How cute.

The long wait had passed, and with no more dinners had with her husband since, the night of the dinner banquet had come. Blairs dreaded day, though the thought of the teasing she had planned for Price did put a smile on her face. A wicked smile.

The banquet hall was filled with tables set for groups of five, accompanied by two long tables of

hors d'oeuvres. She had made sure to time everything perfectly for the entrees to be switched in at courter after nine, and a consistent top up of food replenished throughout the night by maids and butlers. The party was expected to begin at six pm the grandfather clock now reading five-thirty.

Well, she did all she could, the rest remained to be seen.

' My heart is pounding.' Blair breathed in and out trying to settle her nerves.

It was seen as rude in this society to arrive early, the later the better apparently.

' What a pain', she just wanted to start getting the pleasantries over with. Maybe she could make a Friend or two?

Blair thought happily to herself, then swatted the thought away.

' Yeah, seems doubtful.' There must be quite a few women who hated her for being Grand Duchess, a lowly Lord's daughter. She fixed the hem of her dress for the bazillionth time so far. A smile curved her lips.

Her ensemble today would surely have the Duke double taking, she chuckled to herself.

Anne approached her in that moment of revelry.

" Your Grace, there are some carriages approaching the estate."

Blair looked at the clock once more, Six O'Clock sharp.

" Very well, I shall go outside to meet the guests personally."

Anne looked slightly shocked, then smiled.

" As you wish, your Grace, I shall ask a knight to join you."

" Oh, and Anne, you Trix and Ellie, I've asked the chef to whip up a nice meal for you ladies. Take turns in switching out of the hall for eating."

Anne smiled widely.

" We look forward to it, your Grace."

Her ladies had gotten so much more easy going with her, she thanked them for it internally. The little bit of normalcy was what she needed to truly deal with all this classism.

She waved Anne away before walking outside to meet her 'beloved' guests.


" Are you not planning on going to the party, your Grace?" Kris was laying lavishly on the studies couch. His long body taking up the entirety of it.

Price looked up at him,

" Hey aren't you a little too cozy, shouldn't you be off protecting me from assassins or something?" Price clipped.

Kris laughed loudly at the Dukes annoyance.

" As if you can't do that yourself, my role as your bodyguards a joke and you know it."

True for most of Prices' life he had never missed a day of training, Kris was now the only one who could give him a proper spar, he'd even win at times normally when Price's thoughts were elsewhere. Like the past couple weeks, his nights of broken sleep had him tired and sluggish, all because of one bloody woman.

More then one night he'd woken up from a particularly intense sex dream, only to find himself uncomfortably hard, having to take matters into his own hands. Always picturing a red headed woman with sultry lips, whispering wicked things in his ear, looking up at him from under long eyelashes, imagining her stroking his length to release. Everytime he came in his own hand he felt ashamed, wishing to hate the woman. Everytime he'd see her in her study or out in the garden looking all the better while he was raddled with these dreams, he'd get angry. Angry that he was aroused by her, and curious of her.

The night she left him to dine alone, her body language was that of teasing, her alluring body on display as a temptress incarnate.

He got angry that she'd brushed him off, so he decided to ignore her again, but seeing her so unaffected by that night while he was racked with a lust bridled since youth had him wanting to go find her to sate his curiosity. Only to get more angry at himself for wanting to give in to his primal desires, he was better then that.

" Why are you so pissed off lately, Price, surely we can talk as friends?"

Price ran a hand over his tired face.

" There's nothing to talk about."

" Price seriously, even that stick up his ass Brooke is worried, and that man never worries."

Price looked over at his lifelong friend, who was now propped up on the couch, looking as worried as he sounded.

Price gave Kris a wave, then tried putting on a relaxed smile.

" Really, there's nothing to talk about, just some... dreams." A blush covered his cheeks when he'd ommited the 'sex' part of the dreams. Such talk was meant for in the bedroom after all.

Kris gave a solid unblinking stare at his friend, noticing the blush on his cheeks.

