The Final Chapter - Robots And Lasers

(Crescental: A robot with a crescent moon for a head, an eye with a black pupil on either side of its head, with a mouth with sharp teeth, it had a circular lamp body look, with thin wiry arms and legs that had glass balls attached to it with green liquid in them, and has two metal claw grabbers for hands and feet.)

The army rushed towards the group.


"We're almost there, I think." said Kyona, as she felt a presence nearby while they were walking through the base. With leaky pipes leaking sewage water drops out of them on the ceiling, the group, once they turned right at the first corner, they came face to face with the group of crescentals. "Tch, these things, made in factories in the dungeon artificially, they're usually used for training purposes, but these have a will of their own?! exclaimed Kyona.

Lyonlu said "These'll be easy, we just need to stay back and throw our weapons, they have three glass balls sticking out of the wires, each one has twelve hits to defeat it, but we have enough weapons. Go on ahead, Kyona, end this once and for all!" Kyona nodded and ran off. She ran through the Zig-Zag corridor and through several automatic doors, past several turns, until she made it to the second to last turn, a left, then right turn, but she was met with Ken.

Ken had a blaster equipped, built into his arm, which fired light blue lasers and his core with a red one. "You aren't getting past me, princess." Then Ken smirked and started charging up his red core laser and his blue blaster laser, Kyona with quick thinking dashed to the side, before they fired. The lasers mixed together and created a purple laser that shot down the corridor and destroyed the wall. Then, Ken, being the overconfident fool that he was, dashed towards Kyona and punched her several times, but she spotted a weak spot and stuck her dagger into the blue arm blaster. It jammed it! Ken pushed the limits of the blaster and it, while charging up, incinerated the dagger that was stuck into it and with another punch, Ken knocked Kyona flying into the wall behind her.

Meanwhile, further back through the corridor:

"We got these robotic moon freaks down, just that bastard Ken left to go! I hear walls crumbling, we need to hurry. Alright team, let's go!" shouted Lyonlu.

"Yeah!" everyone else in the group said, as they ran through the corridors.

Back at the fight:

"Kyona, you aren't looking too good, you've got some bruises and are bleeding, are you really that weak?" asked Ken.

Kyona got up from the fall weakly. "I still have some fight left in me." she muttered. "I can't hear you." mocked Ken. Lyonlu finally arrived and shouted, "She said she's still got some fight left in her, as have we!"

"Oh, we'll see about that." said Ken, as he tapped a device, that threw a cage on top of everyone in the group but Kyona, and it hoisted them up into the air. Kyona, angered said, "You won't get away with this, Ken!"

"Really, you clearly don't have the power to defeat me, plus, I have been watching, I saw you tried to sneeze, but you can't. There is no hope left for you. Now die, all of you! Starting with you, KYONA!" shouted Ken, as he charged up both his lasers to create another massive purple one, Kyona heard a voice.

"Kyona, you are in dire need of help, you have become pure enough to obtain new power, will you serve god, willingly and promise to stay pure?"

Kyona kept calm. "Yes, I do, if it'll help our current situation."

The voice said, "Very well, you are ready, It seems. I, the god of creation, will provide you with the power needed to defeat this enemy." A beam of light then enveloped Kyona as she screamed.

After the light beam was over, she sprouted white angelic wings, her clothes had changed into a pure white dress and she had a small halo above her head. She then, took out her remaining dagger and took the halo from above her head and fused the halo with the dagger, extending the dagger into a sword, that was glowing with a yellow blade and white handle, and it had tremendous power. She sneezed, turning into Anoyk. Anoyk had also gained these powers and had a black and red dress, with black bat wings and a sword with a black glowing blade and a blue handle. Her eyes glowed.

