▫Runaway from the Sentries (3) ▫

Planetary Build-Ranking. That, Ciana also held sharply, was a joke. The build has been divided through beings, weapons, buildings, transportations, and many more equipment that the active ones can do, craft, use, and have. In count, the proof of identity in the ranking of weapons and clothes has two parts: first, it has pigmented ciphers that only can be seen when the attacker hits the target. Second, exposed tinted emblem – Light Blue, Tuscan Sun, White, Black, and Violet. The emblem color was the basics and easy to deal with enemies or even co-members. The other tinted emblem that was a threat – White and Black, a Mixture of yellow, red, and orange, Dark Blue blended with Green. The colors are also applied in the ciphers. 

This type of rule was prepared by a YeReOr (yellow, red, and orange combination) higher up that even the elders cannot disagree with it. And that was part of Ciana's unfinished business. Her grey shoes and black suit are just painted shields. The real shades were definitely Dark Blue joint with Green. 

'Needless Rules.'

Without dodging the beads that flew towards her, she got a fresh open cut on her left cheekbone. She should carefully avoid the reigning judgments. Her eyes swiftly squint around the right knee portion of her suit; the hidden knives were there, even her monstrous cat-o'-nine-tails. She should have been more of a Warzone Foe Chaser than a Warzone Discharge Sprinter. She could still see in her mind that the YeReOr Sentries from the beaded sands and Light Blues would fail. They have shown how lame their defenses are. She was confident. 

Going advance and further, she looked for a chance to go higher grounds while fleeing, even if her breath had to adjust the abrupt alteration as she ran. Allowing herself to lose on this simple task that the elder has given would be unfair. She will not taunt to become biased to herself, would she now? She shut her eyes and restudied the Eakra's area—The main building can be seen now from far and wide in the East. This means from North to South, the Ranter and Beaded sands, including the other roads, are made with a purpose that was close enough to be a Labyrinth. But then again, why would Eakra Clan behold the progress? What was inside in their elder's mind? Could it be that the Disease was a start? She re-opened her eyes. 

Ciana, unfortunately, smacked her head hard on a Sentry, divided color like a chessboard. A rank of Black and White – likely a magnitude four weapon and five armor. She forgot about the tints coding and its levels by a hairs' scope. One-color has a limit of thirty stages before it upgrades the host. 

"This is Sentry B0010, item and holder has been located. Need immediate gridlocks. Now." 

"You think I would let them, and you catch me?" Ciana said as the Sentry carried her on the left side of its shoulder with no answer to her question. Sentries are not friendly; they kill, follow commands, and never listen to what other alive ones say. Whoever held them was hard-hearted. She does not have to wait for them to lock her up back to Eakra's building because that was not her task. It should not happen either way. So she slid down a hand on the right knee, taking out her tail—a level six magnetized chained whip. As she got a grip with the lash, she quickly made a move in putting it to the sentry's neck, crashing its armor with it. The satisfying noise of crumbled metal put her lips to curve up on the right side. With a cough, the sentry steps back while holding firmly at her whip, making her drag along with it as both of her weapons and her are thrown at a distance to gthe round. 

Her nails were excavated into the ground similarly made as a straight shaver with marks of wavy lines. Arkedss nails are not easy to break. 

"We are not meant to have a decent duration here, huh?" She told the sentry, they were still alone—nothing to be afraid of. However, none of them made a move for a minute. Until there are upcoming footsteps nearby. The sentry B0010 stimulated fast, tossing its weapon to her face with a thump all the way to her stomach. 'Planetary good-for-nothing, that hurts!'  Her head shrieks nonsense human-like inside. Well, they only look like half-human but not human at all. 

"Take me with you—" She raised her head, giving a sentry that looks of tranquility blended in annoyance. "That is –If.You.Can." She let the chains swirl her right hand before slanting it vertically, and with no trace of blinks from her eyes, it divided into two after her left hand passed through the middle of the whip. She remained her knees half bent, her left eye alone was glowing red, eyebrows mischievously going downwards with her creepy grin; she was one of those frightening beings. 

Ciana wanted them to know she always won the battle when it came to these attackers. With the sentry trying to aim at her for its second attack, she paralyzed its arm with the chain. Eating up its armor impatiently. It was good that she could deal with a thought that could also be dealt with by putting it on the other way around. Her natural cold aura, boldness, characteristics, and attitude will be part of why she gets many enemies. Maybe, if she were a little warmer and more obedient in her natural part, then it would not be a challenging cycle for her. However, she always has been developing a strong barrier in her character. Well, most likely, she has a distaste for communicating. A good example was the sentry-like B0010, being commanded by an elder. A hilarious mechanism as they are all the same. 

Her whip moved away when the other sentries arrived in the scene; with the determination of escaping from her idea—the 'No plan,' she got curious, and she was in the mood to be bothered by how her skills would grow as she delights in them. Practically, this was one of her classic way of doing what she does better.