

"And then I stripped them naked and fucked them six ways from Sunday while tied to a lemon tree. Never did have such fun with tourists."

Taehyung made a noncommittal sound as he slid into the passenger seat of Seokjin's Land Rover. His amused laugh did make Taehyung wonder what exactly he'd just said. Something about tourists...

"Yes, well, they weren't a bad bunch," Jin said. In truth, they hadn't been. At least he had been somewhat competent walkers, so the day had flown by.

Out in the open, Tae had managed to almost forget about his stern-faced Viking waiting for him at home. His stomach clenched, he wiped his clammy hands on his work jeans, as he recalled his growled threat of the night before.

He didn't mean that, did he?

Tae had successfully avoided Jungkook this morning. After a night's worth of tossing and turning, he'd hightailed it out of his cosy cottage while Jungkook had been in the shower. He'd met an astonished looking Seokjin at the bottom of his lane.

He hadn't wanted to risk Jungkook and Jin meeting, because Seokjin was a hugger—always had been—and he could just imagine what the uber-possessive Jungkook would make of that. Not that the blasted Viking had any right to that possessive streak. He couldn't be his destiny. What they shared was just a healthy dose of lust, that's all.

Tae had managed to keep thoughts of Jungkook and their situation at bay during the laughter-filled breakfast he'd shared with Jin. For the most part anyway. If he seemed distant, he knew he would put it down to him being in the middle of a story.

To keep him appeased, he'd told him of his idea of a time-travelling Viking. Seokjin had come up with some interesting plot twists that would work well if this was just a story. Little did he know that he had been talking of himself. That he was even now wondering how on earth he was going to keep Jin away from Jungkook. He would insist on walking him right up to his cottage, especially as it was getting late, and....

"So, you fucked some tourists, too, then, did you, my sweet? Didn't think you had it in you." Jin's amused voice shook him out of his internal musings. Finally, the words registered.

"You what?" he asked. His father's friend laughed as he started the car.

"Ah, back with me I see. What on earth is going on with you, boy? You're as jumpy as a cat on a hot tin roof and even more distracted than you were this morning. Tell me the truth now. There is more to your behaviour than just being caught up in a story, isn't there?"

It was on the tip of his tongue to deny it, when Seokjin grasped his chin, forcing him to look at him. It was the concern in his lined face that did him in, and he blinked back tears. He couldn't lie to him.

"Jesus, boy, you're getting me worried here. You haven't cried since we lost your parents. What is going on? You better tell me all and if you think I'm taking you back to that cottage when you're this upset then you've got another thing coming. You're coming home with me, where Namjoon can fuss over you. It's been ages since you came over for dinner, after all—"

"No, you can't." His eyebrows rose as he interrupted him. Tae hurried on to explain. "I mean, thanks, but there's no need. I'll come and visit Namjoon soon, but I've got to get home. You need to drop me off at the bottom of my lane, because... well..."

Tae flinched when Seokjin crunched the gears before he pulled up abruptly by the side of the road. The car that had been following theirs, swerved to avoid them. The driver stood on his horn and flipped them the finger. Seokjin ignored them, and Tae hunched in on himself when Seokjin glared at him.

"Now, listen here, young man. Namjoon and I consider you the brother we never had, so if you think for one minute that I'm going to let this go, after the way you've been acting and what you just said, you better think again. What's wrong? And do not try and fob me off. I've known you since knee-high. I know when you're lying. What or who is waiting for you back at the cottage, and do I need to get the shotgun out of my boot when I drop you off?"

"No, you can't. He'll kill you. He—"

Tae slammed his hand over his mouth to stop himself from saying any more, but the damage was done. Seokjin's stare grew formidable. He wordlessly put the car back into gear and drove. The fact that he had to strain to hear his reply over the sound of the engine confirmed how utterly furious he was. Seokjin rarely showed his anger, but when he did, it was with quiet, deadly intent, just like he was doing now.

"You have until we get to your house to tell me what the fuck is going on and who you're afraid of, so you best start talking,"

He glanced at her, and his expression softened slightly when he saw his reaction.

"Whatever mess you got into, we can sort it, boy. You know I always have your back, so—"

"I'm not in a mess." He narrowed his eyes when he interrupted him. Seokjin smiled as though to encourage him to explain before he turned his attention back to the road.

"Oh, you'll think I'm insane, but that story I'm writing..." Tae took a deep breath in. When Seokjin reached across to squeeze his arm, he blurted out the truth.

"It's not a story. You see, Lisa insisted we go on this camping trip, to impress her new boyfriend. While that didn't work too well, because they left after just one night, I found Jungkook, or rather he found me, and..."

Tae continued to spill the whole unbelievable tale in a tumble of words. On the one hand, it felt good to tell someone, unbelievably freeing, in fact, but, on the other hand, he couldn't help but worry what Seokjin would make of this. he inwardly grimaced at falling back onto the childhood endearment he had bestowed on him, even if he only did so in his head, but he was too quiet and thoughtful. By the time they reached the bottom of his lane, Tae filled him on everything. Seokjin slowed down, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad you're seeing this my way. I'll get out here, so—"

"No!" Seokjin's sharp denial made Tae jump. He threw him a worried glance when he put his hand over hers to stop his from disengaging his seatbelt.

"I'm going to meet this Jungkook of yours and I'm going to make sure you're okay. No, don't even think about interrupting me. I can tell he's important to you, from the way you talk about him." Again he shook his head at her when he interrupted him. "Tae, sweetheart, you can fool yourself if it makes you feel better but you can't fool me."

