hit noon I'll bathe them. Go head and go with your friend.

Keisha: See, let's go.

I walk back to my room took a quick shower got dress to head out, Nothing too big just a blue short jumper. When I walked downstairs by the expression on Keisha face I know she was going to say something stupid.

keisha: Epa boudaw Vin pi gwo Joana? (Your butt got bigger)

Joana: All for Derin stop staring haha

Keisha: That makes the world go round.

Joana: Funny, Lets go.

On the way there She was telling me about brunch with Jerry's parents.

Keisha: I dont know why white people think every black person is ignorant or not worthy.

Joana: Oh lord, Start from the beginning cause you be skiping scenes.

Keisha: So Jerry was already apologizing in the car I wasn't sure why, I haven't met his parents yet.

Joana: Uh huh

Keisha: When Jerry walks in with me the dad looks furious.

Joana: Haha no?

Keisha: He ask Jerry "your dating her?"

Joana: That's so rude

Keisha: I kept my cool

Joana: Glad your getting mature

Keisha: I know you wouldn't

Joana: Absolutely not, That's one of the reason I don't date white boys, Cause I won't know if your parent is going to treat my mix kids with respect, you know

Keisha: Anyways girl. I took a seat.

Joana: Without being invited?

Keisha: Yup, am wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Joana: Yo genlè Pa kon Keisha (They must not know keisha)

Keisha: Apperantly so. The mother try to break the awkwardness By telling me the shrimp Alfredo here is great. I continue to butter my bread.

Joana: Where did ya'll go?

Keisha: Pitit (Child) I don't know. It had alot of sporty thing. Like horse racing, tennis, etc. They did not give me a tour unfortunately

Joana: Hahah I think it might be the millionaire club

Keisha: The only black people was the servers

Joana: Disrespectful

Keisha: I might be wrong cause I stayed at the restaurant side.

Joana: Okay.

Keisha: So anyways, Me and his mother is conversating. We finish ordering and we are laughing and carrying on, till the Dad interrupted us.

Joana: You were enjoying yourself a little too much there.

Keisha: Girl! So his like "what do you do?" I told him "I do hair" His like "what is your yearly income?"

Joana: All of that?

Keisha: Yes! I said "none of your business." Then his going to ask me "what is my intentions with his son?" By that time homeboy looking at me straight in my eyes, his wife is trying to whisper "Stop it" Jerry is like a tomato. He is so cute.

Joana: The Dad is pretty rude. Thank God you like Jerry Or That could of went a different way

Keisha: So I ask him, I said "what are your impressions of black people out of curiosity"

Joana: Fout! (Dam)

Keisha: He said "I feel like black or should I say african American don't contribute much to society, They all look for an hand out!"

Joana: Did you loose it?

Keisha: No

Joana: I would.

Keisha: So I smiled and say "oh your one of those?" I smiled and shook my head. I guess that offended him, he demanded that I explain myself. "How Dare I bring my black ass here than insult him on top of his generosity after feeding me"

Joana: Disrespectful does he see you asking for charity?

Keisha: I said " Did you know majority of things that was build in America was made by blacks?

Joana: Uh huh

Keisha: He was like "lies!" Than Jerry said "it's facts"

Joana: Aws Jerry really likes you.

Keisha: The traffic light, then Jerry was like the "ironing board". "Light bulb" I piggy backed. The dad seems to be running out of patients so he said "But your haitian what have you contributed, Always leaving your country to here."

Joana: I pray I never meet this man haha

Keisha: I didn't reply but Jerry did he said with a straight face.. "To simplify it, if it wasn't for the Haitians fighting along side us against the European we would of lost horribly. They help us be what we are today."

Joana: Fout (Dam)

Keisha: Then he kissed my cheeks and said let's go. Leaving the dad with alot to think about.

Joana: Thats crazy. Come on let's go inside the bridal store before they think we up to something.

Keisha: Right hahah

I tried on a couple of dresses, my biggest challenge was getting my thighs and booty fully in. Sigh I might have to go extra large, No help from best friend here, she just sat on the couch laughing at me and siping on champagne. I was relive when I found my one. It was sleeveless, High slit, showing off my right leg. Plus it was draging behind me. The lady say she can close the top for me, Custom made it. Man I was soo in love until I seen the price. 24 thousand dollars for what?

Keisha: You okay I see the expression? It's my wedding gift to you

Joana: Girl is 24 thousand dollar, I cant pay you back for that.

Keisha: You won't have too, Jerry said I could get you a gift my limit was 30 so this is under budget if you ask me.

Joana: I can't accept this.

Keisha: I paid already

Joana: What?

Keisha: Any fool could tell you love this dress

Joana: Soon as I become a lawyer am paying you back

Keisha: Or when I get married you can buy my dress

Joana: Haha deal. Oh my God I love this dress. Do you see it?

I was admiring myself in the mirror

Keisha: Oh your mom told me to tell you, Your wedding is tomorow

Joana: Am sorry what?

Keisha: I was surpose to tell you like 2 weeks ago, my bad

Joana: Thats too soon. Plus me and Derin is surpose to decide not her.

Keisha: Girl your haitian, Haitian parents decide everything. Hahaha

Joana: Ima call her right now

Keisha: Don't bother Derin wants to marry you before you leave for school, That's the day after tomorrow.

I smiled at the thought that I'll be Mrs. Phanor. I love him so much. I agreed to Keisha advice. Turns out my mom did everything already all I had to do was show up. We finish up I decided to go bring my clothes to my mom house since the bride and the groom can't see eachother the night before. I slept over my mom house. No one was home when I got to my mom townhouse. She won huge against the old employer but she bought a house and kept the rest in her savings saying "if I die I have funeral money" we definitely would of buried her. I went to my old room, place the dress on my bed Walking back outside afterwards. Keisha drove me to my future home with Derin and left. Me and him made it home at the same time. He had on a collard shirt, black pants with black classical shoes..

Joana: You look like a haitian papi.

Derin: Yet I still pull you.

We both laugh as we got inside. I check on the babies they were bathe. Peacefully sleeping. I went back to the room Derin was in. He took a shower, now watching sports. I went to lay next to him resting my head on his lap.

Joana: I heard we getting married tomorow

Derin: Yeah jerry told me today

Joana: We don't need to if you don't want to?

He pause the TV to look at me.

Derin: I've been waiting for this since high school woman. I honestly don't care if your mother marry us in her backyard as long as you will be mine forever.

Joana: Okay

I hate it when I blush around him. He could always tell. He unpause the TV. I fell asleep on his lap. He is my forever.