Terrible Idea

Drean's P.O.V

   A loud horn gets blown as I was running through the forest of chīkàô with my two cellmates so we can get out of this mess. Guards chase us with their weapons in hand; I look behind and see that one guard is flying in the air holding a spear.

"Jump to the left, Justice!" I screamed.

   They jump and roll down, and the spears' speed cuts through the branches of the trees. It breaks off and hits the dirt, and turns into moss right away. Justice gets up and brushes themselves off right away and tries to catches up with us; as we get closer to the edge of this horrible Island, I feel my winds start to open up. I try and flap, but it dropped down.

   I look to my right and see Zephyr try and use her powers, but nothing comes out; I frown the same as Her I look back at Justice, and they are running to the waterfall.

"Drean, Zephyr, Follow me!" Justice demands.

   We both follow them to the waterfall, and they jump and turn into a Cruat they fly in the air. I look back and see the guards stop in shock, we jump, and Justice catches us, and we fall on their back. The guard with the winds didn't stop. She keeps following us three, I see a silver shine, and the sharp blade grazed along my cheekbone, causing blood to drip down my face; my eyes go wide the Dagger gets thrown and hits Zephyr turning to face her, seeing it's in her eye.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah," Zephyr screams in pain.

   She pulls the dagger out and her eye attached, blood gushes out, and she falls and becomes Unconscious. I pull Zephyr and rest her head on my thighs. I rip my t-shirt and fold it so I could try and stop the bleeding, I look back at the guard, and she's not that far behind.

   I take off Zephr's eye and aim at the guard's eye. She falls well, screaming, and I look back at Zephyr and the bleeding stops.

"Justice, do you know anyone that would help her?" I ask.

They don't respond; they only fly ahead to safety.

"We need to go to the forest of kámôtch to her. She's a good healer, and she could maybe fix your wings?" Justice mumbled.

"My wings?" I mumble.

   I shiver and feel my powers break free. I think my elf/këto break free; I feel myself getting taller and simmer each second; I'm waiting for it to entirely go back to normal, how I like it to be.  I look up in the sky as clouds move; on top of the shadows, I see a kingdom and citizens walking freely and happy.

Opening up my arms feeling the cold breeze brush against my skin as Drean fly's us away. At the back of my head, it starts to throb in pain; putting a little pressure on it, I groan and lean forward.

"You okay, Drean?" Justice asks with a low growl.

"N-n-no," I stutter.

Justice's P.O.V

   As Drean and Zephyr are on my back, I sound asleep as I fly East to the forest of kámôtch. I hear screams of men, women and children. I close my eyes. I see them running in fear from her that Beast. I open my eyes and see a beach full of guards from the Royal Family, the whites.

"Justice keep flying. Don't stop even if it hurts," Zephr whimpers.

I change myself into a white Dragon. I fly high into the clouds so the guards can't see me. I feel someone get up and stand on my back.

"We can go to Ella's kingdom to rest for a few days; then we'll go to the forest," Drean explains.

Going back to that place hurts all the horrible memories coming all back.

* Flashback *

I was being chained to the wall, the metal hot burning my skin, being forced to pay for what I didn't do. I was short of breath the door opens when I see Cindy walking down quietly. She holds out a key and unlocks me. I fall to the ground.

"Justice, I'm here to let you free, but there's a price to pay," Cindy mumbles.

I look up and try and open my eye, but it throbs in pain. I got given a black eye after saying the wrong thing.

"I'd rather die than corporate with you," I say in pain.

"I just need you to get me something special its daggers, that's all," Cindy Softly spoke.

"Daggers? Don't you have enough?" I question.

She helps me up. She walks over to a wall and presses a brick, and an entrance to a tunnel appears.

"These Daggers belong to my great-great-grandmother. They got taken away, and she got killed by an individual. I will reward you if you get them for me," Cindy smiles.

"What's that?" I ask.

* flashback ended *

"I can't go back there. She'll kill me" I tremble

"Cindy will feed us and let us stay there maybe," Drean says softly.

"Fine, but what way is it?" I question.

I roll my eyes, knowing the direction already, but I've been trying to forget for two years.

"East-North," Drean mumbles.

   I frown and change direction to East-North. A raindrop falls on my forehead; it starts to rain. I fly higher to avoid the rain so it doesn't make scars on my body.

