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Siqcha is kind but only those who are kind in approaching her, well that was when she thought Thana is one of those kind being.

Since they started a good conversation.

"Tell me some lies about the relayers? I am eager to hear a statement from you about it. Since you look like you really know nothing at all."

Thana zipped her mouth, that would be a great excuse to turn off the topic that Siqcha started. She started at Lythe giving her an idea of how to divert the question, "Why did you come to me? Am I the one who needed the headphone?"

The member that is standing in front of Thana, looked at Siqcha.

"Put that to the other girl." She ordered her member.

The member bowed its head quickly while facing Thana.

"What was that gesture?" Thana scoffed.

Siqcha defended her member by saying, "It was not a big deal really."

Gotto show himself, huffing back to the area.