Neighbors part 2


I swear he loves going back to sleep after enjoying eachother. I told him we should do it when he gets back but no, he soo greedy.

Joana: Hey sleepy head

Derin: Babe I fell asleep?

Joana: Yeah

I said handing him his lunch on a portable tray.

Derin: Thanks sexy. What time?

Joana: It's 11:45 your meeting is at 1pm sharp

Derin: I hate those meeting

Joana: Yeah, well its a requirement

Derin: Tell me about it.

He finish eating. Picked the clothes he wanted to wear out our walk in closet. He place them on our bed.

Derin: Do you want to join me for a bath?

Joana: Depends are you going to try to get some in the shower?

Derin: Chances are pretty high on me attempting

Joana: Babe you never finish, I don't want you to be late.

Derin: Okay, Head is also out the question?

Joana: I could do that But afterwards you need to go to work

Derin: You got it.

I still got some, She soo cute to think head would of been enough for me. I got dress and headed out. I was runing late of course. But I still feel like I made the right choice. I pull up to the parking lot and ran inside.

Boss: Thank God your Here

Derin: Haha what happend?

Boss: Jerry and his ideas. His a great motivator, he works hard but that boy can't sell for nothing.

Derin: Why is Keisha here?

I seen her giggling at Jerry, She didn't even notice when I walked in.

Keisha: Hey there 4 hours.

Derin: Honestly if unapropriate had a face it would be you two.

Boss: What is she talking about 4 hours?

Derin: It's nothing

Keisha: Dam soo 4 long silver hours

Derin: Don't ruin your restaurant

Reminding her she gets food at my house

Keisha: Whatever! where you want me?

Boss: Right here.

He ask her to step on this display table revealing her belly.

Jerry: The lotion can be use on pregnant girls too

Derin: I see. Are we selling stretch mark too?

Jerry: No, but it does cause your skin to get lighter. So the stretch mark wouldn't show as much

Boss: I never thought I'll say this but good job Jerry

Derin: Good Job Keisha

Keisha: Haha you notice.

The shoot went really well, Boss pitched it in the afternoon meeting, The client went for it. I went home exhausted and tired.

Derin: Go home Keisha

Keisha: I wanted to see what your wife cook

Derin: Map achte yon chien mete andedan kay la (am buying a dog to put inside the house)

Keisha: Bye then

I walked in locking the door behind me. I find Joana watching movies with our adorable twins.

Joana: Welcome home honey

Derin: Hey Nana

Joana: Oh oh I know that voice. Kids, me and your dad will be right back.

She grab my hands, we went upstairs. She sat with me on the bed, putting her hands on my hands.

Joana: Alright babe talk to me, What happened?

Derin: Am just a little tired

Joana: How did your meeting go?

Derin: It went good, Am getting bonus so that's good.

Joana: Yeah but why the long face my love.

Derin: Am starting to get bored with the place. I want to do something new.

Joana: Okay. Like a haitian restaurant

Derin: What? no

Joana: Haitian bakery

Derin: Why you gotta say haitian infront of everything?

Joana: Oh I got it. A haitian lingerie store

Derin: Haha okay babe. Maybe I should take on more projects.

Joana: Haha yeah good idea

Derin: Hey are we... tonight?

Joana: Sure whatever you want babes..

She said smilling and leaving our bedroom. Man I love her..


Back at the office Where my boss got me talking to people to boost up the amount we charge for our services. Honestly the price don't change but he wants to accelerate the process.

Joana: Three clients I gave you Henry no more, You gave them the idea I'll take their case, when you know am in family law not criminal.

Boss: Stop, I told them the firm will take their case; never specifying you.

Joana: We can get sued for that you know?

Boss: There is no false advertising,

they can't sue us for something we never said.

Joana: Ugh you know nothing.

Boss: Joana don't be mad. I'll give you 10 percent of what we charge them.

Joana: You think it's about money? This is people's life. A mother who is seeking help for her son who got caught with a little bit of weed. The police officer is hyping it saying there was guns in the car and coke and other drugs. You just care about money. Wow!

I said walking to my office. Not wanting to be disturbed, very little regard for his feelings. Sometimes he can be so unsensitive. I hate meeting client like this. It reminds me of my mom. Someone who barely know English who's willing to do whatever for their kids. How can that not touch someone with a heart? I look at my clock it was the final meeting of the day. I figured I should go see who his going to give that case to. I walked to the main office, It was glassed where both side could see eachother, beautiful oval table able to take 26 seat easy. I came in taking a seat so did everyone else. When everyone was seated Henry our boss started us off

Boss: Hey, I know everyone is tired and ready to go home. So I'll make this quick.

Everyone nodded.

Boss: I have three cases

He instructed who will work what, he gave this guy who can't focus to tie his shoe the crying mother case. The guy was laughing saying "isn't that the crying mother?" It aggrevated my soul. So I volunteer to be second, Even a advisor. They were so quick to bring up my station, but court of law said nothing about being a advisor..

Seeing how pationate I was with the case, the boss agreed but I won't get any credit if they win, As if I care about that. I grab the files with the case information and went to my office to prepare. The evidence was there but where did it comes from. I can't have them test him for drugs we know he was doing Weed. Unless he could clean his system out. But what of the police man words. His a man that represent justice. I should meet with colon to discuss it. I walked over to his office, He was there with a couple of guys laughing

Joana: Shouldn't you be working on the case?

Colon: Shouldn't you mind your own business?

Joana: This case is my business. Am going to be your partner on this one.

Colon: Absolutely not.

