His Undoing

Aisling returned to find the man standing at the bottom of the staircase. She wanted to descend with grace, but she felt too self-conscious. In the end, she walked down normally, but she felt like a new born calf taking its first steps. Still, she made it down without incident.

"You look lovely." The man complemented.

There was something strange about the complement. It was as if he was unused to the words.

Aisling waved a hand with a happy smile and did not mind the hint of hesitation. In any case, she felt like she looked good in her mid-length shift dress.

"Shall we leave?"

Aisling nodded and walked ahead of the man. "Where are we going?"

"You will see." He responded while opening the door for her.

"Are we taking a compact train?" She asked after locking the door.

Little Three had explained how the transportation system in Farallon City worked. The metropolis had an intricate system of train tracks which covered all corners of the residential, commercial and industrial districts.

The compact trains were small trains which acted as buses, allowing people to travel with ease. Only a few residents of Farallon City had cars. However, she did not see a vehicle outside her home. She could only assume they were taking a train.

"No." He responded.

"Then, how will we get there?" She looked at him expectantly.

"I will take you there." With these words, he scooped her up into his arms.

Aisling shrieked as she was swept up into the air and placed against a hard chest. She lifted her arms and placed them around his shoulders to support herself in case he dropped her, even though she could feel the strength of his body.

If it had been anyone else, she would have taken action against them. She did not know what about this person made her want to be reckless and free.

Perhaps, her near-death experience had made her a little different.

The thought flitted in her mind, but she knew that she was just excusing herself for wanting a man before she even met him.

"Wait, wait, wait, what are you doing?" She asked in a high voice.

"Taking you out for dinner." He responded while looking at her blushing face.

Aisling could hear a strong and steady heartbeat against her face. It was completely different from her own, which galloped at an unprecedented rate.

"Put me down. Put me down." Aisling felt a bit of panic when she realised that she was behaving uncharacteristically. She was always in control.

"You can relax. I will not hurt you." His deep voice sounded hypnotic.

For an unknown reason, her heartbeat slowed down, and she finally took a deep calming breath.

"I don't know you." She said while shifting a bit in his arms.

The heated lava eyes looked into her silver ones, and she felt like she was being swallowed up in a volcanic storm.

"I am Abaddon Rex." Wings of black with trims of gold unfurled behind him.

Before Aisling could respond to the development, he ascended into the air while she shrieked again. She had seen his wings before, but it had seemed like a dream. At the time, she had been on the edge of death and life.

Now, she could not deny the wings as she felt the cold evening breeze on her face and looked down at the city.

As they soared higher and higher, her arms, which had remained reserved around the broad shoulders, drew closer to his neck, until she held on to him in a more intimate manner. She felt a little awkward about hanging on like a pendant.

However, she decided to shrug the feeling off. It was his fault for flying her into the air without warning.

"Are you scared?" Warm breath touched her sensitive earlobes as the man holding her whispered.

Her neck shrunk back and her toes curled up in her sandals as a strange sensation that swept through her body.

"No." She said in a small voice.

"Then, shall we go a little higher?" His lips brushed over the shell of her ears.

That light caress rushed through her body, like a fire licking through her senses. The heat settled in her lower abdomen, triggering a discomfiting desire that she had never felt before. It was a mixture of a little pleasure and a hollowness that craved to be filled.

The feeling caused her to forget that she was in the air. She shifted in his arms in an attempt to cross her legs and alleviate that sensation at the apex of her limbs that made her want.

The shift caused her to slip a little from the support of the arm below her legs.

"Careful…" The man drawled even though Aisling was in no danger of falling.

He lifted her higher and closer to his chest. The arm below her legs rose a little higher and clutched her by the upper thigh.

Aisling could feel the heat of the arm below her through her light dress, but she did not dare to make another shift while they were still in the air. However, all she could think about was how close that arm was to the place that desired touch.

She tightened her arms once again around his neck and buried her head into the crook of his neck. The position allowed her to take in his scent. It seemed to be a mixture of fire and ice. It was an intangible and inexplicable scent, but there seemed to be an addictive quality to it that made her want to take it in.

Her nose pressed closer to his neck, and the slightly cold tip brushed across his skin like smooth silk. Her lips parted as she breathed deeper. Perhaps, it was to take in more of the aroma or maybe, it was to compensate for the lack of sufficient air as she became intoxicated.

Aisling's mind was overloaded with unusual sensations that she did not notice when Abaddon slowed down and descended on the roof of an imposing black tower. She only seemed to realise the end of their journey when his feet touched the surface.

Her mind remained foggy as he placed her on her feet on the hard stone. She felt a little lightheaded at the change in orientation. Before she could stumble, Abaddon placed his hands on her shoulders to steady her.

Aisling looked up at the man to thank him, but no words came from her mouth. His eyes, which had been a molten golden colour with flecks of red, had changed into glowing red orbs, filled with something she could not understand.

Abaddon took in the wide eyes and the parted lips on the face covered with a light blush, and the heat, which he had tried to suppress through the flight, broke out. He had held himself in check as she shifted, touched and caressed.

But faced with the naked and confused desire on her face, he could not resist.

His hand reached for her chin, but he did not grasp it. He used a single finger to lift the charming face. His other hand swept the wild platinum curls on her head before he drew even closer to her. He bent down his head until only a gap remained between their lips.

He stood at the precipice, breathing her in. He desired her. He knew he desired her. And the craving felt like a drug in his blood. He did not know what it was about her that awakened the feelings that he had long thought dead.

No, he had never felt anything that wanted to consume him so much.

But, he wondered what that single kiss would lead.

He had not forgotten what he had been told at Temple of Oracles.

The banshee would be his undoing.

Unfortunately, they had not elaborated.

He wondered what the banshee could do.

Maybe, giving in to the temptation of emotions would trigger the bloodlust and violence which had made him king. Without the strong reins on his humanity, he might pick up the mantle of the Divine Destroyer once again and cause unmitigated destruction.

Or perhaps, he would destroy the banshee himself when the ennui returned.

Aisling did not know the thoughts of the man. She only felt the light caresses and the soft breath on her lips. Her heart raced, and she had never felt more alive. Her eyes closed as a finger ran over her cheekbones, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.

The demi-angel, who had been feared for eons, was shaken by the show of complete trust by a woman he could break with a thought.

He cursed in a language long-forgotten.

And then, he placed his lips over her sweet parted ones.

When he began, he only intended to have a little taste.

But when his tongue touched her mouth, he knew he was lost.

His hands dug into the wild curls as he coaxed her mouth open, enticing her tongue. Aisling was a little reserved at first, but there seemed to be an aphrodisiac pouring it her as Abaddon devoured her lips and tongue without reserve.

She stood on her tiptoes as she attempted to press closer to him, yearning for more of his heat.

Abaddon set aside his reservations as he released her hair and picked her up, his hands resting on her pert bottom. She lifted her arms and placed them around his neck while her legs were parted around his waist.

The black wings with edges of gold spread before forming a cocoon around them.

Aisling gasped as the soft wings seemed to caress her exposed arms and legs. The heat in her kept rising as Abaddon released her mouth and kissed along her neck, sucking on her soft skin without hesitation. His arms slid along her thighs until she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Her body felt electrified and out of her control. Her nails dug into the broad shoulders as the heat in her abdomen spread to her entire body. Her back arched, her toes curled and her mouth fell open in a melodious moan.

Lightning flashed above the black tower and a bolt struck down on the roof.