Inside your head

"Do not worry, Ms. Aolina. The worker said it has one door but it did not stated that we can see each other undressing ourselves. Right?"

"That is correct." The worker said, and continued speaking , "Inside there is a two doors which you can both freely open and close. Since both of you could not see each other ,once you are inside."

Ciana exhaled with a sign of relieve. Cause for a second ago, she felt her hands became cold, colder than the rain drop that got in touched with her skin.

"Before pressing the button on the other door, make sure you did not click the screen shower, or else I will truly see every thing that you are hiding underneath your clothes, from top to buttom."

Bound to glare at Vandezo's assistant, Ciana made sure to not let her finger and eyes slip with that kind of mistake. While the worker bid farewell before going back to its post.

The assitant walk first towards the said path by the worker.