Jin grinned at his sharp intake of breath. Seokjin proceeded to slowly drive up his lane.

"I think you and this Jungkook ought to come to dinner tonight. I'll ring Namjoon, though I'm sure he won't mind because he always cooks far too much anyway. My husband will be fascinated by that ledger you mentioned. You never know he might help him figure out how to get back."

Tae stopped listening and screwing his eyes shut, shook his head with an impending sense of doom. This was so not going to end well.

Sure enough, when Seokjin pulled up outside his little cottage, the front door flew open. A furious looking Jungkook stood in the open doorway. Head raised, nostrils flaring he scented the air. Tae couldn't move a muscle as his softly glowing gaze pinned him in place.

Seokjin whistled under his breath. Jungkook's gaze darted to him when he opened the door of the Land Rover.


Parts of Jungkook wanted to leap across and tear that fucker's throat out for daring to touch his mate. Taehyung's been crying. He could still scent the salt of his tears, overshadowed as it was by the waves of worry that poured off of his small frame. Worry for this male.

The human, who now advanced toward him, held his head high. His confidence spoke, this man seemed to be silently assessing him and his wolf growled low in his throat.

It was a warning, as much as a sign of respect for the older man. One sniff of the man's scent had been all it had taken to reassure his animal. This man was mated to another. His scent intermingled with his. While he had feelings for Jungkook's Kærasti? Jungkook could only sense the need to protect.

If his scent wasn't so different Jungkook would have thought this was his Kærasti's brother. His tense muscles unfurled, he dipped his head in greeting, when the other man stopped inches in front of him, offered him a fleeting smile, and then held out his hand.

"You must be Jungkook. My name is Seokjin and if you harm one hair on my boy's body, you'll regret it."

Jungkook's wolf growled in warning but this Seokjin ignored him and smirked.

"It's customary in this time to shake a man's hand when it's held out to you, you know." After a moment's hesitation, Jungkook allowed the older man to grasp his hand in a firm handshake.

Tae's gasp behind Seokjin made him look over the tall man's head and smile before he turned his attention back to the man studying him.

"Fenrisúlfr, Father of Skoll, Son of Liufr Loki. Taehyung named me Jungkook." He withdrew his hand and raised an eyebrow at a still worried-looking Tae.

"You should have told me this boss of yours was..." He smiled as he let his gaze run all over the other man again. "Old."

Seokjin paused and laughed heartily, his windshield sounding laughter echoing in the air, but Tae felt offended.

"How dare you. Seokjin isn't old, and if I told you once I told you a thousand times, my relationships with other men are none of your business, so now that you two have met, perhaps ... uh."

Seokjin frowned and Tae paled when Jungkook spun him around and into the hallway where he proceeded to crowd him against the wall. His wolf all but salivated, having him moulded against his body like this.

Tae was all softness against the hard planes of his body. They fit together perfectly. All, he'd have to do was grab Tae's ass cheeks to lift him a few inches, and they would be in the perfect position to fuck.

Mindful of their audience, however, Jungkook pulled back slightly. He studied an outraged looking Taehyung.

"You're mine, Kærasti. You will have no relations with other men, not unless you want me to kill them."

Tae glared and growled at him. That deep-throated sound shot straight to his balls. Jungkook dipped his head and licked a path along his neck, before he bit down to leave a mark—just enough for Tae to groan, for the scent of his musk to lace the air between them.

He doubted the human watching their interaction with a certain amount of quiet amusement would be able to smell it, but his wolf is satisfied at his mate's reaction to his show of dominance. Taehyung's body responded to him even if his mind still struggled with the reality of their situation as he tried to push him away.

"Let me go, you oaf. Of all the things to say. I'm not, nor will I ever be, yours, you damn infuriating man. Let. Me. Go."

He punctuated each word with another attempted shove against his chest. Jungkook eventually let him go with a smirk.

Seokjin cleared his throat and laughed, which made Tae spin around and glare at his boss, too.

"This isn't funny, Jin," he said. The human male sobered.

"Of course not, sweetheart. Under the circumstances, I must insist that you come back to my place..." Jungkook's wolf growled his displeasure, and the human held his hands up in a defensive move. "You're invited too, Viking. For starters, my husband would have my head if I didn't introduce you to him. He's a historian with a particular interest in the Northmen's lives and how they impacted and shaped ancient Britain, so he'll be tickled pink to meet a real-life one, as incongruous as that idea sounds." He paused when Tae huffed his annoyance and smiled.

"Besides, if you think I let the boy I think of like my little brother be alone with you, after what I have just witnessed..." His smile deepened when Jungkook's wolf rumbled a warning. Tae rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips.

"I don't need your protection. This whole thing is ridiculous. We're not in the freaking dark ages, so—"

"Humor me, kid." Seokjin's amused response took the wind out of his sails, while Jungkook's respect for the other man grew. "You said yourself it's been too long since you've visited. Namjoon will want to see you. He might even be able to help you two solve the mystery of how this Viking of yours came to be in our time."

"He's not my Viking," he said. Tae blanched when Jungkook turned his attention back at him.

"Have it your way. With a bit of luck, Namjoon will hit you both over the head with a frying pan and that will knock some sense into you. And besides, I am hungry. It's been a long day."

"Good, that's settled then. Grab what you need. We'll meet you by the car."

Tae looked uncertain but turned tail. Jungkook took the hint and followed the other man out into the open.

"So, you're a wolf? Can't shift, and he's your mate?" he asked. Jungkook nodded.

