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After defeating the Outsider named Blade. The problem regarding Outsider reduces, or more likely disappears. Because of that, our commander decides to let us back home. But since HQ still need some people there, only three of us went home first. That's me, Vinna and Greg. And also the warriors from the Polos.

We already separate from Greg who's the direction of his hometown is different. That leaves three of us. Yeah... three.

"Hey... can I ask a question?"

"What is it?"

"Why are you with us... Leo?"


Leo is one of the warriors from Polos who's saying that he specializes in using bombs.

"C'mon. Don't stare at me like that. You know, even though I'm working in Polos. My hometown is actually in Moirai like you two."

"Oh really?"

Vinna couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, although being a warrior is not actually my goal."

"Then what is it?"

"I just want to travel that's all."

The warriors in Polos are more active than the Moirai. Unlike warriors of Moirai who just stay there to guard the place. The warriors from Polos travel in every places to gather information.

"We're here."

We're already at the front of Moirai.

Before we even take a step inside. The guard notices us, especially Vinna.

"The princess is here!"

"Tell to the king that the princess is here."


One of the guards runs towards the palace while the others move aside to give way to Vinna and to us.

"Being with the princess is nice isn't it.", Leo said.


"Hey, you two. Stop that. They might think that you taking advantage of me."

"Wait, we're not? Hiro?"

"Do you have some death wish?"


We went straight to the palace with the guards. Although it takes some time to get there because people surround Vinna after seeing her.

"I take back what I said. Being with the princess is not nice.", Lei said while panting.

"We're already on the palace you know. If someone heard you, your head and body will be separated immediately.", I warned him.

"My bad."

"Father, I'm back."

Three of us stand straight in front of the king.

"Welcome back, Vinna. Also you to two of you, Hiro and Leo."

"Woah, he knows my name...Ouch!"

I punch his back.

"While you here, let's have some chat."

"Yes, father."

Even with a serious face. I can see how happy Vinna was.

"You two, have you already lunch?", the king asked.

"We haven-"

I immediately cover Leo's mouth.

"Yes, your highness."

"I see. Too bad."

"Sorry, Leo and I have some plans. You two, take your time."

I pull Leo.

"Wai-, hey!"

"Just shut up and come with me."

"But how about my lunch!"

"Don't worry, I cover your lunch."


"Take your time with your father!"


"Oh come on! Hiro! Why did you just do that? We're going to have an expensive and fabulous lunch from the palace!"

"Don't worry, tomorrow I'll make sure you have that kind of lunch."


"Yeah, but for now, let's leave Vinna and her father. And we should have our own lunch."


"Does the food meet your appetite, Vinna?", My father asked.

"Y-Yes! Father."

"Hm.", he smiles.

"What's the matter?"

"No, it just, you're calling me now father very often."

"Oh, sorry your highnes-"

"No, I prefer that. After all, you're my daughter."

My father and I having lunch alone together. Thanks to Hiro.

*I should thank him later.*

"Ah, by the way. Where's auntie?"

"Hm? I think she has some business but she's going back later on."

"I see."

"Only you three come back?", my father asked.


"I see, I thought the little girl would come here also."

"Little girl?"


"You mean Ernesta?"

"Oh, yeah! Ernesta."

*Little girl huh.*

"Father, she's older than me and she's my Vice."

"Oh, sorry."

This is the first time I saw my father didn't act like a king.

"That girl is great."


I just remember what happens when I visit the palace with Ernesta...

*What's great about her?*


"Yes, Vinna?"

"What do you mean 'great'?"

"About Ernesta? Well... let see."

He's thinking about what's great about Ernesta while touching his chin.

"She treats anyone equally!", he said while raising his one finger.


"Didn't you remember what she said? She treats people equally whether it's superior or not to her."

"Really... wait! You heard us?"

"Well of course."

"Just how sharp your ear?"

"Hehe. It will be great if many people are like her."

He's praising Ernesta so much.


"Woah! Stop pouting Vinna."

"I'm not."

"Now, now. You also have a great aspect."

"Like what?"

"You put anyone else first before you."



"I see."

"Not satisfy with my answer?"


My father stands on his chair and walks towards me.

"You know, you're already too perfect. You don't have to worry about your flaws. Because for me. You don't have."

He stroked his hands to my head.

"By the way, how's Hiro?"

"Hiro? He's okay. He's actually doing great in HQ."

"I see... Is he not doing weird?"

"What do you mean? Hiro is always Hiro."


"What's the matter?"

"You know... that kid. Every since I met him. I really can't read what he's thinking. He's really mysterious."


"Oh! Vinna!"


My auntie already arrived.

"You're just in the right time. Come on. Let's have lunch together."


Leo and I already finished our lunch. It's been two hours since we separated from Vinna for her to have lunch with her father.

"Hey, it's Vinna.", Leo said while pointing his finger.

I look at it and saw Vinna.

"She's glowing."


I can clearly see the bright light around her along with heart-shaped objects flying around her.

"She seems very happy."


She saw us and wave.

"How's your lunch?"

