Papa's decision

And this is the beginning of my crying, I had thought that I would feel happy with Jimmy but apparently, I would cry and go away from him.

Now that the night is getting late, I can't even close my eyes, my fear of Ayuna is more afraid than I am dealing with ghosts.

I don't know why Ayuna always seizes what I have, from the first time she must always take it, starting from toys, clothes, food, papa and mama's affection must all belong to her even though she was greater than me, but she always still felt less than me.

"Ayuni, why you not sleep dear ... you can be late for school if you sleep too late, ok honey ... good night ... have a nice dream, I love youu ...!" Ayuna said with her teasing me, whether the sentence she spoke was sincere or she was actually mocking me.

I don't want to care about it, for sure I'm thinking right now, what will happen tomorrow at school and what I have to face later when I'm with Jimmy.

Thinking about this, it feels like my head is about to break because I always imagine all Ayuna's behavior to me.

Hhuuufftt .... I took my breath deeply and said to myself "What will happen then it will happen" I can now only surrender to everything to God Almighty.

"Ayuni ... Ayunaaa let's get up quickly ... let's take a shower, I'll be late for school" Dad's voice woke me up from sleep.

I saw that Ayuna was sitting sweetly on the edge of this bed and she smiled sweetly at me, making my eyes bulge and becoming curious about what she had done to me. I'm very sure if Ayuna must have taken something from me while I fell asleep in my sleep.

"Morning, my dearest sister .... let's take a shower first! You'll be late! Oh yeah .. today Jimmy will take me to school, he is very happy to know I will go to school with him starting today". Ayuna said while smoothing her hair in front of the mirror.

It felt like my breath stopped suddenly, after hearing what Ayuna had said to me just now.

I wanted to complain to papa, but we are not children anymore, and this problem is only a problem of children our age and this is only about me and Ayuna, but honestly inside, I really can't afford to continue like this.

I saw that Ayuna was sitting sweetly on the edge of this bed and she smiled sweetly at me, making my eyes bulge and becoming curious about what she had done to me. I'm very sure if Ayuna must have taken something from me while I fell asleep in my sleep.

"Morning, my dearest sister .... let's take a shower first! You'll be late! Oh yeah .. today Jimmy will take me to school, he is very happy to know I will go to school with him starting today". Ayuna said while smoothing her hair in front of the mirror.

It felt like my breath stopped suddenly, after hearing what Ayuna had said to me just now.

I wanted to complain to papa, but we are not children anymore, and this problem is only a problem of children our age and this is only about me and Ayuna, but honestly inside, I really can't afford to continue like this.

Today is the beginning of Ayuna and starting school

she was able to steal Jimmy from me, then what about tomorrow or the day after ... what will happen next to me ?? I immediately got up from my sleep and ran into the bathroom because I was unable to imagine everything. I can only cry with the rushing sound of the water in my bathroom, my heart is broken and very broken.

Currently, the time has shown at 6 am, Myself is ready to go to school together with Ayuna. As usual Jimmy came to pick him up and I saw his face

Jimmy was surprised when he saw Ayuna standing right next to me and I could only surrender to wait for what would happen next, whether Ayuna or I would be picked up by Jimmy. I could only look at Jimmy with empty eyes and didn't know what to say.

This time I saw Jimmy didn't smile and didn't say anything, he could only see me standing like a statue with eyes swollen from crying this morning, then his eyes looked at Ayuna who was smiling at him, smiling at him, Ayuna is like the most beautiful princess in the world this.

"Eeh .. there is Jimmy, it has come ...." papa scolded him then Papa walked over to Jimmy, smiling after being close to Jimmy, Papa said to him ...

"Son, Jimmy, from now on, let me take them, because now there are already 2 girls living at my house, he he he he he he, so this is the responsibility of me, he he he he he...!"

Papa said to Jimmy, at least Papa's words made me feel calmer because my tears won't come anymore at this time.

"Jiim .. wait a minute !" Ayuna's voice suddenly made us all shocked. and also stopped Jimmy from leaving the two of us.

"Paaaa .... I made an appointment with Jimmy, he will take me to school, can he !?"

Ayuna whined to papa, in a spoiled fashion she begged Papa and asked Papa to agree to her request.

============= *** ============

To all the readers who liked this story, I apologize if it has taken a long time to update because so far there have been no words asking me to continue this book, making me sad and become insecure, but I still try to give my best to all readers of this story wherever you are, I only ask if you like this story please give support for this story through its comments and power stones. thank you, don't forget to say my best regards to all of you who have read my suffering. if you want to know me you can see me on

FB : @ Chandrawati2019 or

Instagram: @Divanandadewi

thank you and I love you all.
