The last moment with her part 2

"Ute wait!" A Voice from behind. it's Eneng's voice. Ute took his foot off the gas.

I thinks he will go to the right side where Ute is.

But me guess is wrong. She walked towards the left side where the writer was. I did not react.

She opened the door, saw I sight of shock and extraordinary reaction

Dog!!! the voice echoed.

I felt struck by thunder in broad daylight. Suddenly, blood overflowed his head. Facial skin feels wrinkled uncontrollably, and the vision becomes dark.

I jumped through the door that had opened by itself. I mean, I would grab her hair as hard as I could, smack her left cheek as hard as I could, pinch her right cheek with the same force, punch her mouth that had uttered painful words, A pain that I've never felt in my life, A pain that hurts more than pain like a heart in the clasps of giant iron pliers.

A pain that I don't want to feel anymore, because along with it my self-esteem feels crushed.

She looked back. the danger that threatened him, he ran behind the house through the small door.

I mean to hold on to it. Wherever he runs I will chase her. I will follow into hell too.

Suddenly I felt someone holding my hand tightly, and a voice filled with worry was heard.

"Kang Ujang Don't! Kang Ujang Don't Poppy is little!" Voice

It turned out to be Nur's voice. Hearing my name was mentioned twice the blood dropped drastically.

Hearing my name being mentioned twice, I felt the blood drop drastically. And the eyes are back to normal. Lust vanishes like dew in the sun.

Now I that the devil is in the bloodstream fills the head, the eyes suddenly become pitch black

Finally I gave birth to the next love poem "A woman who has a clean and sincere heart, then prays to Allah and hopes and believes that her prayer is answered, her prayer is answered"

Then the writer approached Ute, canceled to be driven home. Along the way I rang the sound of Dogs in my ears piercing into my heart. I'm reminded of a song that's better for a toothache than a heartache.

That night, I couldn't sleep. Bumping, rolling left-to-right. All night long, I feel restless, upset, miserable. The pain left my body.

Finally, the sound of the Fajr Adhan echoed I took water for ablution for the Fajr prayer. When the first prostration the pain came back, the feeling of pain in the prostration, the writer's tears fell in a long prayer rug.

I can't help it anymore I pray "O Allah, I hope he feels the pain, as I feel it" And the pain feels much less. The second raka'at was successfully completed by the author.

Connecting the author's prayer with the appearance of Eneng's face, the writer's heart began to wonder, Maybe God has granted my request. His. But what law did God give to the Eneng. Few day latter Allah answer a quetion.

That day, the writer's heart was pounding for no apparent reason. Finally I visited Budi's house.

former second Folk song guitarist. Arriving at his house before the writer sat down he already asked, "Kang Ujang, have you heard about Poppy?"

"About Poppy what?" the writer asked back.

He looked hesitant, finally he stammered: "Poppy is raped by five people, taking turns, at Ciater after band practice"

Hearing this, the author left my paeh Si Eneng. From then on, Bing's point puspa song became a memory song.

That afternoon the sun was fiery

Suddenly the sky is dim

A happy heart flinched instantly

Calamity seems to slip

Destroy the sense of soul and body

Unbelievable but real.

It turned out that God answered the first prayer was the prayer that was delivered during the prostration of the Fajr prayer.

While the second prayer. Asbabun Nuzul

One day. When I was carrying out my cooperative duties, I encountered Leo, a tiger street person, and a cooperative officer.

"Sounds like Poppy is in the band the Frog?"

"Sad Leo" said Ujang

How are you?"

"It's okay. Well don't." He continued, his face became gloomy.

I was really surprised. It was as if Si Eneng had been raped in turns.

Without waiting long, my motorbike headed for the house of Si Eneng.

Ujang went to Mamah Eneng's house.

There he looked at Mamah's very happy face

"Cep Ujang Si Eneng can already play electric guitar," said Mamah.

I couldn't bear to see Mamah's joy so I decided to immediately leave the place.

"I won't be long because I left the cooperative duties. I just want to know Neng's condition," said Ujang

"Si Eneng likes to travel somewhere?" Mama said

I continued my intention to go home, to return to work in the cooperative. along the way the author prays hopefully. Si Eneng who was still a child did not arouse the lust of the naughty lecherous man. That is the second asbabun nuzul prayer that Allah did not accept.

That night, after I heard the news that destroyed my body and soul, I prayed with all my heart while shedding tears.

Oh Allah, if Poppy suffers from the rotational rape, turn it over to me. O Allah, if Eneng is rejected by another man, transfer it to the servant. O Allah, if Eneng suffers from other things, turn it over to me."

After I finished praying above my soul felt lighter.

Kang Ujang hasn't heard about Poppy yet. Poppy is now a singer at Aneka Plaza nightclub, a famous nightclub in Bandung.

"I don't know Man! Maman knows from"

"Maman see for yourself. Maman's band accompanies him. Just found out, he is a drummer. As far as I know he is a great guitar player. He trained me to play guitar.

But the writer couldn't. Until the author bored himself. But he didn't get bored, gave me support to reach the guitar that was left behind. But the writer was desperate.

"It's good that Poppy has been removed from the AP," he continued.

Finally that night Ujang went to AP. Coincidentally, Mama was there. Ujang waited there until 20.00 WIB, finally the author immediately left the AP, because the author returned to Jalan Sentral Cibabat Cimahi.

At that time the author was working at PT An in Tunggal, Cimahi. Dimly heard Broery's song in the muddy and stained valley became Ujang's memory song.

And Ujang's love ended up in AP, because Ujang had not seen her since then.