Hugging her whip

Tempest gave a smile at Elder Yuan as she succeeded in defeating her self from the past illusions that one of the twelve rivals showed her. Her eyes were back to normal, the whip she has expanded its tail, longer than before. With an extended glow on the edges, like a fire.

She then whipped one of the remaining rivals that stood as ready to continue fighting her. Her whipped swirled on their body, no matter how hard the rival shielded themselves she got the fight back with her whip, it did not break even if she knew that it used its maximum power, her whipped got her chosen prey hard, hard to escape it.

"Elder Yuan, a deal is a deal!" She confidently shouted out. "I have just defeated the rivals illusion and those who were standing a while ago, have just passed out," Tempest said while she harshly whipped the rest that was still watching them as she also used her other hand.

"What is next?" She asked.