"It's great!"


"Thank you!"

"Your welcome."

"Um... I'm here?"

"Oh, sorry Leo."

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt my feelings at all."

While chatting someone approaches us.

"Oh, if it isn't my beloved student and his friends."

A huge man walks towards us. He has full body armor with a giant sword.


Gavril is the strongest swordsman according to people. He's the one who trains Vinna.

"Long time no see, Vinna."


"You're building some muscles huh. It looks like your doing great in your job.", he said while holding his chin.

"Eh? Muscles?"

"Woops my bad."

She's sensitive when it comes to her figure.

"You look like you improve too, Hiro."


"I see... why not let's go there and let's see if you two really become strong."

"Eh? What are we gonna do?"

"Let's have a battle."


It's been a while since a fought Gavril. Even though it's just a practice. I can really feel in my hand whenever our swords collide the reason why he is the strongest swordsman.

Of course, I haven't won against him. Not even once.

"Okay, let's do this.", Gavril said.

It's two versus one. Hiro and I against him.

With Hiro's help. Can we have a chance to win?

"Here's the rules kiddos. The one who will surrender or not be able to fight anymore is the loser.", he said with full of confidence.

As I expected from him.



"Can we win?", I asked.

"Do you really need to ask that? Of course, the possibility is low."

"The possibility is low but not impossible?"

"Yeah, I mean. You become a lot stronger since the day we become a member of A-1."

"I see..."

"Okay, Princess Vinna and Hiro vs Gavril."

The two of us facing Gavril while surrounded by many people. I actually prefer doing this fight in private but Gavril suggests it and we don't have any choice.

*Here it goes.*


Gavril didn't move a single finger. He's still standing there watching us.

"Hiro, what's the plan?"



I look at Hiro and saw him putting candy in his mouth.



"What's the plan!"

"Just wait for my signal before you attack but you should keep your distance as near to him as possible so you can back me up immediately."

"Okay... wait I'm just going to wait here?"

"Don't worry. This is my plan."

Hiro runs towards Gavril.

Gavril is just standing there while observing him.

I make my distance to Gavril closer as I can.

When Hiro is already in front of Gavril. Hiro draws something. It must be his knife. He swings it towards Gavril's neck. Gavril just leans back.

"Sorry, but you won't hit me by your knif-...!?"

Gavril stun for some reason. After that, something explodes right on his face.

"A smoke bomb?"

"Cough, cough!"

Gavril coughed.

Hiro disappears.

"Where is he?"

"Got you!"

Hiro is already at his back drawing his knife.

Gavril immediately draws his sword and his swings it to block his knife...


"A fake draw?"

Hiro didn't draw anything and duck his head instead.


After hearing my name, I dash towards Gavril. Drawing my sword, I swing it aiming at his back. Gavril immediately moves his sword towards mine to block my attack. After that, I look at Hiro that on Gavril's back drawing his knives. He's about to slash Gavril's neck... However.


Gavril immediately blocks it with his sword.

"When did he?"

He swings his sword towards Hiro's knife. The knife flies into the air and drops on the ground.

"Vinna! Stay away!"

I jump away to Gavril, same with Hiro.

"Not bad kid. I thought I'm going to lose in just the first minute of the fight."

I run to Hiro.


"Don't worry I'm okay.", he said while picking his knife.

"I thought we're going to win there."

"The way he changes the direction of his swing is incredible. I should have moved faster before he hits your sword so that the momentum of his swing wouldn't break."

"Don't worry. We still have a chance."

To be honest, I really don't get what he meant or his plan.

"Let's attack at the same time while I'm thinking."

"Got it."

We run towards Gavril. This Gavril start to move now. He dashes towards Hiro.


Gavril swings his sword upward.

Hiro blocks it with his knives.

Gavril's attack is so strong that makes Hiro fly to the air.

Hiro land properly on the ground.

"I'm going to take you first before you can think of a plan. Hiro."

"He's serious now."

Gavril dashes towards Hiro and raises his two hands while holding his sword. Hiro blocks it with his knives but it's so strong that Hiro's knives fall on the ground.


"Now, you lose kid."

Gavril swing sword. I immediately dash and swing mine. I successfully block it.

"Hiro. Getaway."

Hiro nodded.

He picks up his knives and jumps back.

"So, you want to be the first one who collapses huh."

"Heh! Not a chance."

With our swords colliding, I push Gavril and jump back.

"It looks my student has more confident now."

"Of course, after all, I become stronger."

I dash towards him and swing my sword. He also does the same.

The two of us exchange blows.

While our swords colliding repeatedly. Hiro runs to his back and jump. He spins in the air while holding his knives.

Gavril notices it and changes his target from me to him. He immediately blocks Hiro's knives.

"Sneaking around my back huh."

"Well, of course, after all my amulet's name is Assassin Amulet."


He pushes Hiro and Hiro jumps back. After his landing. Hiro immediately dashes towards him. Gavril swings his sword horizontally but Hiro ducks. Hiro places his two hands on the ground with knives then raises his feet and tries to kick Gavril's face. Gavril blocks his feet with his arm. Hiro pushed the ground. After that, he spins and perfectly lands his feet on Gavril's face.

