Chapter 014

"How about coming with me?"

Those words from Arthur's mouth were enough to make Murkrow stunned. After all, for a Pokemon, a trainer is really important and although most of the time, they don't have a choice, a Pokemon still wants a strong trainer.

A strong trainer meant that they would be able to become stronger and that's what most Pokemon want.

There were even cases when a Pokemon ran away from his trainer because the trainer was not able to help him become powerful. That's why, getting a strong Pokemon trainer was really essential for a Pokemon.

Murkrow was the same.

Living in the Viridian forest alone had made him realise the true reality of the world - Being weak is a crime.

He had suffered a lot just because he was weak and easy to bully. Now, Arthur was giving him a chance to get strong and Murkrow had already seen his capabilities.

Charmander and Mankey had easily defeated the Pinsir that had nearly killed him. There was no doubt that Arthur was a strong trainer, but he still hesitated.

After all, he still has trust issues and there was nothing he could do about it, but Arthur's next words forced him to change his mind.

"Think about it. You are injured and need to rest. In your current state, you won't be able to survive even a single blow, much less survive in this forest alone."


Murkrow blinked his eyes hearing that.

Although he was bandaged now, it was still hard for him to fly. He can't even look for food in his current state and if he accidentally crossed paths with another Pinsir, then he can only wait for his death.

Seeing that Murkrow was contemplating his words, Arthur continued.

"I'm planning to become the best trainer in the world. That means, I would have the strongest Pokemon too and there's no doubt that with a bit of training and guidance, you can become really strong. Think about it a little, I'm not forcing you, but I don't think it's a bad offer for you."

A glint passed through Murkrow's eyes hearing that.

He looked past Arthur and Charmander at the battle marks left by the fight between Pinsir, Charmander and Mankey. Then, he stared at Arthur for a minute.

He was still hesitant, but even he knew that he didn't have any other choice. Moreover, he was still grateful to Arthur for saving his life.

That's why, he nodded his head in the end and cried out in acceptance.


"Trust me, you won't regret your decision."

Arthur said with a smile and took out an empty pokeball. He held it in front of Murkrow who lightly tapped his head on it.

In an instant, Murkrow was sucked into the pokeball and after a few tilts, the pokeball calmed down, indicating that Murkrow was finally captured.

'It was a surprise encounter, but I got a strong flying type Pokemon.'

Arthur thought with a happy smile on his face.

Not only was Murkrow a flying type, it was also a dark type which means that he would be effective against ghost and psychic type Pokemon. It would come in handy when he would fight against Sabrina who uses Psychic type Pokemon and was one of the strongest gym leaders in Kanto.

After all that was done, Arthur again started walking on his path.

He had already invested too much time in fighting the Pinsir and capturing Murkrow. If he didn't hurry, then he would need to spend his night in the middle of the Pinsir territory.

That was risky and that's why, Arthur and Charmander increased their pace.

Due to Murkrow, he needed to change his plans and he can only start his training tomorrow. His training required him to fight in the Beedrill territory and his tactics could fail in the night.

Beedrill were more powerful at night and there was no saying what would happen. It was better to be safe than sorry.

That's why, he decided to use the remaining time today to get a nice resting place.

After all, he would spend quite a few days training in the Beedrill territory.

It took him almost an hour to cross the Pinsir territory, mainly due to the fact that he would need to fight some Pinsirs from time to time.

He was disappointed that there weren't any good aptitude Pinsirs around, but it was still easy experience for Charmander whose amber and dragon tail was enough to take down the wild Pinsirs.

The main reason for the training was to improve his Pokemon's level and to develop new tactics with them. They can't win against Brock if they stayed this low leveled.

Arthur was planning to focus his training more on Charmander and Mankey as he was planning to use both of them against Brock. As for Murkrow, it would take some time for him to recover.

'This place is good enough!'

Arthur sighed in relief as he looked at the tall tree in front of him.

The tree looked good enough for him to be able to sleep on it and there were no wild Pokemon around either. It was probably because it was exactly on the boundary of the Pinsir and Beedrill territory.

Both the Pokemon ethnic groups didn't like each other and they chose to stay away from each other.

This worked for Arthur as he was able to get a nice place thanks to it.

As it was already going to be night in a few hours, he chose to not waste any more time. He collected some dry branches and leafage and started a fire with the help of Charmander.

Thanks to his fire starter, he didn't have to worry about the fire.

After all that was done, he started cooking. He still had some pieces of meat that he had brought in Viridian city and with the berries, he can easily cook quite a lot of dishes.

"Tomorrow, the training will start, so eat enough today."

He said as he looked at Charmander.