"I am and I can shift, just not in this time frame. Once I get back home to my village things will be different."

Seokjin leaned against his car and stroked his chin.

"What about Tae?" he asked. "You can't take him with you, and leaving him here will break his heart. If you do that, I'll hunt you down and shoot you myself."

The man's quiet voice held an edge of steel. Jungkook could taste his protectiveness toward Tae in the air. It soothed his agitated beast. His wolf did not appreciate being questioned like this.

"You would have to catch me first. I'm not that easy to kill, Seokjin, boss of minn Kærasti."

The other man gave a short, humourless laugh and punched his shoulder. "No, I dare say you aren't, but I'd give it a damn good try. Do not hurt Tae, Viking. I mean it. I know Tae, he already cares far too much for you. Now, I'm going to choose to believe that you mean it when you say he's your mate. It would certainly explain how you ended up here, I guess. It's not every day some Viking drops by these parts. I know it happens. There are plenty of local fables surrounding that issue. My husband has been looking into them for some time now. It's how he became interested in the Vikings, just never thought they would become real."

Seokjin shook his head. He nodded toward the house, where Tae was now locking the front door.

"Keep your hands off of him until we figure this out."

Jungkook grunted his acknowledgement and caught the ledger Tae threw at him with a grunt. He'd found the answer to his return in there earlier today. At least he thought he had. It would be interesting to see what this Namjoon had to say about it.


Several hours later, Taehyung was just about ready to scream in frustration. If he'd thought help would be forthcoming from Namjoon, he'd been sorely disappointed. Once Namjoon had recovered from his shock at seeing Jungkook and had accepted that he was a displaced Viking, he'd practically been eating out of his hand. Tae should have been expecting this, he supposed. After all, Namjoon had a keen interest in all things supernatural.

For his part Jungkook, too, had shown a side of him that Taehyung found utterly unable to resist. He was positively charming and had regaled them all with tales of his life back home, that had them all in stitches of laughter on the one hand and in awe on the other. Namjoon had lapped up all the information. In truth, Tae, too, had hung onto his every word.

While the life he described so enthusiastically was hard and fraught with danger, it also had a wonderful simplicity to it, which made Tae yearn to experience it first-hand. That need had caught him off guard, so he'd excused himself with the need for some fresh air. Wrapping his arms around himself he now sat on the bench at the bottom of the garden and stared up the cloudless sky. The stars were out in full force, and he smiled at Namjoon when the older man approached and offered him a warm blanket.

"Here, it's getting cold. Your wolf is chomping at the bit with worry over you."

Tae had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. "Not you, too. He's not mine, dammit."

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders and smiled, while Tae groaned.

"He's not. He can't be. How would we ever work? He's not from this time for starters. You've seen how he talks about his village. Jungkook needs to go back there, and I... well, it's not as though I could go back with him, or would want to."

There, he almost convinced himself with that vehement little speech, until Namjoon grasped his hand. Turning it over, Namjoon looked at his palm. He traced the lines with one long finger, and a tingle of foreboding went up Tae's spine.

"Don't, you know I don't believe in that." Tae winces at the croakiness in his voice, and Namjoon lets him go.

"You don't have to believe in it for it to be true. After all, time travel ought not to be possible, yet here you are with Jungkook. We all have a soulmate, the one person or persons we're meant to be with. Love transcends time and reason, it—"

Tae stood up, effectively cutting off the other's speech.

"I don't love him and he doesn't love me, so this whole thing is pointless," Tae said. He frowned when the other smile deepened, both dimples showing up.

"All great love affairs start with a healthy dose of lust, you know. If you're lucky that side doesn't wane, just grows stronger through the years. I've seen the way you react to him on a subconscious level. That man eats you alive with his eyes whenever he looks at you. You might not love him yet, but you're halfway there already. If you just gave in instead of fighting this attraction..." he let his words trail off, and Tae was all too aware that he was doing goldfish impressions.

"Are you seriously telling me to just go and have what would in effect be a one night stand?" When Namjoon shrugged his shoulders, Tae sat back down again with an inelegant thud.

"I don't believe you," he murmured.

"Taehyung, my lovely boy, sometimes we have to take risks. Besides, having sex with your Viking is the only way to get him back to his time."

Tae couldn't have heard that right. "What?"

Namjoon nodded and grasped his hand again. "You heard me. It's there, plain to see in the texts he's been studying. What's more, the local folklore confirms it."

"But that's just stories. They're not real." Tae somehow managed to get the words past the lump in his throat. "What do you mean it's in the text? He knows this and yet..." he couldn't quite bring himself to finish that sentence, as the truth dawned on him.

"Yes, he knows. He'd suspected it for some time. I had to agree with him that the texts confirm it."

"So why didn't he? I mean... oh shit." Heat rose in Tae's cheeks, and Namjoon laughed.

"Yes, finally you're asking the right questions. I'm sure he could have coerced you on more than one occasion. Forced himself on you, for that matter, but that's not who Jungkook is. The fact that he hasn't done any of those things should tell you something. That man, wolf, Viking, whatever you want to call himself, cares about you a great deal. All you have to do is accept that, and trust that this will all work out somehow."

Tae knew in his heart that Namjoon was right, but he shook his head in denial.

"So we have sex, he goes back and then what?" he asked.

Namjoon pulled him in for a hug. "Well, you'll probably go back in time with him, but if you love him that won't matter, will it?" Namjoon got up and patted his arm.

"You have a lot to think about, and it's getting late. We've all been drinking, so I'm going to make up the bed in the spare room for you and your Viking." he laughed when Tae reared back in surprise and shook his head.

