You are really good at acting

One question from Jimmy, which made me feel hard to swallow my saliva at this time, because the question was really beyond my expectations, I did not think that today Jimmy will make so many surprises for me, which makes me almost crazy made, I thought Is Jimmy want to ask me to skip school today? Or does he want to ask me to go out with him on his date with Ayuna this weekend? I looked back at Jimmy's face with full of questions and I felt something strange about Jimmy right now, so he could turn out like this to me.

"Jim 'where do you want to take me? Do you want to intend to skip today? If that's true, I don't want to! Because later Ayuna will cheer to see me if I get angry from papa today." I said while leaving Jimmy on the edge of this lake because I didn't want to get crazy he made and I didn't want to be insane just because of this unclear love, the most important thing for me right now I'm thankful because he already wanted to defend me from Ayuna's crime earlier but for other things I don't want to think first, it's true that high school love is beautiful but I realize my love is not yet clear and I also don't know how Jimmy feels to me whether it's love or just an ordinary friend because right now, it's just me. who always accompany him in times of sorrow or joy.

"Ayuni ... wait a minute! I don't want to invite you to skip classes now, but someday ...! Right now I just want to hear an answer from you whether you want to go with me! Because I want you to go with me! ... !!

Jimmy replied to my words with a voice that was so loud, Because I had left him far away, Jimmy's voice sounded faint, he gave the reason for his question to me, I could only smile happily to hear it because it turned out that Jimmy wanted to ask me to go alone. with him alone, I didn't hear Ayuna's name come out of Jimmy's mouth.

I accelerated my pace, and I really left Jimmy, I didn't want to look back to see how far Jimmy was from me, because I wanted to immediately go to class and take lessons with all the feelings that had been mixed in this heart.

only the biggest feeling in my heart right now is, the feeling that is so happy because I never thought that Jimmy could hug me and say beautiful things to myself.

"AYUNII .... !!!

I stopped my steps after I heard the voice of the call, Even though 3 more steps of my feet have entered my classroom, but a familiar voice with his never-changing style and characteristics has stopped me. Of course, who else but Ayuna can shout a voice like that to me, I immediately turned my body to look at him, I know what Ayuna will do to me and I have prepared myself to face it, because at this time all students and the students in this school have judged me as a bad person to him because they have trusted the play that Ayuna has played.

"Hope you are happy ... I have sacrificed so that Jimmy can love you, even though I know Jimmy only loves me, but earlier I made Jimmy go with you ... that's a sign, my sacrifice was not in vain for you sister my dear ...! "

Ayuna's words are like poisonous snake venom, she really made me like the worst human in her life, it turned out that Mama did not in vain educating her to make her an artist who is good at acting, because now she is able to convince all the eyes that see her and make me It became their eyes to be able to judge that I was the most despicable student in this school.

The blood in this body feels even hotter, even my ears and face are getting redder because I heard all Ayuna's words towards me, If I were able to throw this hand to her face I might have done it a long time ago, but it turns out I still can't do it to at this time because I still want to see him and listen to all the plays at this time, until he feels satisfied that there is not a single word left to say, I remain silent and do not reply I just continue to stare with lips that continue to smile because that's all I can afford give it to him.

"Ayuni, don't feel guilty like that! ... it's not like you are now happy to get love from Jimmy, instead of you always writing in your diary, now you can do what you want according to what you write in the diary. you, Let me give in for your happiness, I will say to Jimmy that my love is bigger than your love so I will be happy if I see yourself happy .... "

"Ayuna !! Enough ... !! Don't make all this more complicated ...! Everyone also knows that you and Ayuni are good brothers! You just don't forget one thing because nothing can replace my friendship. with Ayuni because for me Ayuni is more than a boyfriend! So I don't need a boyfriend !! I already have Ayuni that's enough! Even if it can last forever !! " said Jimmy who suddenly was behind me.

Maybe it wasn't just me who was shocked Half Dead to see Jimmy who came and immediately stood in front of me and he loudly said in front of all the students who had looked at me right now like a criminal

========== >>>>>

My dear readers, I ask all of you who liked the contents of this story, please help me with the Vote and also the reviews yaa ..

so that my novel can rise and stay in the rankings and also make me even more excited to write the story again ....

thank you, don't forget to say my best regards to all of you who have read my suffering.

if you want to know me you can see me on

FB : @Chandrawati2019 or

Instagram: @Divanandadewi

thank you and I love you all.