Joana: Am going to call my husband to tell him am working late tonight

Colon: Fuck you, am not doing that. You gone stay here by yourself tonight. I have a date

Joana: Why won't you take this seriously

Colon: Boy got caught with weed, Crack, Heroin and some other drugs I can't pronounced

Joana: Think about it. A black kid, mother working too jobs, Lives in the ghetto, if he had money to get salt and other high cost drugs don't you think he would of get a better car?

Colon: Maybe he wanted to keep a low profile

Joana: The people who buys these type of drugs are rich white people. No rich white people would buy from a kid who drives that.

I said pointing to the picture of the car

Colon: Do you want to know why they gave me this case? is a loss cost. You tagging along just means you going to be 5 to 1.

Joana: I've been waiting all my life to become a lawyer I won't loose.

Colon: We will see.

He said grabing his stuff. Leaving for the day. Smilling like I am the stupid fool. I called Derin he knows the drill. I ordered Chinese before its too late. Everything about this case seems like a set up.

Boss: Good morning

Joana: Morning?

Boss: Yeah 8 am to be exact, where you here the entire night?

Joana: Yeah working on the case. Dam it I gotta meet with him today at the jail place.

Boss: Judge place him in there, No bond

Joana: Why? His a good citizen never had any offense

Boss: How am I surpose to know? they hire us after.

I got up putting on my heels, Grabed my coat, drove to where they were holding the boy. It reeks of pise and bad judgment in here.

I informed the officer my purpose of being here. They led me in the small room full of tinted glass windows. This conversation was private, is a violation to be ears dropping, Clearly something wasn't right with this case. Why would police officers be ear dropping? He had blood on his shirt, swollen Eye, His left side mouth had scars. Oh Jesus

Joana: Not today

Boy: You don't want to hear my side of the story?

Joana: Of course

Boy: My mom is spending her entire life savings on this.

Joana: Sigh.. Another time.

I walked out heading to the court house. I seen the judge on the case, his been known to not be lenient with black young boys. I was greateful to catch him in his office.

Judge: Why are you here in my office Mrs. Phanor

Joana: Do you remember That kid with blue eyes, Blond hair, White.. oh yeah Brandon

Judge: What is this about?

Joana: Why did you offer him probation until the official court date?

Judge: Thats easy, first offense

Joana: Right, so is my black hair, Dark brown eyes client. So I just need the same treatment for him, since this is his first offense

Judge: You got some nerves coming in here demanding Mrs Phanor.

Joana: Okay, No problem, all cases you had are public record right?

Judge: What does that mean?

Joana: I'll have Social media singing about this by 5pm, you have a great day. Oh and I should tell you when am recording right? I have you saying that Mr Brandon and Mr Deon had the same record but you favored one than the other "With sorry no bond" because one was black the other white, Can you afford them going back on all your cases Judge? have a great day!...

I left. This is ridiculous paying a price because his a black man. Disgusting. I decided to pass by my house to bathe and change. I was starving. I grab something on the go. Walking back to the office I heard the boss congratulating Colon on changing the Judge mind about no bond to probation.

Colon: Thats what I do..

I smile and made my way to my office. Getting the credit wasn't the main goal.


When ever Joana does over night at the office I deal with this

Joane: Daddy get up let's go for a walk

Derin: Mama please am so tired. Am mentally exhausted

Derin jr: Come on let's go Joane. I'll let you play with my video game

I pull the covers over my head, I was greatful to my son, His always been the level headed one, The one that don't want to bother nobody. Now that am awake I can't fall back to sleep, Only joana can make me fall asleep again. I miss her. I decided to get up to go for a trip around the neighborhood. Joana had them in the same room saying "they are too young to have their own room." So I had to divide it. Half full of unicorn and princessy things. My son was a big fan of batman. So you could image how much money I had to spend to custom made their bed.

Derin: Let's go on a walk

Joane: Yay!

They grab their stuff following me out the door. We saw big pretty houses. My daughter would compliment each house we pass, Some she didn't like but others she loves.

Joane: Why is this woman waiving at us?

Derin: Just ignore her she will go away.

Cecelia was on the opposite side walking her little dog. I was trying to avoid eye contact but she crossed over.

Cecelia: Hi there? I know you couldn't see me but I was waiving

Derin: Sorry about that. Hello, Cecilia right?

Cecelia: Yes you got it. Are those your kids?

Derin: Um Yeah Joane, Derin jr

Cecilia: They are adorable

Derin: Do you have any kids?

Cecelia: No, Just my dog and me.

Derin: Kids are the blessings that will have you walking at 1pm under the sun.

Cecilia: Haha I see..

Derin jr was signaling for us to keep walking.

Cecilia: I could show you which house to avoid at all cost, unless you like neighborhood watch?

Derin: Hate those.

She show us the different houses. The kids wasn't paying attention they kept playing with her little shuwawa. It look like a over grown rat. But Cecilia was pretty cool. She told me of her family in Brazil. How her husband met her. She gain status through marriage. There's this sadness in those stories but I dare not to ask. At last I was in front of my house. She invites me and my wife to this pool party she is throwing. I told her of my plus two. She agrees saying "she needs more friends." We said our good byes.

Joane: Mom!

She said walking inside hugging her mother.

Derin: Hey

Joana: Hey who was that?

Derin: That was our first pool party invitation

Joana: The kids would love that

Derin: She has no kids

Joana: Oh

Derin: Yup, Pretty sure is for grown up

Joana: Do you want to go?

Derin: I don't know yet?