Party In Buddha's House - Part 2

"Onii Chan?"

That girl said she was Li Wen but this is her real face, she was very beautiful! She had healthy pale skin, sharp eyebrows and nose, she had pink lips which looks like they were dry, overall she is a beauty compared to Dai Lu Wa

Du Chan looked at her, indeed a beautiful fox! But he didn't respond to her call,

Li Wen tried to stand up but she fall down because there was no strength in her body at all!

See that Du Chan sighed,

"Li Wen?" Xie Mengyu looked at Li Wen she didn't recognize her because of her dress and face, but she know that only Li Wen calls Du Chan as Onii Chan! She stood up and walked to her, and there was another one beside Li Wen

"Mo Qing're?" Xie Mengyu looked at her; it was indeed Mo Qing're!

Du Chan also looked at her and looked at Buddha,

"Well…how can I leave her alone?" Buddha said with a smile,

Xie Mengyu reached them and supported Li Wen and looked at Mo Qing're,