▫ Knowing the Leader ▫

Yriax allowed the air to enter his throat along the way, which made him burp. It was too apparent that he got nervous. Ciana tapped his back for a small comfort. Even if it was not her business to interrupt, she found herself guilty since she almost blew up everyone's safety in the crew. "Hey, calm down." Softly she spoke, which made Yriax stiffen as he listened to what she was about to say next. But instead of Ciana, the Leader speaks up.

"The action I have made was necessary, so any objections later will be discussed. Nonetheless, we shall continue to go to the Saubro for a break, and the new-fangled recruits will present themselves to us." 

All of the Mativeirs handlers understood what the leaders said even if their engines' sound was a bit loud. Fitting for some like Yriax, "Do you mind," Ciana raised one of her eyebrows before responding, "What?"