   I look at the stars to see what way I'm going; I reach out my arm out to a bright pink star. Wishing I was back home, but I can not understand how my people have great anger against my name. A single tear goes down; it burns my skin. I wipe it quickly so It doesn't make a scar.


Time passes, and I see the kingdom that's on top of a hill. It's Turquoise. I fly down to the garden and sigh in relief Drean and Zephyr gets off my back and change back to my human form.

"Wait here. I'll go get Cindy," Drean

I sit down next to Zephyr. I place my hand on her shoulder. She moans and opens her eye, and gives a weak smile.

"Hey, Justice,"  Zephyr says weakly.

"Hey," I replied.

   I stare out at the beautiful garden. where such horror stays around this place, once were many more people and I were tortured maybe killed here for their "wrongdoing." 

I hear footsteps behind me; I turn around and see Drean and Cindy holding hands, Smiling. We make eye contact. Her smiles drop. She glares down at me with great disgust

"What is that thing doing here," Cindy growls.

"That thing is my friend, and their name is Justice," Drean replied.

I stand up and walk over to the two of them; I slap Cindy across the face.

"Gæthìē kóat" I scream.

Drean glares at me well; Zephyr laughs at what I just said to Cindy.

"What did they say to me, Drean?" Cindy asks.

"You don't want to know," Drean mumbles.

She rolls her eyes and turns around.

"Whatever, follow me. You'll need a place to stay for a couple of days," Cindy says suspiciously.

She turns her head and looks at me well, glaring; I walk over to Zephyr and help her up, she puts her arm around my shoulder, and I hold her around her waist; I shrug in return two of us follow Drean slowly.

"What's the history between you two?" Zephyr says Amused.

She looks over at me and smiles; I look back at her then look at Cindy.

"I'll tell you the story when Drean is asleep," I calmly say.


Zephyr's P.O.V

The calmness in their voice sends a chill down my back; they were never calm; Justice was more of a serious person. After a while, we finish walking up this hill; I let out a sigh and look at the beautiful Copper turquoise staircase. I look at the railing pure gold; I shake my head only to remember this family is Royal and only cares about themselves.

The sound of Cindy's slippers shoots to my head only to give me a throbbing headache, flap, flap, flap. That sound makes me sick to the stomach; I place a hand over my mouth, and Justice looks at me well, tilting their head.

I shake my head responses; three days, just three days, I remind myself.

"Three days and two nights, Zephyr," Justice says bitterly.

I look at them and move my hand back to my side and give them a wry smile, only a few more steps up and well be in front of the castle door. 

"Drean, I'll let you guys sleep in my room; all the maids would recognize you three and report you to the whites," Cindy says, taunting.

She opens the door to her family's home; the light shines brightly off of three diamond chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. I look over at Justice, and fear is all over their face; all I can think of is 'I'll tell you the story when Drean is asleep' drean follows Cindy, and she takes off her muddy shoes, the two of us follow and do the same thing.

We walk across the vast living room. I look down at the rug. It's a white-furred light blue scaled  Cruat, the head was at the end of a huge coffee table that looked like a tree, and red ruby was on top, imitating to look like leaves. I look ahead and see Drean smiling at Cindy, as she laughs at something that I couldn't hear some stupid joke Cindy made . . . I then look at Justice, and they shake their head in disapproval.

We make it to a bookshelf. Cindy pulls a book forward and lands back in place; the bookshelf groans and moves forward. Cindy pushes the bookshelf onto its right, and a thing spiral staircase leads downstairs. Only candles give us light going down; I let go of Justice and hold onto the railing. I gulp and place one foot in front of the other; a small creek comes off the single stair as I put all my weight down. Justice places a hand on my shoulder and gives it a slight squeeze; I walk down, feeling calmer as they're behind me.

I look along the walls and written papers all along in their language. I could only read bits and pieces of each article along the border.

Dear  Miss Ella.

I would appreciate it if  one of your best gunmen to

I frown and continue to walk down. Justice lets go of my shoulder and sights; I stop and look behind and see them looking at one piece of paper. I saw their name and frown.

Ella, this is your dear old friend Kim. I am now Queen. A dangerous person has flown from my planet to yours, his name is Justice, and you and your people are in great danger.  When you find him, please inform me then I would like to give you a special present for my thanks. I would come and give it to you in person.