"After what you just told me, you can't expect me to share a bed with him?" The mere thought sent a rush of heated arousal into him and a wave of longing so intense he could scarcely breathe.

"That's exactly what I expect you to do. Besides Jungkook has given his word to Seokjin that he will not touch you while under our roof, so you will be quite safe. What you two get up to when you make it back to your place is, of course entirely up to you, but I'll promise I keep your place tidy and looked after, should you follow him back in time."

Namjoon smiled and shut Tae's open mouth with his index finger.

"If that happens I won't be coming back, so there hardly seems any point in that. I can't just disappear. I have a life here."

"Ah, who's to say you can't come back. The stories are manifold and diverse, you don't have to look too far from home to see that they're true, my dear." At Tae's confused expression, Namjoon gave him his most enigmatic dimpled smile yet.

"You probably will not remember your great Aunt Violet from your adopted father's side will you?" he asked.

Tae frowned and nodded. "I do. She was Dad's aunt. There used to be an old photo of her on the piano when I was growing up. I asked about her once, Dad just said, 'she was a woman of loose morals'." he mimed quotation marks, as he said that, and Namjoon laughed.

"Yes, that was the official version. The unofficial version was somewhat different. You see your great aunt used to disappear for months at a time and then reappear as though nothing had been amiss. What's more, he didn't age as other folks did. When that became far too noticeable, she disappeared for the last time. I found the story utterly fascinating, so I did some research on it for my citation. Did you know the first time she disappeared was out of her bedroom in the middle of the night? The windows and doors were locked, so there is no way he should have been able to get out of there. She was only sixteen at the time. The only thing that was left behind was an old ledger that no one could read."

Tae gasped at that, and Namjoon nodded.

"Not your ledger I hasten to add, but something very similar, which leads me to believe that good old Great Aunt Violet was a time traveller. So, you see, if he managed to come and go, I can see no reason to believe, why you couldn't do that, too, especially if we look after those texts. They seem to be some sort of porthole, catalyst, whatever you want to call it, and didn't you say you were drawn to them when you found them in that shop?"

"Yes, I was, but..." Tae hugged himself and shook his head in wonder. "It can't be that simple, though, can it?" he asked. Namjoon sighed.

"Nothing about love is ever simple, my dear. Anyway, as I said, you have a lot to think about. Here comes your man now. I'm surprised he's stayed away as long as he has."

Sure enough, when Tae looked up it was to see the formidable presence of Jungkook strolling down the path toward them. With his face hidden in the shadows created by his long hair, he couldn't read his expression, but judging by the white-knuckled fists by his side and the tight set of his shoulders, he was worried.

Namjoon met him halfway and stopped to talk to him. Tae couldn't catch the murmured words, but whatever Namjoon had said relaxed Jungkook. Tae's stomach fluttered in anticipation when he looked across to him. Jungkook smiled while tying his long hair back behind his nape.

The action lit up his harsh features. Everything in Tae tightened as he watched his long-limbed walk toward him. The man looked simply good enough to eat. He hastily dropped his gaze and scooted to the side to enable him to sit next to him. Even though he had given him space his presence filled the small bench.

It made his skin tingle where Jungkook's thigh brushed his. Even though the combined layers of their clothing, his heat and scent branded him, called him to taste, to just give in to the overwhelming chemistry between them.


Jungkook filled his lungs with the scent of his mate. The action calmed his agitated wolf. If he'd had any doubt at all that this Kærasti was his mate, the almost physical ache in his guts when he was forced to be apart from Taehyung for any length of time confirmed it.

The slight touch of their thighs helped, but it wasn't enough, not by a long shot. He needed to claim him, to make Taehyung, but he couldn't do that here and now. Not after he'd given his word.

The soft-touch of Taehyung's fingers on his made him uncurl the fists he hadn't been aware of clenching.

Taehyung looked at him. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, making him sigh. "Tell me, please."

Taehyung tightened his hold on his fingers, and he squeezed it.

"I'd have thought you want to go back as quickly as you could, and to hell with what you'd have to do to get there." Heat rose in Taehyung's cheeks when he said that.

His Kærasti didn't seem to be able to look at him. A rush of affection and protectiveness swamped him. Letting go of his Kærasti's hand he framed his beautiful face in his palms and tilted it until he had no choice but to look at him.

"Contrary to popular belief, where I'm from it is not customary to force oneself on unwilling people." He smiled at his Kærasti's sharp intake of breath, he sensed the inner struggle in him.

Taehyung bit his lips, his heart rate kicked up as he mumbled the next words faintly. "I don't think I would have been unwilling." The softly spoken words were music to his ears and soothed the leftover ache in his guts.

"Maybe not, but there is more at stake here than sinking my cock into a willing opening."

Taehyung frowned and pulled away from him. While every fibre in his body screamed at him to keep hold of her, he let his go. "There is no need to be so crude." Tae hugged his arms around himself in a move he recognized well by now.

"I didn't mean any offence, minn Kærasti. My point is I want more from you than mere sex."

When his expressive eyes sought him, Taehyung smiled and nodded.

"You're my mate, but I'm also aware that you have a life here. A family who loves you. I couldn't take you away from all of that. Not without your full consent. I sensed you weren't that close to your sister, but..." He paused and smiled at him when he glanced at Taehyung. The fact that he didn't contradict him spoke volumes. Hope flared in his chest and made breathing difficult.

