The Red Headquarter

Inside the huge red building. There's a boy sleeping on the bed.

It's already eight in the morning, this boy mostly wakes up at five, but for some reason, he's still on the bed.

"Hey, it's already morning. Wake up."




"Oh, you wake up."

That's me.

As I get up I look at the window.

"It's already sunny?"

"Well, it's already eight."


"Did Captain overwork so much again?", she asked.

"I guess so."

"Well, that's normal. You need to build up more stamina and train more if you want to survive. You almost die so many times in just one month here."


"It's okay, let's eat up."


It's been one month since I join here.

At first, things are awkward.

Since I don't know anyone here, I almost don't speak.

It's like transferring to a new school where you don't know anybody.

Like I know that feeling though.

Before I went out, I clean first my bedroom.

As I went to the dining room, I saw Winter sitting where both of her feet were on her chair hugging it.

She's the one who wakes me up.

She has very pale skin, short black hair, and wearing violet lipstick.

"Where's Luan?", I asked.

"Still sleeping, he's still hard to wake up as ever."

"You already awake."

A serious look came from Crystal whose holding our breakfast.

He has blue bob hair and a small body.

You might mistake him for a girl, not just because of his name but also of his looks.


A loud shout came from our captain.

The woman who pick me up that day.

She dashes towards us while carrying a little boy on her shoulder.

"Were here Luan, it's time for breakfast!"


"How come he's still sleeping after that shout?", Winter said.

I also have the same question.

After everyone sits, all of us start digging.

"Okay let's eat!", captain said.

As we start eating, I look at every one.

This is the opposite thing that happens when we first eat together.

Just like in A-1, everyone has their way of eating.

Winter reading a book while eating. By the way, the spoon is floating and moving on its own. It's grabbing food and all Winter has to do is to open her mouth.

Luan is sleeping again.

"Luan, eat."


"You know, we should make him drink coffee.", Winter suggested.

"Nope, coffee is not good for kiddos like Luan.", captain replied.

"Just put more sugar on his milk.", Crystal said.


"He's down again."

Crystal is sitting straight and eating like some kind of royal.

To all people here, I can say that he is more likely the most mature and disciplined person.

As for our captain... she's eating a lot as always.

Thankfully Crystal cooked enough.

She put any food in her mouth and swallow it without chewing.

After breakfast, I went straight outside to train.

Since I always get wounded so badly every time we went on a mission, Captain suggests training me.

"Hey.", Captain calls me.


"You know, you really don't need to train in the first place."


*But didn't I almost die so many times?*

"The reason why I suggest this is because I thought this one can be used as an alternative, but I guess I was wrong."


Captain stands up and walks towards me.

"You're not physically weak Hiro. You just."

Captain poke my chest for some reason.

"There's something in your heart that you want to release."


"You miss them aren't you?"


*Do I? It's that the reason why I feel so weak?*


"C'mon, it's okay. Anyone has their own problem. But you have to solve it before it's too late. Even you're physically strong, it will be pointless if your heart and brain are not."

She's right, physical, mental, and emotional skills are all connected. If one of them failed, the others will be affected.

"Hey, do you want to see them?", she asked.


*Not yet.*


"I see... Hey, Hiro, you said the reason why you quit on A-1 right?"


"Tell me, what's really the reason why you leave?"


After the conversation with Captain, I went straight somewhere where I can relax.

I saw a spot where I can sit and think.

As I sit, I heard a voice beside me.

"You're interrupting my rest."

Crystal is laying on the grass in front of the tree.

He's always here whenever he has time.

"Sorry, but this is the only quiet place I know."

"How about in your room?"

"Oh, you're right."

"Haa... okay you can stay here, but don't make some noise."


Crystal closes his eyes.


"Hey, can I ask a question?"

"Depending on your question, I might stab you to death."

"Why are you here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, why are you here fighting Outsiders?"

"I guess Red hasn't told you this. All of us here are orphans."


"Yeah, all of us are victims of explosions caused by Outsiders. How long has it been again?"

He didn't try to remember it at all.

"Explosion caused by Outsiders?"

"Yeah, both of my parents died from that. The same with Winter and Luan."

"I see... sorry, I shouldn't ask that question."

"It's okay, everyone's move on."

"Then, how did you four end up here?"

"Someone pick us in the orphanage."

"Was it captain?"

"No, it's Miss Altina."

"Miss Altina?"

*Isn't she?*

"Of course, you know her."

"Yeah. Why did she pick up you three?"

"I don't know why us. But the reason why only four of us here may be because that's the only amulet available."

"I see..."

"Since I'm already telling you this, I'm going to tell you that this headquarters and us, are secret to the others. I don't know who else knows this aside from Miss Altina."

"Why did she even create this place?"

