Slowly and Painfully~

"What is it?" Du Chan asked them with a smile, what the hell is going on here, everyone he meets was asking for help…?

"Nothing, we just need to kill a guy, who was doing many evil deeds, and even tried to do some bad things with He Clan Members, and heard that he was near our sect, so we are trying to kill him, if Senior helps us, we can catch and kill him in no time," that man said

Du Chan nodded, it's not like he was busy or anything, it will be a good thing to do in his free time! Plucking some weed off is also a good job

"So, where is he right now?" Du Chan asked them, it was already night

"We don't know, but the only thing we know is, he was living in the nearby village treating his wounds he got from He Clan when he fought out people," they said with a serious face, it seems that guy did some really bad things to them to make these guys mad like this.