"Lisa and I are complicated. We want different things from life. Always have done. I do love Lisa. She's my sister, but I don't like her very much. I guess I wouldn't miss her overly much if I didn't see her again. I very rarely see her now, to be honest. That makes me sound careless, right? Especially having heard how you talked about your family. You must be desperate to get back."

Tae glanced his way. When he patted the seat next to him, he sat back down again.

"Yes, of course, I miss my family, and I worry." He paused to swallow down that very real lump of fear that always lodged itself in the back of his throat when he thought of Jimin. "He is a male omega and was very heavy with child when I was pulled into your time, and the birth of a young is always a dangerous time." He smiled grimly at his sharp intake of breath, glancing his way.

Taehyung was still too stiff and worried for his liking, as though he would run for the hills if he touched him. So he crossed his arms over his chest and forced himself to wait for him to process what he'd just said.

His wolf whined at the worry he sensed in his mate. Worry not directed at him, but at another, he'd never met. A testament to his kind and caring nature. His mate, he would need to embrace all aspects of his life, his clan, village Ván, and family.

That tendril of hope that had started to blossom ever since Namjoon's open acceptance of his circumstances, coupled with the other's conviction that Taehyung was more than up to the task ahead of him, took firm root and spread through his veins like wildfire.

Namjoon and Seokjin knew his Kærasti better than anyone. While Seokjin was understandably wary of the whole situation and protective of Tae, he'd also given his blessing of the sort, before Jungkook had followed Tae into the garden.

Jungkook had no doubt the man would follow through on his warning to run Jungkook through with his sword if he harmed Taehyung. In another time Seokjin would have made a fine warrior indeed.

"He's done this before though, right? Isn't it supposed to get easier?" Tae asked. When he shook his head, Taehyung bit his lip and tensed further.

He had to touch Taehyung, to soothe his worry and his inner animal at the same time. A shiver went through his frame when he tucked Taehyung's hair behind his ear and ran his index finger along his jaw.

Their gazes locked, and the connection they'd already established pulsed between them almost like a living entity. Tae's lips opened as he put his hands on his chest, scooting closer. A tiny frown pulled his eyebrows together when he didn't meet his halfway. Jungkook held his breath as he seemed to debate his next move.

After what seemed like a small eternity, Taehyung huffed out a breath, and bunching his hands in his t-shirt, yanked him closer until their lips met. His wolf howled in triumph. Jungkook knew he could hear him, when he hesitated, before Taehyung ran his tongue over his mouth, then firmed the pressure of his lips on his. When he didn't respond other than to ball his hands into fists in a futile effort to stop himself from taking charge of this situation, Taehyung pulled away and shook him.

"Dammit, kiss me back. This is not going to work without some cooperation from you, and you need to get back to him, so..." Taehyung yelped when Jungkook grabbed his forearms.

Pushing away from him and holding him at bay. It damn near killed Jungkook to do so, but he didn't want his Kærasti to do this just so that he could get back to his own time.

"Ow, you're hurting me," Tae whispered, and he let him go with a muttered curse. His eyes widened when he got up abruptly and putting distance between them paced the space in front of the bench.

"Why are you so damn angry?" he finally asked.

Shooting to his own feet, Jungkook stopped his incessant pacing by getting right in his space. Tae's hands connected with his chest, branding him with his heat and scent, and his beast chomped at the bit.

Had he been able to shift, he would have done so already, to run off some of his frustration, before he claimed Taehyung here and then and fuck the consequences. However, he couldn't shift in this damn time, so instead, he shook his head and growled.

His Kærasti flinched, but he didn't let go of him. Instead, he stepped closer, so close that their thighs touched. Chest pressed into Jungkook's as he brought his hands up, clasped them around his neck, and getting on tiptoes, dropped a kiss on his nose, of all things.

"You can growl all you want, but that doesn't scare me." he pulled back, and he marvelled at the blush that spread across his Kærasti's cheekbones. Tae's inherent shyness around him was cute, and it made the possessive animal in his strut. Somehow he didn't think his Kærasti had been with very many men before him.

"It should." He grumbled the words, as he ran his hands slowly down his back until he reached the curve of his ass cheeks and kissed him.

A whimper escaped his Kærasti, bringing his legs around Jungkook's waist and clung to him like a vine, as he deepened the kiss. Jungkook marched them back up the path until he could prop his up against the brickwork of his family's cottage.

His cock ached with the need to sink into his mate. He ground his hips suggestively into him, inwardly cursing against the layers of fabric between them. Jungkook's grunt caused an answering set of mewls and soft sighs of surrender from his mate in his arms.

He grew pliant and soft against him, his reaction spurring him on to take this to its inevitable conclusion. He'd given his damn word, however. Besides their first time shouldn't be a rough and frantic coupling against the wall like this.

Repeated throat clearing from the side made him break the kiss, even as Tae followed him, seemingly intent on prolonging the contact. With his eyes shut, his face flushed and his lips swollen from his kisses, he looked good enough to eat. Jungkook slid him down his front with great reluctance until his feet touched the ground.

"Dammit, Jungkook, you said you'd keep your fucking hands off of him. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here."


Seokjin's furious words, coupled with the sound of what could only be a shotgun being cocked, brought Tae out of the haze of lust and want Jungkook's kisses had placed him under. He gasped when he opened his eyes to see they had an audience.

Namjoon just looked amused and rather smug, whereas Seokjin had the shotgun he kept for warding off unwanted vermin, firmly trained on Jungkook. Pushing away from the wall, Tae got in front of his stoic looking Viking, only for him to pull him behind him with a muttered order in Norse, he couldn't decipher. Tae rolled his eyes at his warrior's protectiveness. Seokjin's, too, as misplaced and untimely as his intervention had been.

