Hello, Du Chan

Du Chan was sleeping and without knowing 1 day passed, and he was disturbed by Long Lin.

"Tsk" Du Chan said woke up from the bed, can't she just wait for her father normally?

"Did I disturb you?" she said

"Yes," Du Chan said to her

"Okay" she nodded and resumed what she was doing, she was blacksmithing something here! Why can't she just sit silently! 

Du Chan doesn't know what to do now, already so many days passed since he came here and he didn't go out of this place!

"Hey, can you tell me some things about Kim?" Du Chan asked Long Lin.

"Hmm, what do you by something?" she asked him back and stopped the thing he was making

"like…what will he do if he gets angry, something like that" Du Chan asked her with a smile, he wanted to know what was scarring those maids so much.