" Ah, has spring finally sprung for the big bad Duke?"

Kris stood up, slapping the man heavely on the shoulder.

" I don't know what you mean." Price said deadpan, his face returning to normal.

" Pleaaase Price, I've know you for decades now plus, I wore the same face around my sweet Rose when I first started to court her." Kris was notorious for how much he loved his wife. Rose von Gherriam formerly Rose Walterson, she had him wrapped around her little finger. He was also head over heels for his three year old daughter, known for driving people mad with how much he talked of her behaviour.

Price pitied her future gentleman callers.

" Anyways it's not like that." Price objected strongly.

" Okay, okay." Kris put his hands up surrendering.

Price sighed at his friend.

He looked at the time, he had promised Brooke that he'd dress and attend the party, to at least show himself for appearances sake.

" I'll be going now, will you be following me to the party?"

" Yeah yeah, kinda my job."

Kris waved as Price walked out the door on the way to his room to change.

'I am not curious to see her, not curious to see what she has planned, not at all.'

He kept telling himself that but even he knew that was a lie.


Blair was flitting about the banquet hall. Talking to Lord's and ladies, Marques and marchioness' making sure they were satisfied with the party so far. She made sure everyone was constantly stocked with alcoholic beverages, the butlers were staying on top of it perfectly.

' Not half bad, if I do say so myself.'

Blair was happy everything was going without a hitch.

" Duchess, thank you for inviting my wife and I."

Blair looked at who was speaking, upon memorizing all the people she had invited she remembered his name.

" Thank you for coming, Lord and Lady Blaufrankisch." She bowed subtly, they bowed in return but lower as was appropriate their title.

' Seriously some of these names are odd, to say the least.'

" May I ask when the Duke will be joining us?"

That was Lady Genevieve Blaufrankisch, she was hiding behind a fan, hiding what Blair assume was a sneer.

Oh yes, the hot topic among the party was, drum roll please, gossiping about The Duke and Duchess' bad relationship! Blair didn't mind because everything they said was true, at least until recently.

She'd also heard about her husband's nickname, Reaper of the Battlefield. Seems like he was quite the scary one.

She thought back to his coy blushing face and smiled.

She corrected herself when the Lord and Lady were still waiting for her answer.

Clearing her throat and waving her dirty thoughts away she replied.

" I'm not sure if he will, I didn't invite him you see."

"Gasp." She heard from more then the couple she was speaking to, seemingly more people were eavesdropping on her conversation.

" Are you saying you didn't wish for your husband to attend?" Lord Blaufrankisch spoke aghast, making a scene of it, really.

' What is this a stage drama?'

" No I'm saying he's far too busy that i didn't want to bother him." Blair replied.

It was in that moment that Brooke, who had been mingling amongst the crowd, joined the conversation.

" Your Grace, Duke Blackoak assured me he would be coming."

Blair raised an eyebrow at Brooke.

" Did he now, that's fantastic to hear wouldn't you agree Lord and Lady Blaufrankisch?"

The couple seemed a little disappointed to hear the news, one less thing to shame the Duchess about seemed to have brought down their mood.

" Of course, we are happy to hear that the Grand Duke will be here for your Grace's party."

They laughed in unison before excusing themselves.

Blair sighed.

' How childish.'

She turned to look at Brooke.

" You didn't have to invite my husband, I'm assuming he hates such things."

' I hope he hates these things.' Blair thought to herself, thinking about his bothered expression.

Then again she had assumed the astute secretary would force Price to come, expecting to keep up their appearances of a married couple with some form of togetherness.

" It is the least he could do as your husband, your Grace." Brooke bowed towards Blair.

" Now if you'll excuse my abruptness I wish to tear a new one on Marquis Lourance considering his absurd tax increase on cloth trade." Brooke left Blairs side walking, quickly towards a red headed middle aged man.

' Sucks to be him.'

Blair stood alone for a few moments sipping on some bubbly until there was an increase in whispering and loud chatter echoing about the hall.

