He looked at her

When it was Oxblers cue, Siqcha turned. Oxbler hugged her then whispered in her ear. "You poor soul." He stabbed Siqcha on her abdomen. 

"Say good bye to your life cycle." 

It was not Oxbler who said that. It was Ciana Aolina.

"What?" Oxbler did get any chance to looked at Ciana from behind him, she directly strecteched out her left arm and open her left hand wide before clenching it hard. 

In a span of seconds, Oxblers eyes were full of tears (Not a clear white but mixed with blood) afterwards in silence he exploded. 

Iverois existence are not being explained well, since it is the second time Iveroi existed. The last Iveroi was a million of years ago when the first sun was still alive.