Final Fight 4

"I have a chance to win."

To be honest, I don't know whether I will even win in the first place.

After all, its amulet is my weakness.

But the fact that this is not Relaine gives me a little confidence in this fight.

The Outsider extended its hand in my direction and bolts of lightning strikes the ground where I'm standing.

I run towards the Outsider and keep dodging the lightning.

When I get closer, I hold the pointed blade at the end of the chain and then spin around and push it towards the Outsider's neck.

The Outsider jumped away and then pointed its arm towards me.

Lightning comes up from its hand that runs towards me.

I jump to the left and then throw the blade towards the Outsider.

The Outsider grabs my blade and then applies lightning to it.

I created another blade and then thrust it towards the chain to cut it before the lightning reaches my hand.

I swing the chain to the length that could reach the Outsider.

The Outsider places both hands towards the upcoming chain.

Grabbing my chain, I immediately pull it along with the Outsider before it uses its power.

I run and when I get closer, I jump and then push both of my feet towards the face of the Outsider.

The Outsider manages to dodge it, grabs my leg, and throws me to the ground.

I manage to land my hand before my face and then immediately stand up.

The Outsider dashes towards me then grab my collar and lift me.

I immediately created a katana and then swing it towards its arm.

The Outsider manage to pull its arm before my attack landed then spin around and kick me before I even landed my feet on the ground.

"T-That hurt..."

Laying off the ground, I try to stand up but my face is already covered with something and I can't see anything aside from a gray palm of the Outsider.

The Outsider smashes my head to the ground.

I feel dizzy and hot at the same time.

Its hand has lightning that burning my face.

Placing both of my hands on the ground, a group of metal sticks appear from the ground and thrust onto Outsider's shoulder.

The Outsider jumps away immediately.


*What now?*

I can barely land an attack on the Outsider.

Even without a lightning stance, I still stand no chance against this Outsider.

"I should try a different weapon."

I created to knife just like what Hiro is using.

It's light and easy to move with this.

Using a heavy weapon would decrease my speed.

*I wish I can create a shield against its lightning.*

I dash towards the Outsider and then swing the knives in my hands.

The Outsider moved aside and then pointed its arm toward me.

A flash of lightning appears on its hands that strikes me.

I throw my knife so that the lightning doesn't hit me then I dash again and swing my knives.

The Outsider dodges me again.

I swing my arms upwards and metal sticks appear on the ground where the Outsider standing.

It got hit on its left foot.

I created many more knives and make them fly toward the Outsider.

Swing my arms to spread the steel thread around the Outsider.

*There's no way you could escape!*

The thread wrapped up to the Outsider's body.

I dash towards the Outsider then jump swinging my knives towards the Outsider.

"I win--"

A light flashes to my eyes which blinded me for a few seconds, and before I know it, the Outsider already holding my neck.

*This feeling...*

The Outsider is covered with blue-white light which burns anything that gets in its way.

Even my neck feels like burning as the Outsider holds my neck.

"No way... you can use the lightning stance?"

Raising its arm, the Outsider throws me towards the huge three.


The force from throwing is enough to make the tree fall.

*If this Outsider can use lightning stance, it means I won't have a chance of winning.*

Sitting on the ground while my back rest on the remaining part of the tree, the Outsider slowly walks toward me.


*After going this far, I can't believe this is my end.*

"Hey, Relaine, will you forgive me if I die here?"

The Outsider grabs my neck and lifts me in the air.

Its other hand is pointed towards my chest.

"Sorry... Relaine..."

The Outsider pushes its arm towards my chest.

But before it lands, its arm suddenly stops.

A metal stick pierces that Outsider's arm which stops it from killing me.

"Like the hell, I'm not going to die here!"

I created a hammer and then smash it towards the Outsider's face.

The Outsider let go of me and fall to the ground.

"I'm still not done yet."

I jump towards the Outsider and then smash the hammer towards its face.

The Outsider suddenly disappears.

*So fast.*

I can feel the Outsider behind me.

Attempting to grab my arm, I created a shield to block it and then swing my hammer towards its shoulder.

That attack didn't even do anything to the Outsider, after that, I can feel its fist on my chin which sent me flying.

The Outsider dashes on me.

With incredible speed, I immediately swing my hammer in its direction.

The Outsider manages to get on my back and then kick my right leg.

My knee fell off the ground, and the Outsider grab my nape and then smash my face to the ground.

Tapping the ground, another group of metal sticks appears on the ground.

The Outsider manage to jump away before it got it.

As I turn around I swing my arm to spread the steel thread around.

The thread burns away when it gets close to the Outsider's body.

Since the lightning is wrapped up in Outsider's body, all of my attacks backfire on me.

My body feels so hot right now, but there's nothing I can do about this.