"Woah! He hit Gavril.", a random person said.

The people around us are quietly watching us. The fight with Gavril is so intense that makes them speechless.

After Hiro's kick. Gavril's feet slide a little.

"Not bad kid.", he said after spitting blood.

Gavril dashes towards him and thrusts his sword.

Hiro changes his body position and moves it backward. After dodging Gavril's attack. He holds tight his knife and swings it towards Gavril's nape.

Gavril immediately ducks and swing his sword towards Hiro's legs.

Hiro step on Gavril's shoulder and jump.

After Hiro land, he jumps back to keep distance from Gavril.

"I really can't believe to improve this much."

"No, not really. It's just I always watch you and Vinna practice every day that I memorize your moves."

"Really? Hahahaha! You're really mysterious just like the king said."

"Mysterious? That's the first time someone call me that."

"Now Hiro! Move forward and I will show you what's the true meaning of being a swordsman."

Hiro dash towards Gavril.

Gavril raises his swords with his two hands. After that, he swings his sword downward with incredible speed.

Hiro doesn't mind it and still moves forward.

"Hiro!", I shouted.

*Gavril's swing is too strong for Hiro to block it. If Hiro failed, Gavril's sword would kill him!*

I watch Hiro carefully.

When Hiro is already in front of Gavril's sword. He move aside but his left hand will still hit. Before the sword hit his hand. Hiro releases his knife to his hand.

Gavril's sword passes through between Hiro's hand and knife. After that, Hiro extend his hand to his left side and grab his knife and swing it towards Gavril.

I thought he would hit Gavril... However.

Gavril immediately leans back to dodge the attack.

"You still dodge that?!"

Hiro is surprised.

Hiro stops running. His feet slide a little on the ground.

"Woah! As expected to the strongest swordsman!"

"You okay Hiro?"

"Yeah, man... I thought I was going to die there.", he said while panting so hard.

"Then you shouldn't do it in the first place! You almost give me a heart attack!"

"You... this is the first time I saw myself dying. I really thought my neck would be slice there. Hiro, you're really good!"

"You finally said my name."

"Because you deserve it."

"Hey, Hiro."

"I thought fighting him alone while finding an opening for you would work. But I think it's not."

"Fighting him alone is already not good."

"Well, Vinna."


"Since my plan didn't work. Let's fight him together."

"You should say that earlier."

The two of us dash towards Gavril.

Hiro changes his location while a move forward to Gavril.

I jump and raise my sword with my left hand. Gavril blocks it with his sword. While our swords colliding, I grab Gavril's hands with my right hand and pulls him towards the ground. But Gavril didn't move a single inch on his feet.

*His too strong.*

I spin counter-clockwise and swing my sword to his neck. Gavril grab my hand and kick my feet. I lost my balance and Gavril throw his hand while holding mine into to air. He's too strong that he could do that without difficulty.

While in the air. Gavril moves his hand downward.

*He's going to smash me in the ground!*


A smoke bomb flew to Gavril's face and explode but I'll still be going to the ground.

Before my body land. Hiro immediately grabs me.

"You okay?"


"Grab this."


* A wooden stick?*

"Come on, let's go."


After Hiro let go of me and stand up. Gavril dash towards us with incredible speed. He swings his sword towards me.

Because I panic, instead of the sword, I use the wooden stick to block his attack.

*Oh god!*

But instead of breaking or slicing into two. The stick in my hand is still there and holding Gavril's sword.

*I forgot, I have my amulet on me.*

I hold tight of my sword.

Hiro is at Gavril's back. Hiro jumps and raises his two knives pointing at Gavril.

I swing my sword towards Gavril's neck.

But before our weapons hit him. Gavril spins and swings his sword horizontally. His swing is too strong that it created a tornado around him that disappears immediately. Both Hiro and I flew away.

"W-What was that?", Hiro asked while holding his head.

"You two... you win.", Gavril said.



"That was my strongest swing, and I only use that when my life is in danger. To think you two force me to use that and also survive means you two are stronger than me when your strengths combine."

"...I see."

"Now, now. Why do you look disappointed?"

"No, we're not."

"We win huh?"

"You two really grown this much."

After that, the silence of the people lasts for a minute.


"I'm back."

Facing my father.

How long has it been since I left the village?

So many things happen that I forgot.

Our Commander gives us a chance to go back home. But what should I do? Relax or get some rest?


I should practice I guess.

The Outsiders we encounter are getting stronger and stronger.

I remember when my father said that I have lack of "will to win".

"Hey, father, what does it mean having a will to win?"

"Greg?", someone calls my name.


Lillia is my childhood friend. My only friend in this village. When we were still kids. She often visits our house while I'm training to give me some snacks. To think that father allowed her to do that.

"Oh. It's been long since you left the village."


"Visiting your father's grave first huh."


"Hey, let's go together. Everyone is waiting for you."


*Everyone huh. I think only you and my mother does.*