Chapter 8- A Pile Of Bones

At this time, as the demon lord had fully formed, all the villagers were running away trying to escape through the gates, but the demon lord, massacred them all, it was a slaughter.

The demon lord was very muscly, had dark blue skin, three times the size of the average person, had black horns, yellow eyes and had dark blue wings, with black talons. All he wore was a brown loincloth with the skulls of a few people he had killed before.

Then, someone returned who had been believed to be dead, Prince Angzel Fururi. He had returned with the three best adventurers in the planet and the demon lord was taken out by the female archer sticking a bunch of fire arrows into him, setting him on fire, the female adventurer using magic, casted explosion magic to destroy him, but the demon lord created shockwaves, so deep that hot magma rose from the earth and a giant pool of lava appeared. Then the magic caster, fired off more explosions and after his limbs had been blown to bits, the male adventurer with the sword cut his head clean off, killing the demon lord and his body falling into the lava.

Ryo was shocked at all this and turned to face Prince Angzel. "Angzel! How are you alive?! I killed you!"

"No, you didn't you see, what you really killed was this." Prince Angzel tossed down a packet of fake blood. "I had it sown onto my shirt, it seems like it came in handy for tricking you."

"Die, you fucker!" Ryo yelled as he dashed toward Prince Angzel, throwing boulders at him, thunder from the skies, and dark energy, which Angzel blocked most of it and endured the hits he couldn't deflect. "Ryo, you just made the mistake that will end your life." Then Prince Angzel started counting.

Then, a woman appeared and stopped Lyonlu's life being sucked out of her. "Ellie Crimell, why are you here?" asked Ryo.

"Simply put, to stop you and your plans."

Ellie had long white hair, purple eyes and wore a black blusher veil, which had been pulled back, and had a purple and white dress. She had black high heels on.

Then, while Ryo was busy fighting Prince Angzel, Ellie took Kyona to a safe space and explained some things to her.

"We are inside a space in a different world now Kyona, I wanted to explain some things to you. Say, have you heard of the seven deadly sins?"

"Yes, I have, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Envy and Sloth right?"

"Precisely. Now, five of those sins died a long time ago, by some heroes. It was so long ago, I cannot remember what they looked like or their names. The ones who died back then were: Lust, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony and Sloth. The sin of Greed is Ryo Nozomi and the sin of Envy is me, Ellie Crimell."

Kyona asked "So, what happens to you and Ryo now?"

"Simple, we must perish to bring peace to the world. So, in other words, we need to be killed." Ellie paused for a second. "Oh, it looks like Ryo's fight is coming to an end, let's go back."

Then, Ellie took herself and Kyona back to where Prince Angzel and Ryo were fighting, they both looked very wounded and Angzel was stuck on a ground spike and the injured bodies of both Klawe who had returned to her human-like form and Lyonlu were laying on the ground.

Just then, Ellie felt a slight sadness, that, if Ryo were to die, she would be alone and have to carry the weight of all the seven deadly sins, on herself.

So, she attacked Prince Angzel. "Ice Shard!" She shot a big shard of ice towards Prince Angzel, and it froze his arm, but he still continued to count.

"Hey Ryo, you remember yet? Its March 30th 10:59. Do you know what this means?" Prince Angzel asked Ryo as he had an iron grip on Ryo's wrist. Ryo realised, it was nearly the curse he had placed on Prince Angzel's time to end.

Ellie realized this too as she shot a second ice shard and it hit Prince Angzel's other arm, which it froze, but this was one of the worst things she could have possibly done, Prince Angzel's grip on Ryo was even stronger than before and as the countdown had only a few seconds left, she rushed over to Ryo to try to free him, while Kyona ran behind Ellie to try to stop her, but Kyona heard Angzel and the count was getting too low, so to save herself, she ran backwards and shouted to Ellie "Ellie, its no use, run, this curse will end soon and it will probably be very bad!"

