Chapter 7

We hurried and grabbed our shoes, and we met back at the SUV like planned. I tried to sit far away. Still a bit shook up from being yelled at. He reached over and grabbed my hand. "I promise I won't hurt you; you don't even know how much I love you and need you, please I know you didn't choose this, but I want you, and I want you to come around in your own just don't say anything and think about maybe trying." It went quiet. He finally said " because if not you have more to loose and I will punish you but in the end I still gain what I want but it will determine how the rest of your live is lived out!" Lived out? Does that mean I'm stuck here forever ? Would he really make my life hell ? We sat quietly for an hour or so and then we pulled up at what looked like a mall. He got out then went around to open mines as I got out he grabbed my hand and walked me through the door. We went into every store and every store he bought me more things to wear it was so much and he would make me show case them for him like a model I was a bit embarrassed before we left town we had dinner. Some fancy restaurant I was definitely tired and could t keep my eyes open not realizing he had gotten closer to me and I was asleep with my head on his lap and he had his arm on my side. I laid there while he watched me sleep and he began to trace his fingertips along the side of my body. Every touch sent pleasurable shocks into the pit of my stomachs and although I wasn't comfortable I couldn't move like something was holding me down. He just wouldn't stop and I couldn't even fight I just kept getting sleeper and I finally gave up and let the sleep take me under. His touch finally left my skin but I couldn't wake up I wonder if we made it back to that house. Then I felt the piercing cold air strike my skin and it lasted for a minute until we entered a room or some type of structure will warm air and the smell of sweet apples and spices. I could tell we were back because he turned and started to walk up stairs and into another room shutting the door. I kept trying to open my eyes but I couldn't believe how exhausted I was. I could feel the satin bedding in my back side until I got even more movement as my clothes started to come off ! Oh no he's taking my clothes off of me does this mean he's going to ? I'm not ready ? Scared and terrified of what was about to happen until I started to feel new clothes be put on me and then tucked in a time went by and I smelt the beautiful sent that was in my bath the other night and then his body began to climb into bed next to me taking me into his arms and my face to his chest oh how amazing he smelt was all I could think until my brain decided it was time to shut off all senses.

I woke up feeling refreshed and alone in bed I turned to see what time it was it said 4:30 so I decided I would go for a run maybe it will help with all this anger pitted inside me. I threw my hair up, washed my face then got dressed with some sport shirt spandex and a crop tank to go run. I ran down the stairs and went out the door he told me there were barriers so I knew I would be fine. I stretched for what seemed like and hour but was only 10 minutes set my timer and just began to run. I ran from the north to the east to the south and to the west until I finally made it back I went to the back of the house to see the biggest swimming pool and the plus was the water was warm so I took my socks and shoes off and decided to put my legs In the water.

Konos POV

I woke up feeling amazing and seeing Hutaya wrapped in my arms was the best thing ever but I had so work to finish up seeing how I took yesterday off. I knew it would only take and hour or two and I could come back to bed to her before she woke up and maybe today would be a better day as I was on my way back and opened the door I realized she wasn't in bed I began to search the house every where until I stopped and walked out to the balcony to see she was drenched in sweat and getting comfortable by the pool she even put her feet in to enjoy the water. It was the most beautiful view and then I went on to image us swimming together and play in the pool with our own little ones. Oh how I longed to have many of my own pups. But I was still hurt inside because my mate hated me so much all I wanted was for her to feel how I do. I know eventually it will come but I've waited far to long for it. I missed my mom terribly and dad wasn't around much after she died but I finally got my mate and she home with me but hates me and has even told me this.

Hutaya POV

I could feel myself burning as if someone was watching me so I decided to get out of the pool and go back to the room when I entered it was still empty so I decided I would shower and get comfortable for today then go find a kitchen. As I got undressed o couldn't help but look in the mirror ! Like what about me made his want me ? Why was I special I was a nobody that wasn't allowed around others much. I walked in and not to long the steam filled the room as I was about to get out the door opened and the steam bursted out the door like water bursting through a dam. Kono walked in "excuse me privacy please !" " sorry I didn't know you were back" "I'm just about to get out and you can have it!" " hmmmm. I know it is not referring to what I want so I'll guess you mean the shower" "of course I meant the shower he then turned around and went back into the room. I hurried and dressed and started to brush my hair as I left the bathroom allowing my extremely long hair out before I put it up. I looked up to see that he was in nothing but basketball shorts but with blood, sweat, and dirt all over him; it looked sexy. "Did you have a good run?" "it was nice" "maybe next time we could do it together? You know, go for a run? I don't know whenever you are ready to or want to?" "Yeah, maybe" right as I said it, my body fell to the floor in the most excruciating pain. It felt like my sound was breaking and my legs all at once. I began to scream in pain. this was the awful

! I didn't deserve this pain anymore " it's okay, hutaya breathe, think of something else you can do this" he held me in his arms, rocking back and forth like he was trying to stop the pain. "You know your absolutely gorgeous and when you sleep you look like an Angel?" "Just It stop" I began to yell and cry. His face looked heart broken. "I can but that means I will have to claim you now and the shift will complete." " I don't wanna hurt like this it's sooo bad " I'm sobbing the words out trying to stop hurting this time lasted over an hour of agony and pain from my neck to my tail bone and down the lengths of my legs. But why would claiming me make it go any faster or easier?