war verses

Verses of War began to spread, a month after the author became a Santri At-Tawakal.

That day Dedi Hideung walked half-running to the writer's father.

She said while crying

"I will show you, Anes!"

"Dare opponents do not dare to pick up stones still do not dare to flee."

"wearing any cry like any womanThat is the first verse of the author's father's legacy.

The second war verse is: "Daek act in Jajah. Don't do Daek Ngajajah."

Now there has been a verse violation. Must be resolved. The writer's soul revolted, feeling that the Territory was colonized.

It's only natural that Dedi hideung ran away. Because Anes has a habit, teu Ilahar jeung batur. Nyaeta eats wild cat meat. Delicious, refreshing and has acids." he said. That's what makes the writer tremble. But the author remembers something when he was a child, then hunting kites broke, the thread was long. Usually, if the kite breaks the string is long. Between the roof and the kite the thread will bend in the middle. After a bit down the author jumps to reach the thread. Could.

When the writer was pulling the thread left and right, he came while showing the thread he was coiling.

"Jang! Has been allowed by Anes !"

"Let how this ball be allowed by Us!

By Us!" " we are both adamant. Finally the author tore up the

"It's torn. Now what do you want?"

That incident causes the vibrations in the heart to disappear.

Finally, the writer looks for Anes. Meet in the middle of the road then attack.

"It's nice to show Dedi hideung. Manehna lanceuk aing broom!"

"Anes teu nyaho Jang Manehna Against the defenses who pretend to be good. So I Anes in gaplok kenca katuhu. Ayeuna Ujang replied. Sok we Anes, I'm too lazy to reply.

"It's useless to fight so and so against me," said the author. The battle is over

The news quickly circulated massively.

"Si Anes jeger perlon fear to Kang Ujang!"

Kang's name skyrocketed unstoppable again.

One day the author came home from school from a distance, the karees children were joking. As soon as the writers passed, they lined up. Nobody spoke up.

Huge responsibility! That's how the author thinks. Have fun! After changing clothes, the author approached them, expressing the author's desire to form a gang regardless of the power of the perlon. Agreed.

"Take the Cat!" said the author. One came back with wall paint. At that time, the names of the two big gangs in Gatsu were crossed with the new gang name ANKER, the Karees Children, a small gang whose members were still small, two people wearing long trousers and the other still wearing shorts.

The names of the members are 1 Kang Ujang; 2 Kang Djodjoh; 3 Liki Chowak;4 Ayi hideung; 5 Udin Bako, 6 Koni the An3dis 7 Dedi Achol and 8 Matong Wulur.

Deleting the name of the gang in exchange for a new number, is a painful insult and a big challenge. No reaction SAFE SURAMAN

One day it was Perlon's birthday, almost all the big gang leaders were invited, except for the BBC (Buah Batu Boys club)

The writer sat on time, sat in a chair, near Neles, the Chairman of Perlon.

Neles' name was sticking out, selling high. When he was strafed by brent. he crossed his arms over his face while bowing. Both hands were covered in blood when Brenf's bullets were used up, he attacked back. The attacker was beaten badly after that Neles' name skyrocketed.

One by one, the big gang leaders arrived. The seats are full, only one seat is empty. At that time, a road limping, escorted by two leaders Perlon, and Yoseph, Neles' younger brother.

Yoseph, approached the writer, invited the writer to sit down. The author does not want to provoke a fuss.

Move to my chair which is still empty. The author doesn't sit down, squats like someone who has a bowel movement. Yoseph's eyes narrowed, Rosyid's eyes bulged. The author doesn't care. Small is also the head of the gang.

Long story short, the birthday of the year was over. Yoseph approached from the left, Rosyid from the right, saw this, Neles jumped, holding the writer.

"Maneh will be Jang!" he said. The writer didn't understand the point but the writer didn't ask, and the hot party didn't happen.

One day the author wants to visit the older sister of the author's father, the only one. At the same time, visit Ma Iti, the caretaker of writer Ati's sister. Arriving there the author played ping pong. Someone messes up, the writer rebukes and threatens. At that time, at sunset, a group of young men passed by, each carrying equipment, some carrying long bamboo fences, batons, and slingshots, all kinds of things.

Someone brought an object wrapped in a newspaper. He sat next to the writer. And put down the package, there was a loud thump.

"Bread!" he said

The writer picked it up while saying. "Teas tea bread is very teased. Sigana raos very seagrass sucks in the dark!" the man walked away glaring.

Security intervened, he suggested that if you go home, don't take the small road. But the author thinks otherwise. The author goes home through a narrow alley that dark. Did not meet any Writer Passed brilliantly.

The next night the Karees gang visited the Ballax gang, the atmosphere was quiet. Someone came out in a Karateka outfit complete with a red belt around his waist. "Naon yuh! Aya Raramean?" Karareka asked. Ayi hideung and Udin Bako approached Si Karateka on the left and right, and squeezed him. The Karateka's face paled.

When Ayi Hideung asked who was Ballax's hero, he replied: "Amen"

"Where is Imah na?"

The Karateka pointed to a house not far from there. His hands were shaking.

The writer banged on the door, suddenly from behind the window opened and someone jumped out.

In the afternoon, the author came with another member. No movement whatsoever. In the end, the writer decided to just go home through the rice fields, turn right, cross the Cikuda Pateuh Kolot-Dayeuh Kolot train track, follow the Turangga Gatot subroto road, then karees.

Approaching entering the rice fields, there was a scream from the stripes. "Jang dagoan!" The author looks at the fact that Iman, Ma Iti's son-in-law, an employee of the author's father in the workshop. Two people ran after the writer.

"Shock!" said the Author to the Author partner. It means to extend the distance. Thus the distance is further away, so that if you arrive, your breath will run out.

One step behind, the writer turned and rebuked.

"What do you want?" The two men gasped. "Peace Kang, Peace!" He said breathlessly.

"Enya Jang Peace!" Faith said. The person who was with him holding out his hands seemed to be shaking. Ballax's conquest was completed without shedding a single drop of blood.

The essence of Islam: "From Enemy to Friend"

The author intends to spread his wings to binong Jati.