Yin Spring Water ( 2 )

Du Chan jumped in the waterless well and landed on the rough ground,

"This was the way to the Yin Sprint Water, ah! I need to face these things" Du Chan said with a sigh, This Yin Sprint Water was known to its power to boost Yin in the body! It's very risky to Du Chan! But after all, this was a shortcut, very fast! He can feel the thing inside his body will come out sooner anyway.

Du Chan sat on the ground in a lotus position

"Goddess Min, this junior born eunuch and lost the color of guts, I pray that Goddess Min bless this dust like junior with your Yin and let this dust like junior became a ruler of the Yin Realm!" Du Chan clapped his hands and silently whispered some words like he was praying to the Goddess Min.

He saw some things about these things in Bai Ning Han, this was the place where Goddess Min used to stay!