Someone ripped off the paper, I look at Justice, and they're wiping off their tears fast. I grab their hand and give it a slight squeeze, we continue walking down the stairs, and we see Drean changing into an oversized t-shirt. I look away and over my shoulder; I see them frown and blush. Well, looking away, I let out a small sigh, remembering we are only friends. 

"I got clothes for you, Justice . . . and I don't know your name, but I might get you a dress that would fit you?" Cindy says Irritated.

"Cindy is here to help us, not report us, Justice," Drean says, relaxed.

I look over at Cindy, and she shrugs well turning around, I walk down the last few step, and the cold floor on my feet send a chill throughout my whole body. I look down at my feet and wiggle my toes to see a grey cat curled up in a ball resting. I look behind me, and Justice isn't there; I look back at the cat and pick them up, knowing they probably didn't want to wear her clothes.

"It's okay, Justice. You're safe with me," I say sympathetically.

I walk over to the U-shaped couch and place Justice down gently and sit next to them.

Dean's P.O.V

I walk over to Cindy's bed and sit at the edge; I look over to Zephyr & Justice in the form of a grey cat.

A soft knock to the wall catches my attention to my right, where Cindy is standing with a white nightgown. She walks over to her couch and places the dress down for Zephyr; I dig my nails into the mattress, knowing little about Justice.

I see Cindy standing in front of me, arms crossed; I look up and smile. I lift my hand for a gestured to sit down. She holds my hand well, sitting next to me, and places her head on my shoulder; I kiss the top of her head and smile.

"I'm glad you three made it out safe," Cindy says proudly.

I squeeze Cindy's hand.

"I missed you, Cindy," I say, exhausted.

I let go of her hand and reach her golden-brown hair; Cindy turns her head and looks down at me.

"Do you know what they'll do to guys when they find you?" Cindy says bitterly.

"We're not going to get caught; I've figured out a good plan," I say, irritated.

"You? We all figured it out, Drean," Justice snarls.

I push myself up and look over at them and see they're showings their teeth.


As the clock on the wall ticks and ticks reminds me of the nights I stayed here on different occasions. I look to my right at Cindy, sound asleep. She turns over and whimpers; I slowly get up to light a few candles in her room, hoping that'll work.

"It was a year ago when it all happened . . . that night when I got caught by her, she knew who I was even when I shifted into an animal . . . but I was too late she knocked me out, I was out cold without knowing," Justice says shamefully.

I look over to my left and see their knees are to their chest and their playing with their thumbs well talking.

 Zephyr gives a questioning look.

Make it to a drawer and open it, grabbing three tall candles; I use my magic to make holders block the light a little; it now shines a purple. I use my magic to let the candles fly around the room in a circle. I slowly walk past Justice and Zephyr wanting to hear more about the story . . . I shamefully change into my other form.

"I was chained well droplets of water fell over my whole body; she placed a note in front of me to remember what I did . . . I told her I didn't do it, but she didn't listen," Justice says, scared.

I sit at the edge of the bed and look over at the two of them. Zephyr places a hand on their shoulder; I lay down and cover myself with the soft blanket.

"No, don't. I didn't mean too" Cindy mumbles.

I look over to her and let out a small sigh.

"It was over an hour when she left me, the droplets of water stopped, and my skin was covered in scars, and steam was coming off of my body. I was out of breath and worn out until she came back," Justice says anxiously.

"May I see the scars if possible?" Zephyr lowered her voice.

I look across at the two of them and see Justice change their form into their natural body; the dim light in the middle of the room lets me see a little of them. Their eyes got more narrow; the hair is about shoulder length, the body weight, and high stays the same as the visible scars on them are big and going down from head to toe. Zephyr cover's her mouth in shock, getting a closer look; they look away in shame, not wanting to look her in the eyes.

"I know all of them are ugly. That's why I shift into a new skin, into an animal which is most of the time," Justice says, horrific.

"They aren't ugly Justice . . . it just proves how strong you're what you went through," Zephyr says hurtfully.

Tears start to build up when she said that. Zephyr pulls Justice and embraces them; they go stiff from that close embrace.