She looked in the direction of the increasing noise.

'Ah, there he is.'

She watched her husband across the banquet hall, talking to some high ranking men, towering over them with his height and broad physique.

His eyes met hers and she could have sworn she felt a jolt of excitement race down her spine.

She nodded at him, then turned away walking towards an empty table.

She sat down, waving her empty glass at one of the butlers they walked over with a bottle to top her up.

" Leave the bottle, sweet." She uttered softly.

The young man blushed, but bowed and turned away.

She sat for what seemed moments, but looking at the clock the time now read 10:03.

She shut her eyes, listening in on some idle chatter from a nearby group of young ladies, something about one of their new horses and another about someone's new dress.

' Booooring'

She was glad noone joined her, letting the waves of anticipation glide through her, her nerves all but humming.

She suddenly heard heavy footsteps near her, and a scrape of a chair being pulled out across from her at the table.

' Finally.'

" Wife, a pleasure this evening." A deep voice said agitated.

Blair opened her eyes, meeting a pair of sapphire ones.

" Oh, husband, what a pleasant surprise."

Prices handsome face scrunched up in a way that showed his annoyance.

" Pleasant surprise-," He snorted" you saw me earlier, why didn't you come to greet me?"

Blair gave the agitated man a smile.

" Did you want me to?"

Price suddenly blushed at her giving away that he indeed wanted her attention.

" Ahem, anyways what are you wearing?"

He changed the subject abruptly.

Blair looked down at her outfit, she had worn the most modest outfit she had, it covered her neck and hid all of her assets, chic nun she had called it, but in green and instead of a habit she wore her thick red hair in a tight bun.

" Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing?" she asked sounding innocently coy.

Blair was teasing him, she knew that left to her normal devices she'd be wearing as little as possible, to wear this outfit meant she was scheming something, and that she was.

Price scanned her suspiciously.

" It's just this isn't what you normally... wear!"

Blair raised an eyebrow innocently.

" What is it I normally wear?" she asked.

Price blushed faintly before answering.

" You know, more," he looked down at where her breasts would be if her outfit showed anything,

" More.... revealing outfits."

Blair finished her drink in one gulp placing the empty glass down on the table, she leaned forward , wresting an elbow tilting her head and placing it on the palm of her hand.

She pinned the handsome man with a sultry look.

Price looked back at her.

Blair licked her lips, she saw his eyes dart down to her mouth.

His adams apple bobbed as he gulped waiting for what she was about to reply.

" Instead of what I'm wearing you should be concerned of what I'm not wearing, husband." She all but purred.

Price blinked at hey answer, seeming confused.

" What does..." He jumped in his seat across from her.

His face bright pink.

" W-what do you think you are ah." he gasped.


This bloody minx.

At the moment he was trying not to pant or make any noise that may draw attention.

Under the table hidden by the table cloth Blair was fondling his cock through his pants with a unclothed foot.

" Y-you ah can't do Ugh this h-here." there was sweat on his brow and his face was hot.

She was working her foot up and down his hardening length.

" Oh? How come?" Blairs cheeks were very subtly pink, and her eyes scanned his entire face seeming to eat up his reactions.

" I heard you tell Sir Brooke and Sir Kris to keep the others away while you caught up with your wife."

Her voice was becoming huskier, on the word 'wife' she had begun to move her foot faster.

Stroking him, maddening him.

He started to pant, his hands gripped the table cloth, she was going to make him cum, right here in this room surrounded by people.

' How humiliating' he shut his eyes disgusted.

" Now now, don't make that face, your enjoying it as much as me otherwise you would have pushed my foot away by now."

He opened his eyes glaring at Blair, because it was true, why was he letting her do this? Was he really just going to go along with this humiliating scheme?

But as her foot increased its pace and he fealt his balls tighten as his seed begun to climb up his hard length nearing his orgasm his mind started to blank. Eyes narrowed as his legs fell open for more access, under the table his hips started to rock in time with her strokes, he watched Blairs lips upturn in an appreciative smile.

