Chapter 051

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The next day, Arthur slowly opened his eyes halfway as he woke up from his deep sleep.

The ceiling of the cave came in his blurry vision and it took a while before he was able to recognise where he was.


He groaned a little as he raised his head.

He was still tired and sleeping in the cave was never good for one's back. He checked his pokedex for the time and it was just 7:14 in the morning.

He pondered whether he should sleep for another hour, but decided against it.

"Mankey... thanks for guarding me all night. Now take some... rest." He said in a groggy manner, his sleepiness still affecting him.

As the cave was more dangerous at night thanks to Zubats and other Pokemon that are more active at night, he had asked Mankey to guard him.


Mankey cried out positively and nodded his head. Arthur called him back to his pokeball and stood up.

Today was an important day as he wanted to finish Murkrow's training today. There was a path leading to another cave that he had discovered yesterday which was a home to another group of Zubats.

And it was not just an ordinary group this time.

'There's a Golbat leading the group.'

This group was led by a Golbat, who was one of the three Golbats in the entire Mount moon.

Murkrow's training will officially end when he will be able to defeat Golbat. The three Golbats weren't much different from each other in strengths, so choosing any of them was fine.

But this Golbat had the biggest group of the three.

That's why Arthur decided to specifically challenge him.

If everything went according to his plans, then Murkrow would be able to reach around level 22-23 and defeating a Golbat in a one on one fight would surely increase his confidence.

Arthur was mainly aiming for that.

'It's a really hard thing to exercise regularly.'

He yawned and rubbed his eyes as he thought.

Arthur had started doing basic exercises to keep his body fit. He had thought of doing exercises after what had happened with the Beedrills.

He had been chased around for a long time and his legs had nearly given up.

If not for him taking advantage of the Glooms and Vileplumes, he would have surely been poisoned and killed. Reflecting on that event, he had decided to train his body.

It was not like Arthur wasn't fit.

His body was slim and he had more stamina than the average person, but that was simply not enough to survive in the Pokemon world.

That's why he had even started training his body.

Running wasn't possible in the cave, so he simply did 100 squats, 100 push ups and 100 sit ups which was a famous set of exercises in his old world thanks to a bald superhero.

"Pant... Pant..."

After finishing his last sit up, Arthur was sweating from top to bottom. He swept the sweat up his forehead and drank some water to calm his nerves down.

Then, after taking a short break, he started making breakfast.

Making Pokemon food everyday had already become an usual routine and as he was experimenting to increase the taste and nutritions, it had become more like an interesting hobby.

The breakfast was soon ready and he called all of his Pokemon out of their pokeballs.

Charmander and Murkrow ate the most; both were certified gluttons and they were also influenced by the training awaiting them while Mankey ate slowly, trying to take in the taste of the delicious food.

Only Scyther looked to be in a bad mood as he ate grumpily.

Arthur obviously knew the reason behind it.

Scyther was sulking due to the fact that Charmander was battling against Zubats and getting stronger while he was just wasting time in his pokeball.

As he considered Charmander a rival after getting defeated by it, he wanted to become stronger than him.

Arthur couldn't do anything about it though. Charmander's attacks were just more effective against Zubats and Flame burst was almost perfect for fighting against a large group of Pokemon.

He can add Scyther, but knowing his personality, he would just finish the Zubats on his own.

In the end, he can only console Scyther by saying that he will let him fight against powerful wild Pokemon later.

After eating their breakfast, Arthur stood up and started moving.

He followed the path according to the map he had and reached the pathway to another cave that was the base of the biggest group of Zubats in Mount moon.

As he stepped inside the cave, he noticed that it was even darker than the other caves. The light coming through some cracks in the walls were the only source of illumination.

If he didn't have Charmander, then it would have been really hard for him to traverse through the caves.

'Fire Pokemon sure are useful.'

As soon as he thought that, he noticed something flashing in front of him.

The hair on the back of his hands rose as his instincts screamed of danger. He immediately took a step back and at that exact moment, a sharp needle-like looking thing with a purple glow struck the spot where he was standing.

'... I was lucky.'

Arthur thought as he looked at the sting filled with poison in front of him.

Charmander took a step in front of him and Murkrow who was flying above his shoulders also grew vigilant.

Arthur raised his head to look at the Zubat who had fired the poison sting at him. There were other Zubats surrounding him and all of them seemed to glaring at him, even though they didn't have eyes.

'You will regret trying to attack me. I won't even feel bad this time cause I was attacked first.'

Arthur thought and issued commands to his Pokemon.

A battle started taking place in the cave which was fairly peaceful before as his Pokemon and the group of Zubats battled it out.