"I don't know, we might be an auxiliary headquarters. But it doesn't matter, the fact that Miss Altina gives us shelter and reason to live is enough for me to do anything that she says."

"I heard before that she's really kind and she's good at cooking."

"Yeah, I'm trying to copy her cook but I can't."

"Just keep practicing. I'm looking forward to your cook."

"Heh!", he smugged.

He raise his hands and pointed his finger at me.

"Just you wait."

After a few minutes of resting, I went inside the headquarters.

The first thing that I saw after I step inside is Luan who was sleeping on the ground. He's hugging a pillow while laying.


I carry him and walk towards the room.

As I walk, Winter's door room is open, I glance I little bit and saw her reading books while sitting on the ground. It's a different one from what she read when we ate breakfast.

She also me carrying Luan.



"So, where is he sleeping this time?"

"On the ground."

"I see. Come in."


"Let him sleep here."

"We might bother you."

"He's already sleeping, he won't make any noise."


I walk inside Winter's room and put Luan on her bed.

I was about to leave the room when Winter offer a book to me.



It's the book that she's reading yesterday.

"No thanks."

"You don't like reading books?", she asked.

"No, I like reading one but I'm not in the mood."

"Hmm... I see. Then I'll tell you the story instead."

"Eh? Uhm... okay."

I sit on the ground like she does and listen to her.

"This one is about a boy, who's been sent by heaven to destroy the world."

"So, he's an angel or something?", I asked.

"No, he's a human that has been chosen to be a sacrifice to destroy the world. Forget the first one that I said."


"Ever since he was a kid, he knows that he would cause destruction to the world. He hides it as much as he can. He's afraid that the people around him will kill him. As he grows, he manages to hide it from the people, also he meets a girl. He fell in love with this girl. They grow together, play together and do things together. But the boy knows that the time when the world going to be destroyed because of him is when he turned eighteen."

She stop and then let a exhale.

She might be not used to talking too much.

"Now, I have two questions. First question, what do you think will happen in the end?"

"Was it a happy ending? They will live together in the end or a sad ending where the world will be destroyed?"

"Both. The girl lives and the world didn't get destroyed but the boy dies in the end. He sacrifices himself to avoid the world from getting destroyed. Now, the second question, do you think the sacrifice of the boy is worth it?"

"I guess so, since the girl he loves lives."

"Really? What if not? What if the girl he loves lives lonely? What if because of the trauma after the boy die she didn't love again? Let me tell you this, the reason why the boy sacrifice himself is because of the girl."

"I see. So his sacrifice might be put in nothing."

"Not actually since the world is safe. But I can say that the reason why he chooses to die alone is because of the girl. For the third question."

"Didn't you say two questions?"

"Come on, adding one is no different. Okay, how can be the story be happy in the end? Or what the boy should do to live together with the girl in the end without dying or sacrificing anything?"

"What should he do huh."

*That's a difficult question.*

"He could make a plan.", I answered.

"That's right, but why didn't he?", she asked.

The only thing that comes to my mind is...

"Because he didn't desire it in the first place."

"That's right, maybe he desires it but it's too late. If he just wants to live together with the girl in the first place, he might come up with a plan as he grows."


"In life, it's not just about how you born or how you live or how you die. It's all about life, as a whole."

"Yeah, your right."

To be honest, the very first expression to Winter when we first met is emo that will just laze around and do whatever she wanted.

*I guess I was wrong.*



Luan is already awake.

"It's almost afternoon, Luan."

"Where am I?", he asked.

"Can you stop sleeping anywhere? You have a room. Also, you can sleep here if you wanted."

"I slept wherever I feel sleepy."


"Maybe we should ban you from going out in your room."

Luan rubs his eyes.

As Winter scolds him, someone appears in front of the door.

"Woah, you three are just here. Although I already knew that Winter is just here."


"Come here, I have good news."

All of us including Crystal gather around.

"So, why did you call us? Is there a new mission from Miss Altina?", Crystal asked.


"Why do you look happy?"

"This one is different."

"Different? Are we going to kill larger and stronger Outsider?"

"Nope. We're going to an island!"



"Isn't exciting?"

*Aren't we...*

"We're going there for a mission. To kill Outsider, not to go for vacation, captain."

"Eh... but maybe we can after we-"

"It will depend on what's on that island. If the island is not habitable and we can't stay there for too long, then just keep dreaming."


As Crystal and captain talk. Captain's face is getting worst and worst.

*She really wanted a vacation, isn't she?*

"Are you that eager to go on vacation?"

Crystal and I have the same thought.


"Ha... got it. As I said, it will depend on the situation of the island. If it is good, then we go to what you wanted."


"What are you? A kid?"

"Okay, guys! Let's pack and GO TO VACATION!"

"We're going because of the mission, captain."