Ken freaked out. "Who the fuck are you?" He stepped back panicking. Anoyk replied, "The one that will end your life." Then she dashed forward too fast for the naked eye to see and she was behind Ken. Ken's face was shocked and he tried firing up his blue blaster but it failed to charge. He looked down at his red core and it had been broken through, with red shards of glass and energy spilled out in front of him. He felt around his nonexistent chest core for a few seconds before falling to the ground, not moving. He had died. The cage fell out of the air and crashed to the ground and was unlocked with Ken's death. Anoyk then sneezed and she returned to Kyona. "Don't mess with us. Ever." The group then made sure everyone was alright and with Kyona at the lead, made their way to the base, where their final opponent, Zhaknir was waiting for them.

They were almost at the underground base room, when a floating white ball floated towards Lyonlu and passed into her. Lyonlu groaned, moving side to side, clutching her head trying to control, the pain, but, it was no use, her clothes burst and her eyes were black and had glowing, white pupils. A thin black fabric appeared underneath her breasts, with skeletal claws supporting them so the fabric wouldn't break. The black panties she wore had claws like that too. Spikes starting growing out her shoulders, arms, back and tail and her black hair grew to long, straight hair and her nails grew longer and sharp. "I like this new body, I do, Hahahahahahaaaa."

He tried to punch Kyona and wrap his new tail around Kyona so he could shoot out spikes from Lyonlu's body, but It didn't work.

"That white thing was your soul, huh, I think, things that die, should stay dead, Ken Kagawa!" Angel Kyona plunged her holy sword into the possessed Lyonlu.

"I never thought, you would have the resolve… to stab… your best friend." coughed Ken. Just, then, a holy beam came from the sword and destroyed Ken's soul, letting Lyonlu take back control of her own body and everything about her returned to normal.

"What's this?" Kyona picked up a phone. She saw an overview of Larginia and a red laser was destroying parts of the city! It was a robot head! "Is that the second apprentice?" said Kyona. "We need to take him out, immediately, before they destroy the whole city. Kyona nodded to the group, told them to go and get to the base as soon as possible and everyone made it to the base as fast as they could.

They were met with a guy, wearing a black dress suit jacket, with a white shirt underneath, a black tie, black trousers and black office derby shoes. He had short, messy, black hair, wore square glasses and had a soul patch beard. He had light blue eyes. He walked up to them. "Bravo, you defeated everyone I put against you, but it's too late, my ultimate weapon is destroying your city as we speak. I'll just remove the chip here. Now I have full control of it." The guy laughed as the robot crouched down from the ceiling. "I am your worst nightmare, they call me Zhaknir. I was the one behind the controlling of your friends. The dark one had bestowed the power upon me of the wormholes, so I could mess with time and space as we know it."

"Why are you doing all this? Why?" cried Kyona.

"It's revenge. Revenge for killing our master, Ryo Nozomi!" As soon as Zhaknir said that, he opened a hatch inside of the massive machine and crawled into it. He retracted its head to make it have a small neck, it was a massive robot. It had big metal tubes for arms and legs and its neck, big robotic hands and feet with the arms having one panel on each of them, its head, looked like a skull, with red glowing eyes and an open mouth, it had black horns on the skull and a glass top, fixed on the skull with silver studs and it had a yellow glowing core. "My ultimate creation, The Big Bad Robot of Destruction!"

Zhaknir, in the robot, picked up two big Uzis and had the robot hold them. He fired, like crazy while laughing maniacally. The group hid behind cover. "There's nowhere to run, come out wherever you are!" Then the automatic metal door leading to the base shut. There were only desks and monitors to hide behind. Kyona then, flew out of hiding and stabbed through the yellow core of the robot. "There you are, Kyona." said Zhaknir from inside the robot. An explosion happened, where the core used to be, but it did no severe damage. Then, The Big Bad Robot Of Destruction, shot at Kyona, creating several holes in her, which she healed up after a few seconds, with her angelic powers. She then went back into hiding. "Everyone, use whatever ranged attacks you can against it, I'll distract him." Everyone agreed. Kyona flew around the area, distracting Zhaknir, as he desperately tried to shoot at the flying Kyona. Arachu shot some silk at the robot, constricting its leg, which it didn't notice. Twinky threw her cutlass at it, but it got stuck, then, Daigha used the power of blood and dark spells to splatter a black liquid on the robot's arm, alerting Zhaknir's attention and just when he was about to shoot at Daigha, the black liquid expanded and exploded. With the explosion the arm had been destroyed, coming off of the robot. "What?!" shrieked Zhaknir. "How did he find my weakness?!"

