Her First Home

Aisling could not understand the feeling of déjà vu and its intensity throughout the gallery show. From dealing with Jim Smith, that evil goblin, to giving a speech on the fathomless beauty of her paintings, everything seemed familiar.

It was almost as if she was reliving the past.

"Aisling, you seem a little tired," Nadia spoke with concern. "Why don't you go on home. I will close up the gallery."

Aisling was startled by the soothing voice and broke away from her confused thoughts. She wondered if she was losing her mind from the stress of launching a new career. She could not shake the feeling that something was not right.

It was almost as if the balance of the universe was off. Or maybe, she was forgetting something important.

However, she did not feel up to divining or looking for other answers about her unusual feelings. Perhaps all she needed a good night's sleep before facing her concerns.