Look at Vandezo

As the lights from the hallway dimmed , a man opened Cianas door.

"What happened to her? She still did not woke up?" Vandezo arrived. Ciana did passed out again and it was a good thing for her , since her body was burning up in the inner grounds together with her vessels, the Guardian always keep her in-check , from her vital records and signs, to her movement after what Ciana did plus giving a hard time to her guardian before.

His assistant answered back since it got no choice, "She was awake a hour ago, and then she passed out."

"Again?" Vandezo asked his assistant but he looked at Yanie. A look that they could have known each other for a quite while. As her shoulders rested, leaning in a wall from the main room, Vandezo touched the sliding door of Cianas outpatient room.

"Van, the door is still locked. Her guardian did not open it yet, even she calmed down, it might be unnecessary for us to enter. Let's wait for her to wake up."