World Fallen part 3

Joana: Don't

I said to her smilling to the side haha

Keisha: When I saw him I automatically got it. That man is fine.. He got curly hair you know..

Joana: How do you see all that, I never noticed

Keisha: Haha girl my eyes are train to detect these things.. How was the..

Joana: Keisha shut up.

I snapped out of embarrassment. She laughed all the way home. I quickly ran inside taking a shower. Ugh I should at least show up for the meeting at 2pm. I took a shower got my mind right then drove myself to the office, Walking in the huge office I instantly felt shame all over. Arthur was on the elevator so was Andrew. My life. We didn't speak, I walked inside my office waiting for the meeting to start. My legs kept twitching, Imagining the worst, What if they were comparing experiences with me. Oh no..

The sound of everyone rushing to get a chair kicked me outside my thoughts. I grab a pen and paper to witness the meeting. After each case you can take 2 days off for mental break But still show up for at least 1 meeting

Arthur: Good Job Joanas team, next order of business

He talk about the team that needs to step it up. He got some more cases but me and Andrew got 2 free days. After the meeting I walk inside my office to leave for the next two days.

Knock, knock

Andrew: Hey

He said walking into my office. I started to panic, Heart beating fast, Guard up just in case he says something Disrespectful.

Andrew: Your penis picture where do you want it?

Wait what?

Andrew: You left it in my car

Joana: Am leaving now I'll take it, thank you.

He walk Me to the parking lot "oh God is he going to act rude, Or Disrespectful?"

Andrew: Here we are.

He open the back seat there was two photo mine and his. He wasn't acting weird? Maybe my anxiety of people judging me was taking over me.

Joana: I never saw yours.

Andrew: Haha is not a penis I'll tell you that much.

He said genuinely laughing. His was a painting of a black woman, He splash alot of red color representing her deep pain, the outside was still purely white. It was very good. Haha She had some curves on her though

Joana: That's cheating you were surpose to draw a penis.

We both laughed

Andrew: You could of painted anyone or anything that gave you inspiration

Joana: Oh haha you painted one of the cougars?

Andrew: Um sure let's say that.

He locked his car back up giving me a casual "bye" waive as he walked away. Haha Maybe am worried about nothing. I went home, slept, than went to pick up my babies. I was cooking when I heard a knock on the door.

"Knock, Knock"

Derin: Hey

Joana: This is rich. How may I help mesieux(mr)

Derin: Haha right I um wanted to talk to the kids

Joana: Derin!

When I was about to snap on his sudden pop up my daughter heard me say his name she came running to him with her book bag at hand. Ugh so annoying.

Joane: Daddy! Derin Daddy is here.

Derin: Awe my babies.. Look at you guys all grown up

Was he here to tell them his staying in Brazil? Where is Cecilia? I cannot deal with this right now.

Joana: Kids come eat

Derin Jr: Daddy mommy made your favorite come eat with us.

He better not step inside my house his Disrespectful ass. (Scoft) I can't believe he pull up a seat. If he think am serving him food he got another thing coming.

Joana: Since your dad is here he could go head and serve you

Joane: Okay.. Daddy I want two chicken thighs

Derin: Coming right up.

Ugh I don't want to leave and not hear what he got to tell our kids. I sat at the furthest side of the table.

Derin: So um

He said getting plates putting white rice, Black beans, And fried chicken in sauce on the plates.

Derin: So the project that kept me away for a while is done and..

Derin Jr: So you'll back in the house hahaha thank God I prayed for that when grandma took us to church last Sunday.

I had to walk away I didn't want the kids to see me cry. This was hard on them and I can't shelter them how I want. Walking into my bedroom Derin followed me..

Derin: Nana am sorry, I wanted...

Joana: Derin am not going to be your second option all the time.

Derin: You were never second option.

Joana: I wasn't first either.. I messed up I get it, I let my anger overthrow my sanity but you should of stayed here. With me. But you didn't.

He tried to use his arms to embrace me as I cried but remembering what he must of done with Cecilia made me shrugged running to the bathroom to take a shower. After several showers I decided to walk outside. The house seems empty guess he took them out. I called just to make sure.

Derin: Hey

Joana: Where is my children?

Derin: At my house, Thought you might need some..

I hung up before finished. I got to learn to love me first, To put me first. This hurts so much.. He chose someone else everytime. I need to keep getting cases I can't melt down right now I just got back in the field. I put on some gym clothes intending to work out some frustration. I pass this gym that looked very modern.. Walking in of course the staff wanted to know if I wanted a free pass for today or monthly subscription. I didn't know what to say, I heard

Andrew: She's my plus one

I turn to see this man looking like a glass of water. "Oh God I hope am not a hoe." He grab my hands so the staff members can leave me alone. He had no shirt on just knee length black shorts, Sweats dripping down like cars on speed bump, Nice white smile, He was clearly sweating but he smelled like water.

Joana: Thanks for?

Andrew: Your wearing unproper clothing

Joana: It's a short with tank top with sneakers?

Andrew: Those pants are not gym approve.

I smilled at this guy. I walked over to the treadmill running Blocking out my fears, Doubt, anxiety. Eyes close forgetting everything. I felt the treadmill stopping. Opening my eyes I saw Andrew stopping the treadmill.

Joana: Why did you stop it?

Andrew: You got Hella stamina but any longer you would of pulled a muscle

Joana: Oh

Andrew: 4 hours strong that's impressive.

