They will find you

At the same time inside the Galas, Ciana noticed on her skin that something red is glowing, it feels like the thing has a prayer of wanting to come out from under her skin.

It fades in and out of her skin. She maybe is floating inside the Galas but the reflection can not hide that there was a thing coming out from her, as if she has grown some thorns.

Imagine this, a rose blooming after the winter season then thorns started to emerge out from the stem of the rose. Just like that the cycle could not stop Ciana from growing and knowing what is to come on her life.

Cycle could not stop, when the cycle made her.

In all visible parts from where Ciana floats, all around her was the star dusts.

Rage stones and Cianas unawakened power has the connection because her inner vigor put up a show by reacting to it.

Another red smoke coming from the Galas goes out from the side of the messy tornado wall.