"You gave me your word, dammit." Seokjin raised his gun a notch, as Jungkook took a step toward him.

Tae tried his best to pull Jungkook back, but it proved a useless exercise. The mountain of a man simply pulled him along. He swallowed frantically past the bile in his throat, when his chest touched the barrel of the shotgun and he proceeded to stare Seokjin down.

"Seokjin, come on, stop this. They were just kissing." Tae threw Namjoon a grateful glance when he put his hand on his husband's arm. "There is no need for this. Besides, Tae looked like a more willing participant. Let it go, Jin."

Seokjin's eyes narrowed, but he didn't drop the gun and shook his husband's hand off his biceps with a muttered curse. "He was practically eating him and that's not the point. He said he would keep his hands off of Tae and he hasn't. How am I supposed to trust him after this stunt?"

The most menacing growl yet erupted from Jungkook's chest as he advanced on Seokjin, forcing the other man to take several steps back. Jungkook seemed to grow taller still, and the air shimmered around him. A charge of static electricity came off him in the process.

Tae whimpered in pain as the sharp pain of that contact zinged up his arms. Before he could blink, he was in Jungkook's arms, cradled against his chest, while he carried him past a worried-looking Namjoon and a slightly less furious Seokjin, still clutching his shotgun, and into the warmth of the kitchen.

Jungkook was muttering to himself in Norse the whole way. Tae closed his eyes and let that guttural sound wash over his senses. He really could listen to his voice all day. If the ache in his ass was anything to go by, he could probably talk him into an orgasm without even trying.

Dammit, he's so needed to get laid, and to hell with everything else. They could sort out any possible consequences afterwards. Even as he thought that he knew it wouldn't happen, at least not right now, as his ass made contact with the kitchen table. Tae reluctantly opened his eyes, to find Jungkook examining his hands and arms with a frown, as though he was expecting injuries.

In truth, he too was expecting to see some sort of burn mark, but only unblemished flesh greeted him. The pain, sharp as it had been, had disappeared.

"I'm okay. It doesn't hurt anymore."

Jungkook's head came up, and his heartbeat accelerated as their gazes connected. A wealth of emotion and concern greeted him in his expressive eyes. They bled from the dark molten chocolate of his human self to the softly glowing amber of his wolf's, until he could almost see the big grey/brown animal pacing under his skin.

"What do you mean, it doesn't hurt? I'll fucking kill him for real."

Tae ignored Seokjin's ranting, his attention taken up by his Viking. he offered Jungkook a wobbly smile and bringing his hands up, tentatively touched his face. No painful jolt this time, but heat, and a whiff of his virile scent that made him want to crawl into his skin and never let go. It was an odd sensation, for sure, but it also felt right, and Jungkook inhaled sharply.

"You need to shift, don't you?" he asked. Jungkook stiffened and nodded. He threw a wary glance at Seokjin, who had at long last dropped the shotgun and settled for glaring at them both.

"Yes, that or fuck." Jungkook's reply meant Seokjin yanked that gun back up again. Namjoon shook his head and slapped his husband upside the head.

"Give over, you big fool. Anyone can see these two belong together. Let's give them some privacy, to—"

"Neinn." Jungkook's growled reply stopped Namjoon.

Tae held his breath when he turned his head to drop a kiss on the palm of his hand still curled around his face. It soothed away the leftover pain and caused tingles of an entirely different kind, as his cock alert and his ass clenched in need.

Tae squeezed his thighs together, to simultaneously relieve that sweet ache and stop his knickers from getting completely soaked with precum, his need for this man. A futile exercise of course, as he would be able to smell, especially this close to Jungkook. Sure enough, his nostrils flared, and his harsh expression softened when he cupped the side of his face. The ghost of a smile kicked up his lips.

God, how he wanted to feel those firm lips trail all over his body. Damn their audience. Having made up his mind, Tae didn't want to wait. With that in mind, he scrambled to pull his phone out of his trouser pocket. Jungkook frowned when he saw his swipe it open. Smiling up at him he dialled the local taxi firm.

Namjoon shook his head in amusement, whereas Seokjin's glare turned into bewilderment when he heard him ask for a taxi. With a small grin up at the males in his life who stood watching him with almost identical frowns on their faces, he winked at Namjoon, gave Jungkook a shove to move him out of the way, and hopped off the table.

"The taxi will be here in half an hour, so you can stop frowning, Seokjin. You, too, Jungkook." he looked up at him and smiled when he raised an eyebrow. The way Jungkook regarded his mobile phone with a healthy dose of mistrust made his chest feel tight with affection.

He was doing so very well in adapting to his time, but he didn't belong here. Now that he knew how to help him get back home, wild horses wouldn't stop him from making sure he got there, and certainly not two overprotective males.

"It's a car that will take us home to my place, Jungkook," he said. "You pay the driver for the journey. I've just called one, and he'll be here within half an hour."

Jungkook's frown deepened even as his eyes registered his understanding of his plan, and he shook his head.

"Yes, we will fuck that is."

Namjoon choked back a laugh as Tae turned to address Seokjin, who looked about ready to pop a blood vessel.

"Don't start, Seokjin. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I'm a big boy and I can take care of myself. You never should have made Jungkook utter that promise, not knowing what he has to do to get back to his time."

Seokjin grunted his annoyance, and Jungkook's disapproval hit his square between the shoulder blades. he could almost feel it like a physical ache. A small part of his did marvel at the strength of the connection.