"I'm not done, Zepy . . . she opened the door that led to her house she walked out with a metal bucket with something in it, I remember looking up in pain. She was walking downstairs as her heels clicked and clicked, going down each step. She wore a mask this time. she got to the bottom she put the bucket down she walked over to the wall and grabbed one of her many weapons hanging then she said 'You know Justice my dear friend your Queen gave me new stuff to torture you she gave it last week' her heels drove me crazier it was worse than being tortured." Justice says Dreadful.

Zephyr gives a hum in response. 

"she knocked me out, and I remember being chained against the wall. She was standing next to this. She dropped the whip into the bucket, and it splashed, and some droplets of water fell on me. She kept asking the same fucking question, 'are you the one who killed the Queen's daughter's husband' I replied the same thing over and over, 'I didn't kill him! the daughter did it herself' I remember her picking put that damn bucket with the whip inside and standing behind me where I couldn't see her; she whipped me with the water. I screamed in pain she didn't stop for hours . . . dipped in water over and over until blood was going down my back," Justice says, panicked.

They go quiet, and all I hear is them softly crying, frowning in frustration, not being able to go over to them and give a hug. Because they're mad at me because of Cindy's family because I'm friends with her. . . turning to my side and letting out a small sigh.

"Justice . . . why would you still go back to this place if you know what happened to you a year ago?" Zephyr questions.

"Because Drean won't listen to me or you she . . . she's selfish and inconsiderate about everything it's hard not to throw a few Punch's at her to get her mind in the right place," Justice snarls.

"Inconsiderate, inconsiderate fucking inconsiderate!!! I've been there for them throughout the whole fucking prison," I think to myself.

"She's been there for you, justice. . Like that time when we were digging through that stupid rock mine, and that guard started to whip you out of nowhere?" Zephyr says unpleasantly.

"Yeah, she's also eavesdropping, Hìçtb," Justice says unpleased.

I slowly sit up and looking over at them, seeing them give a hateful glare.

"Well, I am fucking inconsiderate, Justice," I mumble.

You are them. Please stand up stand slowly walk over to Cindy and me, taking the blanket off, getting ready to protect her at any cost no matter what.

Walking to the side of the bed I'm on, they lean down and place a hand on the edge of the bed, their warm breath sending chills throughout my whole body.

"Úly'ōl örêçtpt érh ëñvē fí êsh's ē'ïlk'ld ñtœñçîn lõép'ëp õwh âdh ìälfêms‽," Justice says harshly.

I would take my own life for her because Cindy and her family have taken care of me since I was fourteen . . . They take ahold of my forearm, and their hand sifts long nails digging into me, feeling my blood trail down. Hissing in pain, they press their nails deeper and tearing my skin well; they slowly go to my wrist.

Tears start to form up, going down as more blood warms my skins and touching the sheets causing it to become damp, letting go of my forearm and wiped their hand on their pants.

Turning around and shifting into a cat and walking away. Sitting up and ripping the sheets and wrapping them around my cuts well, putting pressure on top, hoping to stop it bleeding, looking at the palm of my hand hope more of my magic can take form.

"If I can keep candles hovering in the air, I should be able to do a lot more," I think to myself.

Nothing comes out. Cursing softly and getting up and out of her bed, I walk into the bathroom, turning on the sink and unwrapping the torn sheet and dropping it onto the ground, causing the rug to change colour red. Placing my forearm under the water, feeling it starts to sting, the dried-up blood not leaving, so I begin to rub at it

Tears begin to form and go down my cheeks, changing my form back to my natural body. 

"What'd that prison put in everyone's food?" I softly question.

I was looking into the mirror only to see that my eyes didn't change back. . . turning off the sink and grabbing the towel and drying my forearm off and leaving the bathroom well walking over to Cindy's bed only to see her sitting up looking over at the bathroom, smiling at her and sitting at the edge.

"Why are you still up? It's four in the morning?" Cindy murmured.

I was hiding my forearm behind my back and smile at her.  

"I just needed to wash my face," I softly say.

Caressing the top on my hand, well looking into my eyes as I look back into hers, she pulls me forward and stroking my hair back. Feeling calm by her touch, I rest my head on her shoulder and start to feel tired, placing my legs on the bed and wrap my other arm around her waist to embrace her to only fall asleep closer to her.