" That's a good boy." She whispered covering one of his clutching hands with hers.

Her pace stayed the same on his cock, his hips begun bucking harder at her foot almost disrupting the table.

Each stroke nearing him closer to release, his panting becoming deeper and more frequent.

"Ha ah, Ugh fu-fuck." Lewd noises escaped Prices lips, trying to be as quiet as possible was difficult.

" Cum for me, husband." Blair whispered only loud enough for his ears.

That phrase pushed him over the edge.

" Ugh!" His eyes rolled to the back of his head as He covered his mouth with one hand the other gripping Blairs hand tight.

Pleasure ripping through him as he felt his semen unload as he bucked his throbbing length against her foot frenzied, his body quaked and stiffened with his release, wave after wave of pleasure scoring to every inch of his body.

Then he slumped back in his chair, gasping heavily.

When the the aftershocks of his orgasm left him and he started to get his thoughts back it was then he heard Blair through his foggy mind.

" Use this to clean yourself up, pet." She placed some silk infront of him.

He shook his head trying to get his thoughts back in order, when it worked shame washed over him. Glaring at Blair who was now rising from the table.

" How dare you!" He stated through breathes, his face hot knowing it was beet red.

He watched as Blair slipped a high heel shoe back on casually, afterwards straightening looking at him with a smile on her face, unashamed and smug.

" Oh I dare, I'll do worse to you pet, and you'll love every second of it, I promise." She chucked him under his chin before walking away hips swaying in that modest dress.

Price watched her walk away his beating heart in his throat stunned at what had just transpired between them.

He felt his seed in his pants becoming cold.

" Fuck." he muttered to himself grabbing the silk Blair had left behind for him on the table,

embarrassed that he was about to clean himself off in public.

' How indecent.' He though to himself.

He spread out the silk cloth prepared to put faith that the coverage of the tablecloth would hide what he was about to do.

'Wait..' he fully unfolded the silk cloth Blair had left behind on his lap realizing now what it was.

" I should be more concerned about what you aren't wearing, indeed." He had thought she was referring to her shoeless foot, realizing that wasn't all, for on his lap was a pair of silk lacy panties.

" Damnable woman." He cursed softly stuffing it in his pants pocket. He cursed her cause not only did this action turn him on anew but he was going to have to dirty his own handkerchief just like when he was a young lad.


Half an hour later.

Blair was out on the balcony attached to her room.

She thought back to Prices facial expressions,

" How cute." she muttered to herself chuckling, curiosity at what other expressions he would make for her in the future.

Then groaned on remembering his face when he came. Even now the wetness between her legs and her clit throbbed, it had turned her on so much that she almost started masturbating at the table; thank Gods for her self control, people would have noticed.

Now that she had told Sir Brooke that she was turning in for the night and to finish the party without her she had returned to her room. Sure it was frowned upon for the host to leave before all the guests were gone but she had made up an excuse of not feeling to well.

She must have looked flushed or something because Brooke had nodded in agreement, seemingly worried.

' Wait until you see the look on your Boss' face.' She thought to herself upon leaving the banquet hall.

She leaned on the balcony railing, now changed into a robe, hair slightly wet from her unsupervised bath. She had told her ladies to stay supervising the party, They didn't agree right away but had when she had said she'd get a knight to escort her back to her room, even now he was stationed outside her door.

She pondered to herself wondering if Price would seek her out or if this would completely scare him away. From his reaction she could see him hiding and completely rejecting the curiosity she'd seen in his eyes, but if he embraced it just a little....

She sat down on the balconies chair, waiting to see if he would come.

Time passed.

Blair saw the first rays of dawn peaking over the horizon.

He hadn't seeked her out.

Blair sighed.

" Patience Blair, Rome wasn't built in a day." She was slightly upset but some people rejected kinks, especially in this world she'd figured it may take even more time.

" Patience." She muttered before turning inside to try to get at least a couple hours of sleep.