They'd only kissed, yet he could feel his emotions as keenly as his own. Heaven only knew how much stronger that pull would be after they'd had sex, or heaven forbid he bit him.

Assuming that worked the same as he'd always imagined it would in his books. That thought should scare him witless, but it had the opposite effect. When Jungkook pulled him back into his frame, he went willingly. He nuzzled into his neck, his knees went to mush. Had it not been for him holding him up, he was pretty damn sure he'd have just slid to the floor in a big puddle of goo.

"He was right to make me promise, minn Kærasti."

The deep timbre of Jungkook's voice trembled through him. It left goosebumps in its wake, as he shut his eyes and gave himself up to the sensation overload he was being subjected to. The hard ridge of his erect cock digging into his lower back left him in no doubt that he wanted him.

Needed him even, perhaps with the same all-consuming intensity that coursed through his veins, made him want to turn in his arms, and climb his huge frame like a tree, cling on and never let go again.

"Listen to him, boy. This is just your hormones talking. If this was only a case of you getting your rocks off and be done with it, I'd say go for it, but there is so much more at stake here. I know you. He goes back without you, he'll break your heart. If you go with him, and we never see you again ... then..."

Seokjin's voice trailed off. He sounded so lost that Tae yanked his eyes open and pushed away from Jungkook. He let him go with only a moment's hesitation, murmuring his approval when he wrapped his arms around Seokjin and hugged him.

Moisture coated his cheeks. When he pulled back, he found tears running down Seokjin's cheeks. It made him blink them away, too, and when Namjoon stepped up behind them to join in the hug, he lost the fight to stop them. By the time they broke apart to a loud toot from the front of the cottage, they were all misty-eyed, while Jungkook was a stony presence in the room.

"That's the taxi. Please let me go. Know that I love you, always, no matter where I am."

Namjoon nodded and kissed his forehead before he whispered into his ear.

"You're doing the right thing. Follow your heart, and don't let your Viking wiggle out of it. He looks all set to cut off his nose to spite his face." he winked at him. Sure enough, when Tae angled his head to glance at Jungkook, he looked all brooding and tense, muttering to himself in Norse. Tae grinned and hugging Namjoon back whispered his reply.

"I won't."

He would hear him of course. Sure enough, when he glanced his way again the intensity in his gaze made him stumble as he hugged Seokjin. He pulled his close, and then released his with obvious reluctance.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Seokjin said and added, "And you, Viking, I mean it. You look after our boy, or so help me, I'll find you."

Jungkook nodded just once, held his hand to his chest, and bowed his head. Another, longer toot sounded this time, and Tae jumped.

"That's our cue. I guess I'll be seeing you soon. Or maybe not?"

"You do not have to do this, Kærasti, not if you're only—"

"Oh, do shut up, Jungkook."

Grasping Jungkook's elbow he marched him out of the house and to the waiting taxi. Tae turned to wave at Seokjin and Namjoon before he allowed himself to be bundled into the back of the taxi, and gave the grinning man his address. Jungkook slid into the middle seat next to him. Tae hid his smile at the possessive way he placed one hand on his thigh and pulled him snug against him with the other arm.

The driver's smile slipped slightly at Jungkook's warning growl. Taking the hint, he sped off. Tae probably ought to be annoyed at this obvious display of ownership. Had it been any other man and in different circumstances, he probably would be, but right here and now, it just made his fall harder for the man holding him. So he shut his eyes, rested his head on his big shoulder, and let his far too intoxicating scent pull his under.


Jungkook didn't even try to suppress the incessant growl of his wolf. It served nicely to keep the human male driving off-balance. He hadn't appreciated the look of lust the other man had thrown his Kærasti's way. Not that he appeared to have noticed, but Jungkook had, and it pissed him off no end.

The sooner he got him back to his time and Taehyung bore his mark, the better, as far as he was concerned. The trusting way he leaned into him as he looked back at the cottage, which was fast disappearing from view, made him tighten his hold on him. He snuggled in closer with a small sigh, and he sent a silent prayer up to Odin.

When they'd arrived at Taehyung's family house he never would have anticipated the evening ending as it had. Regardless of what the others seemed to think, he had no intention of cutting off his nose.

This was some form of expression because no one in their right mind would cut off their nose. Far too messy for starters. He assumed he meant this to say, he would not be claiming him, but Jungkook was no saint.

Released from his promise Jungkook had every intention to give his wolf free rein. He couldn't have stopped the animal had he wanted to. Not after weeks of being confined and with the promise of home, River Van, and freedom in his nostrils.

The ride seemed to take forever, even though it couldn't have taken more than a short time before the gravel crunching under the tires of the car signalled their arrival at Tae's cottage. The bright torch, which lit up as if by magic when anyone approached, filled the interior of the car, and Tae handed the driver some money.

Jungkook got out and breathed in the fresh air, relieved to be away from the cloying body odour of the other male. His Kærasti's scent wrapped itself around him, and his skin itched with the need to shift. Tae hurried past him, he inserted the key to unlock the entrance to his house with trembling fingers. When he managed to get it open, turned and smiled up at him, he lost what semblance of control he'd been holding onto.

His wolf's almost menacing growls made his blanch and step back and away from him. his breathing sped up, and the fast beats of his heart called him to taste, to sink his teeth into the rapidly beating pulse at the base of his neck, to irrevocably make him his.