Ellie replied with "I know, but I can't bear having no company with me in the safe world! I would rather die than be alone!" Kyona was shocked and tried to persuade Ellie to come back, but she didn't listen.

Then Prince Angzel had almost finished counting. "Two." He muttered. "One." Ryo screamed at him. "Angzel, you Bastard!" and threw the dark red stone into the lava.

"Zero." Then, the time struck March 31st 11:00pm. Prince Angzel, while holding onto Ryo and Ellie being there with them, exploded and Ryo and Ellie were both destroyed along with Prince Angzel.

Kyona, along with Klawe and Lyonlu cried, looking at the damage and the cracks in the ground, the charred earth and the lava cracks created by the demon lord's rampage. But then, a loud rumbling sound was heard.

"I have a bad feeling about this. Why aren't the others here yet? They should be! Are they held up with all the masses of enemies, that was their army, while we are stuck with the bosses?" Kyona wondered.

Meanwhile, on the border in between Grobneser and Pusia, Abigail, Centus, Clara, Angie, Hirohi, Mai, Arachu, Daigha, Aiko, Brock, Shinto and Sploop were fighting continuous hordes of enemies and only one enemy was remaining, which was easily taken out and everyone was tired and breathing heavily. Then they went to Pusia, thinking everything was over. But in Larginia, the situation was entirely different to theirs. Kyona, Lyonlu and Klawe were in danger.

Suddenly, a massive dark red beam of light came from the blood red sky and plunged into the lava, making the stone glow.

"No way, don't tell me, the demon lord is still alive?!" The demon lord barely survived the adventurers from earlier and this time he rose from the lava, but, he had grown in size and his whole appearance was skeletal. From his wings to his skull to his claws and torso, everything was just bone.

As the Demon Lord roared with its newfound power, the true demon lord boss fight was just beginning.

As the skeletal lord swung with his hands and claws he destroyed everything in his path, but the structure made him weaker. Since he was only bones, if Kyona and the other two could find something big and hard enough to smash bone, the demon lord would be killed once and for all. But where would they find such a thing?

The skeletal lord then walked towards Klawe, who had found a healing potion off of Babylone's corpse and had healed herself. She then, transformed into her full dragon self and breathed fire to burn the Skeletal lord alive, but it did nothing at all and Klawe was scratched and knocked back. Then she flew up in the air and the skeletal lord did the same with his bone wings and flew up after her. Kyona said to Lyonlu, "I think we should leave this fight to Klawe, we have no chance in beating that thing and they are fighting in mid-air." Lyonlu agreed.

Meanwhile, Klawe flew up really high into the sky and scratched the skeletal lord which left marks on his bones. Klawe realized that attacking the bones was not going to do anything to him. So, she decided to go for the all-stats boost Haneglyph stone stuck in the skeletal lord's forehead.

She scratched it and it cracked a little, so she kept scratching it until it looked like it was about to break, but this was part of the skeletal lord's plan, to make Klawe think she had won, but in fact, she had not and the skeletal lord scratched through Klawe's hardened scales, hurting her a lot, which made her bleed. But, the skeletal lord's hand was broken from scratching the scales and fell to the ground, meaning he had one hand and a wrist.

Klawe then, flew up higher and equipped her newly bought golden claws onto her claws and then divebombed the skeletal lord, the skeletal lord picking up on this attack, blocked with his wings, which Klawe's golden claws destroyed, then she hit the stone with her claws and destroyed it.

The demon lord, with no wings fell to the ground and was just a torso with a head and arm. The Skeletal lord attacked Klawe's legs with the last of his strength, but then Klawe kicked her feet with the golden claws equipped and kicked the skeletal lord's head into the sky where it flew into space and was never seen again. "I'm sure you would have been much stronger had you not been reduced to a skeleton and hadn't had faced those top adventurers."

Then Klawe returned to Kyona and Lyonlu, where they went to the countryside shack and lived there together, until the ground had naturally formed back together and the lava had been turned into hot water. The reign of Ryo Nozomi and the demon lord was finally over.

Chapter 8 End