Forbidden Fruit

Abaddon was amused by her plan, but he could see the merits in it. If they kept telling stories, they would spend plenty of time together.

But he did not agree right away.

"I already told you a valuable story. Most mortals would kill to hear about the stories of old from the King of a hidden continent." His casual words challenged Aisling.

Aisling thought about it. That story was indeed valuable. No one in the outside world even knew about the existence of angels and demi-angels. If the story was to be believed, the Consortium had probably wiped away the traces.

Therefore, in terms of story quality, it was incomparable to her reminiscing about her past.

However, she would not lose so easily.

"But we must consider the well from which the stories are drawn. Even if I tell you everything that has happened to me, and even include all the books I have read, I cannot compare to your wealth of… experience." She paused intentionally.

Abaddon felt like there were arrows with the word 'old' stabbing him. Often, he forgot that he was his age.

Unlike most general subhuman races, demi-angels could Sleep for long periods. The hibernation period allowed for the repeated renewal of the body. Therefore, they did not feel the physical implications of existing for millennia.

Only the ennui would cause some demi-angels to focus on their age.

And again, compared to their departed angelic parents, they were still babies.

He refused to capitulate under the insult of his… experience.

"My stories are like legends to the scientific and enlightened people of the mainland. I have heard that the Consortium has pushed the agenda that subhuman races were formed through natural evolution. If I told you a story, it will be like a silly fairy tale." He countered.

"I like fairy tales. It so happens that no one read me good night stories when I was young. It would not hurt to hear a few. I am still growing after all." Aisling turned her head a little and looked up at Abaddon.

The demi-angel saw the crafty eyes and the naughty smile, and his mind went blank. It felt like she was pulling his very soul into her silver eyes. He could not remember what he had intended to say.

Aisling chuckled at the blank look on Abaddon's face and declared herself the winner.

"I look forward to your fairy tales, Ancient One." She teased as she looked forward again.

Abaddon snapped from the daze and realised that he had been swallowed in the vortex of the Soul Resonance. He was always vigilant and kept tight control of his mind to avoid falling too deeply into the beguilement of their connected primordial souls.

However, as they bantered, he had felt relaxed and free. Normal…

When she had looked back and their eyes met, his soul yearned and wanted to reach out to her.

He shook his head and tried to focus.

"I am hungry." Aisling suddenly said.

She turned her head again and looked expectantly at Abaddon.

The demi-angel's lips twitched at the face that seemed to be waiting for him to conjure up something. He could also see that she was acting a little spoiled intentionally.

Instead of being irritated, he felt a sense of pride. The gesture showed that she felt more comfortable and open with him.

He lifted his right hand, and a fruit appeared in his hand. It looked like a purple apple, but the strong fruity scent was different. He gave it to Aisling.

"What is this?" Aisling said with suspicion, but she took it.

She had never seen such a fruit.

"Something good," Abaddon responded.

Cal cooed loudly and its wings shook.

"See, even Cal wants a taste." Abaddon smiled. "Go on, take a little bite."

Aisling looked at him a little more suspiciously. This scene reminded her of the story of the snake in the garden of Eden, luring Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.

Still, she opened her mouth and bit into the fruit. She expected a crunchy texture, but she found that the fruit was juicy. The sweet tanginess swirled in her mouth as she chewed on the fruit before swallowing.

Her body felt a strange energy flow through it as she kept eating the fruit. When she finished it, she felt a little sad and wanted to eat another. She turned and looked at Abaddon expectantly.

The demi-angel laughed. "You cannot eat too much of this fruit. That small portion has not even been digested. If you eat more, you will be bloated with too much energy."

Aisling focussed on her body and felt the increased magical and mental energy. It did not seem like much, but there was a difference.

"It doesn't seem like a lot of energy." Aisling was a little sceptic.

Abaddon laughed. "When we get to the ground, you can test out your powers. The Purple Water Fruit is used to recover energy during battles or long journeys. If you were tired and weakened, you would feel the effects more profoundly."

Aisling was not certain about the matter, but she could only wait.