
Drean P.O.V

Sitting outside to calm me down after the quiet argument Justice and I had, that was about what's wrong with the Ella's, I shake my head to forget and watch the wind blow the Crei tree leaves off that is thin dark green they dance peacefully down swaying side by side.

Hours pass by; lucky my neck didn't get that sharp pain like it did the other day; I turn back, looking inside the door fully open, I get up and start walking away from the cabin into the forest, hearing a scream from inside. I turn back, running. I trip over my foot, scraping my knee on something sharp, quickly getting back up and making my way into the front of the cabin to see Zephyr covering her mouth, crying. She's shaking in fear. I walk up to her and reach out my arm to touch her, but she slaps it away.

"Don't touch me, Drean. I'm a monster!" she yelled. "You or Justice aren't safe around me so leave well. You still can."

I make my way around the couch and sit in front of her. I place my hand on top of the other and try using my powers. The palm of my hands feel it start to tingle; purple light shines through them. I turn it into a ball and show Zephyr.

"I can tell you a story one of my favourite's my maid told me when I was younger when I had bad dreams, she told me amazing story's to cheer me up" I smile thinking about her. "but this story is sad in a way."

I turn back and glance at Zephyr, her eyes on my magic, admiring the bright shine with sparkles flowing in and out.

"sure," Zephyr mumbles.

"It was four thousand years ago . . . this story is about a girl one day she had a vision she wasn't supposed to have these powers she had visions that told the future no one believed her they just laughed at her face, the two parents thought it would go to one of her other siblings, she wasn't loved as much as her other sisters,

so they decided at the age of ten her own two parents banished her out of their kingdom,

the father said these words to her. 'When the sun rises, you shall leave my kingdom. You are not welcome here anymore, nor your mother or your other seven sisters shall help you, weakling,' her father left her.

She was in disbelief, not loved by anyone in her family; she called for a maid. She walked in with a backpack and a suitcase already packed." I let out a long sigh.

"She's fast asleep; no need to tell your boring story Drean that I was listening to," Justice said sarcastically.

I turn back, seeing Zephyr with her hand under her t-shirt, holding onto her shoulder, sleeping peacefully.

"I wonder what the dream was about?" I ask.

"It's probably nothing you should worry about?" Justice sighs. "We all have problems that we don't want to talk about; maybe it was about her family?"

'Family,' I think to myself.

Cringing at the thought of the word and my own family of their stupid smiles, fancy clothing with jewelry to show off, I slowly get up, leaving these two to sleep, walking back outside as a light breeze comes in my direction. Looking past the crei trees seeing a qeirulrs run and jump across the branches.


I was sitting on the moist ground from yesterday's rain, with Zephyr next to me and Justice standing up, all of us eating dried ganom's.

"So, what are your guy's interests before we went to prison?" I say with a mouth full of food.

Zephyr covers her mouth, looking over at me, squinting her eye.

"I never had one. I was on the run, but i'd like to own a shop of candles?"

"Candles!? Don't you want to live in a safe place where you can practice your magic?" Justice asks. "Also, speaking of magic, what type do you have, Zephyr?"

"Something I'm not supposed to have," Zephyr chuckles.

"Last night, you called yourself a monster. Why?" I question. "I could tell you about my magic if it makes you comfortable? Plus, I bet yours isn't bad as mine Zephyr."

Licking the sweetness and a tad bit of salt off of the ganom on my fingers, I look at Zephyr as she looks down at the ground digging the dirt as she takes a rock out, cleaning it with her thumb

"We should've left a note for that person who lives there?" She mumbles. "Because we did steal food, now I feel bad. . . we're criminals on the run."


She flinches and holds the rock in the air for defence; at the side, I see Justice take a step forward next to her. Their hand goes white, and fingernails go long and sharp like a kee monster.

I stand up, feel my magic start to warm up throughout my body as I get taller and thinner, stretching my arm out; pink sparkles begin to come out of the palm of my hand. It drops down like a waterfall between my finger.

Breaking eye contact with Justice and look at my magic, my heart skipping a beat that something is genuinely wrong.

Justice lifting their arm in the air, ready to strike me, I glance at them shaking slightly, taking a step back, not wanting another scar from them like the one on my forearm.

"I-i'm sorry."

I fall to my knees, looking down at my palm, tears start to build up. A sharp pain hits, beginning from my neck going down my spin my magic and the form I take starts to fade away like something is inside of me taking control over it. . .