Chapter 14: settling down

Chapter 14: settling down

Up the hill , Lin Lin and everyone else stood in front of the old hunter's empty house .

This is where they will start over from . Filled with hope and determination , they went in and started cleaning .

The house looks shabby and about to fall down from the outside but it's good in the inside.

Its made of mud with walls encircling it . There are three rooms , one kitchen , a small front courtyard and a big courtyard behind the house .

After two hours , they finished cleaning everything. they also decided that Lin Lin and her siblings will share a room while the third room will have one room too .

Thankfully, each room has a kang bed or they don't know how they would do in the winter.

The third room , was like a living room . It's the first room you enter after entering the door.

The kitchen was big . With too stoves made of mud , two old bowels and a big pot that can be used .

Jin Wei was delighted when she saw the old pot . Although, is was quite old but with a good cleaning she will make it as good as new .

The old lady didn't bother to give them one ah .

It's truly hard to find one but thankfully god was good to them .

Lin Lin didn't stop jin Wei from doing so .

She was planning on getting a new one from her supermarket to use .

However, this old pot will work as a distraction for nosy pests .

She then asked her uncle to fetch water for them from the river down the hill to start cleaning the pot .

Their new house might be up hill but it's strategical place . You can see everything from here but no one sees you since they are hidden with the trees . They are the only ones here so no one would know if they on day disappeared .

This is truly good thought Lin Lin . I will be able to work in secrecy.

Then she turned around and changed the old water barrel with a new pastel gray 1 and a half meter high one that can fill 50 liters at least .

After that , she entered the kitchen to find her aunt crouching down and looking at the pitiful amount of food they had .

Lin Lin sighed saying

"Auntie, don't worry about the food . I promised all of you that you won't regret it if you follow me and you won't. Just trust in me."

Jin Wei smiles at her niece.

Ah, Lin Lin is so passionate and full of positivity while I , the adult am still moping around . Can't do . Can't do . She must be strong and positive too .

" thank you Lin Lin . I was just thinking how to make do with this ingredients for now "

Lin lin was stuck between waiting till she finds a way to disguises the supermarket thing or just tell her aunt the truth .

Finally , she settled with the latter .

"Auntie, I'm going to share a secret with you . It's a matter of life or death . So can you hear me out and promise not to tell anyone? "

Jin wei was startled by Lin Lin's question but she knew that she was serious when she looked her in the eyes.

"En , I will close the door so we can talk freely"

Then she looked outsiders make sure no one is there before closing the door and turning around to look at Lin Lin seriously.

Lin Lin sighed before stretching her hand out saying

" auntie, my hand is empty now right ? "

Jin wei was confused but nodded nonetheless.

" now tell what you want to eat the most , is it pork , fish , buns , eggs ..?"

Wei Jin gulped out loud before answered seriously " I want to eat eggs . Eggs are enough"

She didn't dare wish for pork . God knows that she wants to eat meat the most but they can't afford even a catty of coarse grains let alone meat . However, if she can get anything right now she would choose eggs .

Everyday, she took care of the chicken coop no matter how tired she was from working in the field but that old hag never gave her or her daughters even one egg .

Except for zhou bai and a few grandsons , none of them are allowed to touch the eggs . The rest are for sale .

She might not know what this is about but she decided to trust her niece.

"Okay "

With that she stretched her hand to her auntie, whose eyes widened at the sight of a big egg appearing out of nowhere in her hand .

Lin Lin smiled at the dumb struck aunt of hers.

"Auntie, didn't you ask for an egg ? Why are you not taking it then ? "

Jin Wei swallowed her doubts and warily extended her hand to take the egg .

The Egg was as big as her palm . The surface was milky white with no blemishes.

This egg was Unlike all the chicken eggs that she was used to . Beautifully so .

Jin wei was in awe for a brief moment before she snapped out of her daze .

She looked at Lin Lin who smiled at her in return of her stern gaze .

"Lin Lin , I don't know how you did that but I want you to promise me to never share it with anyone else after today . "

Lin lin smiled at her protective aunt .

Who didn't yell at her for being a monster or bothered to ask her how she did it .

She was only concerned about her safety.

Ah , it's nice to have a family.

"En , i won't "

"Good , now .. emm can you .. can you mm"

Lin Lin smiled knowingly and said

"Yes , I can take out anything you want . There is also no limit to any product "

Jin wei eye's sparkled brightly at those words.

They can eat anything they want for their whole life ah . This is dream ! Wei Jin you must never wake up I tell you ! .

Lin Lin laughed out loud at her aunt before she took out 4 big baskets and started pouring ingredients on the floor before arranging them.

She took out 20 jins of fine white floor , 40 Jin's of white rice , 6 catties of big eggs , a pack of salt , 10 liters bottle of peanut oil , different kinds of spices , 2 bottles of milk , half a catty of butter , half a catty of honey ,half a catty of peach cakes and a packet of white rabbit candy.

Jin wei felt her hands shaking at the sight of the food on the ground but before she can get herself together Lin Lin dropped another bomb at her .

Lin Lin took out a Jin Of fat pork meat , a Jin of pork bones and a Jin of pork liver , stomach and loin then said

" I thought that we could have a good meal tonight to celebrate our move to the new house. What do you think? "

jin Wei smiled so widely that Lin Lin thought her mouth will tear .

"Of course we will . Just wait till your uncle gets the water and .."

Before she could finish , Lin Lin brought out 2 whole new double eared pots which is considered a luxury before her

"I thought you might need this "

Jin wei felt her small heart about to burst for a moment before she sighed at her and the two started putting everything away .

The whole time , Jin wei felt like she is floating in the air . This is what it feels like to be rich .

This is heaven ah .

The two of them finished briskly and started cooking one dishe after another .

Before the sunset , the two managed to cook several dishes.

From pork and pickeled veggies dumplings, fried cucumber omelet, white big buns, tomato egg drop soup and a a whole pot of rice .

The smell soon reached the everyone else making them drool .

If they were not at the highest peak of the hill and the furthest away from the others deep in the forest, the whole village would've came at them .

Jin wei went out proudly to call the others for dinner .

While Lin Lin went to the living room which was empty and decided to put a round big table made of deep brown wood with 8 chairs around it . It was beautiful but low key at the same time which satisfied Lin Lin .

Then she turned around and brought the dishes from the kitchen.

She also brought out a set of dark blue elegant bowels with their chopsticks.

The whole family was shocked at the beautiful table filled with food . They simply felt like they were in a dream .

"What are you waiting for ? The food will turn cold , hurry up " jin wei scolded the children and her man gently.

At the reminder, they hurried to sit down but no one made a move to start eating until Lin Lin took a bite of the dumpling in front of her moaning at the taste .

Several loud gulps can be heard in the room , making wei Jin laugh heartily

"Let's eat , let's eat or Lin Lin won't leave anything for us "

Listening to this , everyone started eating cautiously at first but after a few bites they threw their caution up the window.

This flavor, this taste , god is this heaven ?

After the meal , zhou zhi and zhou zi took the dishes out to wash them while Yiyi took yaya to their room leaving Lin Lin and her uncle .