Look at my signature

He pushed a button under the table of where he stand. And two folders were on his hands as a possession. One folder was the papers that Vandezo has to sign. Donovan has another legal copy with it. Meanwhile, the other folder has Cianas pending missions listed down on it.

Her hands were already tainted with blood from the night creatures she killed. What supplementary fear does she have? There was nothing else to be afraid of.

"There is no rush, in my opinion. But, the choice is yours. No one will stop you. Unless you provoked them without even knowing." He placed down the folders on the table, Ciana was just two chairs away from him. She can see apparently what Donovan was holding, 'Folder'.

He flipped the pages without reading it slowly. It was like he memorized it by just scanning it using a laser eye. His brain could possibly handle it though. So it was not surprising at all.