He did have curly hair, Keisha is annoying. I sat on the treadmill regrasping reality.

Andrew: Come help me over there.

We moved on to weight lifting haha I don't know how to do that?

He laid flat then proceed on lifting the weights buffing out his chest.

Andrew: What are you escaping from partner

Joana: It's personal.

Andrew: I think we past that don't you think..

He said smling, Wait did he mean I sleep with him?

Joana: Um that night I um.

Andrew: Which Night?

Was he going to make me say it?

Joana: Um

Andrew: Go head and ask

Joana: Did we umm, that night over your house, umm

Andrew: You want to know if we slept together?

He said smilling sitting up.

Andrew: Joana, did you have a good time hanging out with me?

Joana: Um yes hahaha it was pretty fun

Andrew: Focus on that

He said getting, Going to the locker room, Guess he finish his work out.. He didn't answer. It was 10pm my babies had school the next day. I grab my keys and left. I seen Derin sitting outside the house in his car guess his waiting on me.


This girl is trying to kill me, These little ass shorts, Why was her breast so full tonight? Where was she? Why does she look sweaty? What activities have she been doing?

Joana: Sorry caught up at the gym

Gym? When does she goes to the gym? Plus guys was at the gym?

Derin: Are you seeing someone? it's okay I know we..

Joana: Derin thank you for bringing them home to sleep for school goodnight.

That Booty? The short was like two hands grabbing both cheeks but obviously loosing. Man I miss her. I went to Cecilia house using my spare keys I waste the whole night moving out. She's been calling nonstop I didn't see any point in talking to her. The next day I decided to go to work. Jerry met with me at the front. This white boy was too emotional, standing there hugging me crying.

Derin: Dude!

Jerry: Am sorry Keisha told me I would never see you again because Cecilia took you to Brazil.

I detach myself from him and proceeded to my office.

Boss: Oh Thank God! meeting room now, Now, Were back on top. We need to seal the deal

The whole day was spent on different meetings. His been postponing meeting waiting for my return haha this guy. It was 8pm when I made it back to my house I was exhausted. The next day was pretty good I had some ideas how I wanted the product pitch to go.


It's been a few days, I had a gym budy haha me and him never discuss the night we might or might not spend together. Am grown I guess he didn't see the point in discussing it.

Andrew: Come on let's get dinner am exhausted. I still can't do 4 hours on the treadmill what got your stamina off the chart like that?

Joana: Haha I use to dance for hours, Days if there was a competition

Andrew: Hmm.

I followed him to a small restaurant haha I've gotten actual gym clothes now "he said that's less distracting" haha I wonder if.. nope joana keep it together, You finally got a good friend.

Andrew: Ready for tomorow?

It was this italian place. He was clearly into his food.

Joana: Do you eat alot Andrew?

Andrew: Yes, Its healthy for a man

Joana: Hmm Well Tomorow is our first day back after our win, Am excited to see what other cases I'll get.

Andrew: Taking the trainings wheels off huh?

Referring to himself.

Joana: You'd want me to get off sooner or later right?

He smirked at that comment guess he was thinking something inappropriate. The rest of the evening we ate and laughed about our coworkers, He was pretty funny

Andrew: There is this new joint I wanted to ask if you'll go with me. haha it's right up your alley. It's different genre, Culture dancers that compete

Joana: Haha no?

Andrew: Haha yes, I personally don't think Haitians have a chance but hey I could be wrong

Joana: Hey! Mind your words those are my people.

Andrew: I figured Ms Jean

That was surprising Noone knew me with that last name only the counselor

Joana: What?

Andrew: Or maybe francois I think that's more common

Than I figured he was making fun of hiatian last name. Haha okay. I told that counselor I slept with Arthur I hope she didn't go spilling her mouth. Honestly Lawford will have a field day with that. We finish our food. I told him "sure we can go"

Andrew: Oh and Mrs Phanor

Joana: It's actually Jean haha you were right.

Andrew: Don't show up looking like a lawyer.

Joana: Haha than how should I dress?

Andrew: Disrespectful.

He said leaving the money on the table as we left. This guy surprised me everytime we hung out together. I drove home feeling like a school girl again his so attractive, Sexy, Something about a level headed man is very attracted to me. I decided to go over Keisha house instead. Keisha been home for the past year and some change, taking care of the baby but I know she's going to go back to work soon. I walked in her house like she usually do me.

Keisha: Girl don't you knock?

Kedaja: Aunty!

The little girl ran up to me hugging me. Keisha was letting her color as she watch her movies and shows. Seems like that's all she does. Kadeja had honey blond curly hair and same eyes as her dad blue

Joana: I think I have a date?

Keisha: I know it wouldn't be long before he digging you out again.

Joana: Who?

Keisha: Derin

Joana: Oh no his moving to Brazil with Cecilia, Thats a crash and burn haha am sure am a Divorcee walking.

I told her Whats been happening this past few days with Andrew and how he ask me to dress Disrespectful. She had the biggest smile.

Keisha: Lets go to my shop to make you Disrespectful

Joana: Wait what?

Keisha: Kedaja pick up your crayon were going to grandma house.

Joana: Oh you and your mom made up?

Keisha: No, I give her 3 thousand every month for giving birth to me but no she is not watching my beautiful angel, Were going to your mom house.

Joana: Alright