Shake it off

Lythe twinkled her eyes , incase it worked -- besides it is not like that all her plan have failed. Maybe they would not want to eat them?

"If you think we will eat you , then you got it possibly --right." Pinto gave a sluggish smile at Lythe which got her heart racing, it was scary. However, he would not dare go against his sister.

"What?" While Pinto stared at Lythe-- he thinks that his sister, the highest is one on the top of the world in Arkedss. And he is already glad to see his sister, well and alive.

"What? Stop staring at me! I am not a meal!"

Showing a scared and clueless reaction from Lythe , Pinto could not hold back himself in laughing abruptly. He was just joking but Lythe took it seriously.

"Come closer." Pinto ordered Lythe. Still, she does not take an order from another being.

So she move away , away to the corner of the cage , away from Pinto.

Pinto raised an eyebrow, "I said come closer, not move further away."