
Justice's P.O.V

Standing in front of the tunnel that leads us outside, I turn around and look at Drean hugging Cindy as she lets outcries.

"Come on; you don't have all day to say goodbye to your precious Princess."

I begin to walk down as my footsteps echo, reminding me of that night like it's happening all over again. I was looking over my shoulder once again, shaking in fear to see if Zyeph and Drean are behind me.

As we continue walking down the long, dark and dirty path that leads us outside, I touch the wall feeling how smooth until my hand hits something that feels like metal bars like a prison.

"Wonder if that prisoner is alive or dead?" I think to myself

I stop and look inside, turning into a qeeil, shrinking down to the size of my palm with ten legs and a pair of wings that rest in my back. Not only that, but I begin to make my way slowly to the wall, hearing soft gasps of breathing. Turning back into a human and bending down to see a man in his mid-thirties as he has his hands over his stomach, and he doesn't bother to look up at me.

"Please kill me. I can't handle it anymore, Catherine," he whispered.

"I'm not that monster, sir. Let me help you be in peace."

He looked up at me and smiles; I grab my knife on my side and point it to his heart.

"You will be king one day with your beautiful wife that sits next to you. People will cheer on for you long live the king, Justice," he spoke softly.

"I am a pawn, weak only used as a prisoner that no eyes will look my direction, sir."

I stab the guy in the heart as blood starts leaking out, falling onto my new boots as I hear a scream from behind me. I take the knife out and lick his blood, tasting the bitterness only to spit it out onto the wall.


I hear one of the two puke and the other gasp, turning around to see Zephyr leaning forward, some puke going down her chin, and Drean covering her mouth.

"He wanted me to kill him."

I walk away from the man and unbuttoning my rain jacket to wipe my blade off on my pants. Zephyr wipes the puke off of her chin and looks me in the eyes.

"How ruthless, Justice," Drean mumbled.

Changing my right arm into a Cruat, I break the cell bars into two directions, it falls my way, and I step to the side as the sound echoes against the wall. I walk out of the cell and step into the puke, shaking it off as I cringe.

"Let's hurry and get out of here, guys."

Walking past Drean hitting her shoulder as she takes hold of my shoulder and pulls me forward.

"I'm not going to deal with your bullshit, Justice. This family helped Zephyr. They healed her miss eyes, so it doesn't get an infection, and they had to help me too from what you did to my arm the other night. Now stop being a fucking child and act your age. You're twenty years old, for fuck sakes."

'Acting all mature for not reason,' I think to myself.

"Have nothing to say, huh? That's what I thought"

She walked past me hitting my shoulder with a sigh. I look over at Zephyr, and she shakes her head well, shrugging.


After leaving that place, I turn and look back at the palace in the distance on top of the hill trees covering more than half of it, only to see the roof of it as it shines in the sun.

"Come on, hurry up the walk is long, and we need to find a cave too," Drean shouts.

Lifting the backpack and tightening it around my shoulders, jogging my way over to the two of them.

Looking at drean, seeing her back with two huge marks going down her shoulder blades, she unties her hair as the wind blows it in different directions.

"Do you two also have this pain in the back of your neck?"

Looking over at Zephyr, seeing her rub the spot where the chip is, I bit my tongue not to say anything, so I don't cause any harm to the two of them whatsoever.

"You have it too?" Said Drean, "I've had it since we left the prison; I didn't want to seem crazy and ask that question to you two?"

I keep on walking, going past those two.

'They don't know where it is,' I think to myself.

Lifting my arm in the air, feeling the wind blow through my fingers as rain falls on the tip of the finger, I move my arm down fast and hide them in my sleeves and quickly put on the hood, so I don't get hurt anymore, not wanting any new scars to appear where enough is covering my whole body.

"Hey, Justice," drean called out. "How'd you get thrown into prison?''

I start thinking about that night. . . . Where it all happened, not wanting to remember anything terrible again. I stop and look ahead and blink my eyes to try to stop cry as an attempt.

A harsh wind comes out of nowhere. It blows off my hood, and a few raindrops fall onto my face. They go down, burning my skin, making small amounts of blood come out and trail behind the raindrops.

"Can we just keep walking"

I wipe the blood with the sleeves of my rain jacket. Hearing a loud sigh behind me, I roll my eyes know it's Drean because I didn't answer her question.