A long-range attack will be useless and dodgeable in a lightning stance.

A short-range attack is the only option here.

*I have to become faster.*

"Haaa... I have no choice, I wish it doesn't leave so many marks on my body."

Dashing towards the Outsider, I throw my hammer before I get closer.

The Outsider blocks it with its hand allowing me to get out of its vision.

I dash behind the Outsider then created a scythe and swing it towards its neck.

The Outsider uses my hammer to smash my scythe.

I immediately let go of my scythe before the electro shock reaches my hand.

I immediately create a battle ax and then swing it sideward towards the Outsider's arm.

The Outsider blocks it using its hand.

Letting go of the ax, I immediately dash towards it while creating a blade then thrust it towards the Outsider's chest.

The Outsider let go of the hammer and use its hand to block my attack.

My blade pierces its hand.

Ignoring the burning sensation, I get close to the Outsider and then swing my fist towards its chin.

The Outsider dodges it by leaning back and then jumping back.

Pointing my arm towards the Outsider, metal sticks appears behind it.

The Outsider disappear again before it landed.

I feel again its presence behind me.

When I turn around, I saw my blade going toward my neck, I immediately place my arm and use it as a shield.

"It hurt!"

In addition, the Outsider put more electricity on the blade electrocuting my body.


I can't even scream.

I walk away from the Outsider.

My body feels so weak and hot.

"You... got... me."

My legs want to rest but I refuse.

"I'm not done yet."

Forcing my body to move, I dash towards the Outsider while creating two swords.

I jump when I get closer then swing the two swords down the Outsider.

Outsider raises its arm to block my attack.

I let go of the sword when the Outsider touched it then I created two blades.

Dashing toward, I slice the stomach of the Outsider using the two blades.

The Outsider tries to jump away but after using the blade to its stomach, I thrust it towards its two feet.

I created two katanas.

As I stand up, I swing up my two katanas cutting off the Outsider's arms.

"I told you, I'm not going to die here."

The Outsider couldn't escape anymore.

"You can't use the full potential of lightning stance aren't you?"

From my guess, this Outsider can only use ten to twenty percent of lightning stance.

How can I say? Relaine's lightning stance is three to five times faster and stronger.

Not only that, but since the lightning stance is not easy to control, the Outsider has no choice but to use only a small percentage of its power.

Since Relaine practices every day to master this, she can freely use this now without any problem.

It's probably the second or the first time using this power.

After that, with all strength left in my body, I swing the katana on Outsider's neck.

"That was a good fight but... I win!"


"You're going to kill me? How funny, after you betray those humans, if you betray me too, you will be all alone Hiro. Although maybe it doesn't matter to you."

"If I'm going to die, I will bring you with me."


I grab my knife and then swing it at my left face.

When I look at it, there's half of the body of a bug.

"Oh my, you kill my most useful pet. Didn't you know, that Outsider can turn anyone into an Outsider by releasing smoke, with that only a small body, it can release a lot. You should probably know that already, the smoke that turns Cedric and his men into Outsiders. The people that you kill."

"Shut up."

"Also, the giant Outsider that you kill at that time, is Cedric. You kill your friends twice Hiro! Do you think the others will forgive you if they learn that! No Hiro! No! You will be alone now but you will die with them! That's the only good thing that will happen to you."


I dash towards Cerex then holding tight my scythe, swinging it towards him.

Cerex grabs my scythe and pulls it along me.

When I get closer to him, he grabs my neck and raises me into the air.

"You can defeat me alone Hiro nor call a help from a friend."

I grab my knife and then push it towards its arm.

Cerex let go of my neck to dodge my knife.

When I landed my feet on the ground, the tip of the scythe was going toward my face.

I immediately block it using my knife.

"Did you know, that this amulet originally came from us? This amulet is the one that Sages use to duplicate and created another amulet. I can't even believe that I will be able to use this again, its shape change but it doesn't change the fact that this weapon is for killing. You agree with me right?"

"Yeah, all the weapon is for killing but, they can also use to save someone."

"But it doesn't change the fact that you can't use this to save them."

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

"It's not my idea, our queen is the one who wants to eliminate humans from this world. Although the reason why I agree to this is because of my curiosity about you, to humans."

"What do you mean?"

"I was curious about your existence, especially about your emotions. I didn't feel any sadness, anger, or fear in my entire life. When I saw a human crying, I feel like "a creature with so many emotions is such an interesting thing.". But that didn't still satisfy me enough, I want to see more, to see more emotion that a human could make. You're just unfortunate that you become my toy."

"Such a stupid reason."

"Stupid or not, I don't care, I want to see your face as you die along with your friends, with all the people in this world."

"I'm going to make sure I see your dying face first before that happens."

