Chapter 14

I woke up sore and legs felling so heavy unable to move at first and my eyes so blurry. After an hour I was finally able to get out of bed and make it to the bathroom to pee and wash my face as I went to open the door Kono flung it open "oh good morning" "morning" very blunt and just shut off he walked passed me and I just pushed my thoughts down as I closed the door like did I do something wrong? I took my shower and got ready for a run. As I was headed to the kitchen I seen Kono leave dressed in a suit with a suit case. I did my normal run then coffee and a small breakfast decided to find something to do or someone to talk to and as exploring the house I found a box of craft items tons of beads paint and so much more. I listen to music and beaded until way after the sun went down. I tried to wait for Kono but no sign of him. Weeks went on and still nothing woke up to yet another empty bed. I got ready for my run like normal but it felt like I was being watched so I decide to cut through the lawn and go up the drive way to feel a bit more safe. I made it up the drive way and seen a new car in the drive way. As I went in I the maid was waiting with an elderly gentleman. With a brief case and a stethoscope? "Ummm can I help you sir?" " oh high yes I'm your new doctor your husband asked if I would come to check on you!" "Check on me for what ? I am fine no? " "yes ma'am I'm sure your perfect I just want to do a check it won't take longer than an hour, please!" "Okay can I shower first ?" "Yes I can wait" I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone to text Kono but I didn't have his number I was livid but I didn't want the doctor to get in trouble so I showered quick and went back down stairs. "So now what?" "Yes you mind sitting I just want to do a thorough check up make sure your as healthy as you look" " okay" he went through the process of checking my breathing, spine alignment as well as my reflux and so on everything was normal like I said then he had me lay back and started to feel around my stomach. "Okay that's good you were right can I get an urine and small blood sample and that will be the last of it" "sure why not?" I peed and he drew my blood as he was packing his equipment up he looked at the urine test and back at me "well at least you know your not pregnant" "I would hope not" he looked at me confused like he was wishing for me to have a different reaction. He left and I felt strange I listened to some music and continued to bead my newest idea until I fell asleep. As I was sleeping I felt like I was awake and that someone was with me I kept felt strange and alone seeing figures in the shadows trying to push it out but unable to I tried to sleep but it was like being on a boat in a storm harsh rocking back and forth trying to get comfortable but never fully able to. Just before the sun came up I was able to fall asleep not even 30 minutes in I feel like someone is sitting at the end of the bed. I pop up quickly to find Kono staring at me "what the fuck" he just stared at me no expression just cautiously watching me. "So you disappear no word from you for weeks, didn't even tell me you were leaving then you give me silent treatment?" He just continued to sit there and I felt anger boil up inside of me ready to explode so I throw on my clothes and shoes and go to grab my Hair tie from the night stand so I can run out my anger and he stops me and grabs my hand. I look at him as he looks at me then disgust filled my head with why he left and I was hurt. I snatched my hand from his and went to leave until a huge force pushed me and I was pinned up against the wall with Kono in front of me and his hand on the wall and the other on my throat. "Stop!! .. Please .. III .. Can't breathe!" He went to let go and my body dropped to the floor and my hand held my throat as I began to sob and cry. "What did I do?" "Why aren't you pregnant?" "What do you me ! Why aren't I pregnant?" "You should have been pregnant! " "I can't I have an arm implant!!" "Why the fuck do you have an implant ! I want it out immediately ! You know what I'm calling the doctor now it comes out now!" "NO KONO! I don't want it out it stays!" " you have no right to decide anything! I want it out and you will get pregnant or I will punish you!" "Oh yeah you left me here clueless and alone and last I checked I'm not afraid of your punishments !" " So help me woman !" He let out a deep angry growl and I was scared his hand went for my throat and he picked my whole body from the floor so I had to look down at him as my legs dangled off the ground. " it comes out now and you will be pregnant!" "I" stopped and be an to choke more before I could disagree I started to tap his arm as I gave in and I fell into his arms. Scared and unsure of what happened I just began to cry he let go of me leaving me to cry alone on the floor. A few hours went by and the door rang I peaked out to see it was the doctor again. I put my ear to the door to listen "Good morning Alpha Kono sorry it took so long!" "It's fine I'm going to be blunt and honest I need Hutaya pregnant and I mean like now she had an implant in her arm stopping her and I want it out now !" "Yes sure but are you sure she does?" "She has no choice she is mines!" "Yes sir" the footsteps got closer and I ran to lay in the bed. When the door opened.