Kyona spotted the panels on the arms were not shut correctly and batteries used as backup power sources were exposed slightly. With only one arm and one Uzi left to use, Zhaknir shot at Klawe, frantically searching for a target. Klawe tried to breathe and withstand the pain. Kyona, pissed off at seeing her friend hurt, leapt up the robot running up it and stuck her holy sword into the other arm's exposed batteries, destroying the arm as she leapt away.

While the group was trying to heal Klawe, Zhaknir's robot was exploding and he slammed the eject button and the head of the robot with the final backup power supply, ejected from the body and on its chin, it grew a spike on the bottom of it and metallic, black, tentacle-shaped arms, came out of the skull's sides, 2 on each, with metal plates on them and 5 claw-like fingers on each one. Zhaknir then flew through the wall opposite the base's entrance and destroying the wall, flew through it, using a red laser coming from the spike, into the secret subway tunnel that eventually led up to the surface.

Kyona returned to the others, who were beside Klawe and said "Everyone, help Klawe get to the surface. I will defeat Zhaknir alone." Everyone nodded except for Lyonlu.

"I'm coming with you." said Lyonlu.

"Alright, I suppose I won't be able to talk you out of it, huh?" sighed Kyona.

Kyona then flew through the subway tunnel with Lyonlu, running beside her.

Kyona flew, avoiding the laser Zhaknir was controlling as he was swerving the skull and dodging her attacks, then Kyona flew down to him and the laser pointed upwards, singeing a hole through one of Kyona's wings, making her tumble on top of the glass top, the robot lost it's balance and crashed nearly into the ground since the laser was propelling it forward.

She stabbed the glass top with her holy sword, but a shield was put up by the panicking Zhaknir as she struck, and he swerved to try to shake her off, crashing in between the sides of the walking platforms of the subway, but she held on with all her strength. Her holy sword could not break through the shield, she tried with all her might, but it wouldn't pierce through. As the exploding body of the robot was destroying the base, the subway ceiling was crumbling too. Lyonlu finally caught up with Angel Kyona and Zhaknir. Zhaknir noticed this and sent the tentacle-like arms for her, and they grabbed ahold of her and held her on one side of the speeding robot skull.

Kyona then jumped off the skull and out of instinct, freed Lyonlu from the grip of the claws and destroyed them.

Kyona felt a huge amount of rage building up inside her, which with the help of Lyonlu calming her, still being held by Kyona, Kyona controlled that rage and used it in the form of power. The power from Kyona and Lyonlu's rage as they both held the holy sword together, changed the sword's color from yellow to red and they both yelled. "Die Zhaknir!" Then Kyona as though she knew, let go of Lyonlu and flew after Zhaknir's robot skull, with a white trail following her.

Lyonlu then, turned into the form she had when Ken had possessed her, and with black bat wings with the bones exposed, flew after Kyona with a red trail behind her. They both landed on Zhaknir's robot skull and yelled together "With the power from our rage and the memories of all that were lost, we shall defeat you, Raging Friendship Blade!" Then they both combined their weapons into one, Kyona's glowing sword, and Lyonlu's glowing silver brass knuckles, and stuck it through Zhaknir's shield, destroying it and piercing through the glass head. Zhaknir only just managing to avoid this yelled, "How did you break through my shield?! Don't you dare touch that power supply, you fucking brats!" Then, the combined sword pierced the power supply, making it explode and killing Zhaknir, while Kyona and Lyonlu flew away they hovered above the walking platform of the subway and watched as the robotic skull's side blew, and it span sideways out of the subway. The laser blew, as it crashed downward and landed face first into the ground, before blowing up completely. The voice came back and said, "Your time is up." Then Kyona and Lyonlu's ultimate forms were taken away from them and they fell unconscious.