His Kærasti jumped when he kicked the door shut behind him. Not taking his eyes off of him, he yanked his t-shirt over his head. His boots followed, and then his jeans. He hadn't bothered with underwear. Tae's little mewl of need when he stood naked in front made him grind his teeth together. His jaw ached, and he shook his head, closed his eyes, and willed his animal to stand down.


He wrenched his eyes open at his hesitant question. Tae's eyes widened when he grasped his aching dick in a firm grip that brought some relief, as the sexual tension pulsed between them. When he sank to his knees in front of him and wrapped his hands over his while he looked up at him, Jungkook groaned.

"You are playing with fire, minn Kærasti."

He ground the words out through clenched teeth. Tae hesitated for one second before he grinned and made a big show of studying his cock. It made that part of him harden further. The broad mushroom tip swelled and widened in preparation for the knot that bound their omegas to them in the act of copulation. The sight and feel of his little pink tongue darting out and laying a stripe of wet heat across the head of his shaft, made him want to howl in pleasure.

"Kærasti, you need to be sure you want this because once we start I shall not stop until I've claimed and marked every part of you with my teeth and cum, used every hole and made you scream my name in pleasure until you pass out."

A whimper of need escaped his mate at his little speech. Taehyung's rapid breaths ghosted across his balls as he dipped his head and licked up the underside of his dick. Pleasure surged through him, as he moved his hand still covered by his digits to show him the pace he liked.

He caught on quickly and disentangling his fingers from Taehyung, he braced the wall for support with one hand while he buried the other in his hair and guided his mouth back to his cock. Seeing him comply and smile up at him, while he pumped his cock with both hands, his lips stretched wide over the head of his erection was fucking hot.

Wet, hot, soft heat engulfed his staff, Jungkook couldn't help himself. Flexing his hips he pushed in deeper, seeking the relief only Taehyung could bring him. When he hit the back of his throat, the clenching of his muscles around the head of his cock, as he did his best not to gag, shot pleasure up his dick.

He pulled back slightly, mindful of the orgasm that was already building at the base of his spine. Tae moaned and swallowed as his pre-cum released, and his cock grew longer, thicker. Hollowing out his cheeks he sucked hard as he thrust into his mouth. Tae grazed his teeth along with his cock on his retreat until only his tip remained stretching his saliva slickened lips. Again and again, he repeated the action, while sliding his hands up and down the rest of him too big to fit inside his mouth.

"Fuck, Ja ... vænn..." Jungkook lapsed into Norse, praising his efforts, as the pressure built.

His claws came out, slicing through the plaster on the wall he was braced against, and Tae gasped around his cock when they must have also scratched his skull. A gasp that turned into a whimper of need, as he renewed his attempts to make him come.

That bite of pain turned Taehyung on even more. The air grew thick with the musk of their combined arousal, and Jungkook didn't miss the way Tae clenched his thighs together in rhythmic waves, as he sucked, hummed, and twirled his tongue around and under his foreskin and into his slit until he got his prize.

With a roar to shake the house, Jungkook allowed the pleasure of his release to claim him, dimly aware of the slight panic in his Kærasti's expressive eyes, as his knot enlarged to such a degree that it stretched his lips wide. He yanked his head back slightly, mindful of his need to breathe, and flooded that sweet haven with his seed. Nostrils flaring, Tae tried his utmost to swallow it all, yet a stream of pearly liquid escaped down his chin and into his top.

His wolf howled his approval at seeing him thus marked. Only when the last spurts of his release had stopped, did Tae stop his frantic swallowing. His eyebrows drew together in a frown when he couldn't get his lips past his massive knot at the base of his cock first. Darts of pain-filled pleasure shot up his dick at his attempts until, at long last, he managed to break free. With a muttered grunt, Jungkook pulled him to his feet. Hands gripping his ass as he lifted until he was the right height to claim those luscious lips, which had moments before been wrapped around his still semi-erect cock.

Tae gasped into the kiss he gave him. A sense of rightness settled over him, as he tasted himself mixed in. It would take the mating bite to fully mix their scents, but no other wolf would doubt that this omega was claimed, and his.

Wrapping his arms around his back and his legs around his hips, Tae opened to him. He tore his lips from him.

"Siga, minn Kærasti." Tae's head fell back at his muttered demand for his to yield to him. Jungkook continued to utter his affirmation that this omega was his as he followed the trail of his cum down his neck and into the apex of his cock. The darkened hollow between his chest called him to taste as he licked his cum off his skin, leaving little bites behind.

By the time he worked his way back up to his mouth, those delicious soft orbs pressing their rock hard nipples into his chest were heaving with the force of Tae's breathing, his cock was standing fully to attention again.

Time to take this to the next step, but for that, he wanted his flat on a bed, preferably tied and entirely at his mercy. While they hadn't discussed any of this, Jungkook had read enough of his Kærasti's books to be fairly certain that he would find that a huge turn-on. He would rely on his wolf's senses and the connection they shared to steer him right.

"Jungkook, please..." Tae's passionate and breathless plea made him pull back to study his expression.

Jungkook groaned as their gazes connected. The warm browns of his eyes had darkened in his arousal. Only a small ring remained around the blackness of his hugely dilated pupils. Tae bit his lips and tried to grind the heat off against his cock.

He could feel the heat of his puckered hole through the clothing still covering that part of him. Jungkook grinned and shifted his higher up the wall, while he pulled back to enable him to slide one of his hands around his ass and under until he cupped his crotch. A need filled groan escaped Tae, and the fabric of his jeans turned damp under his palm.

"So hard for me already, such a bad, bad boy, you are, minn Kærasti."

Bending his head, Jungkook caught him resulting in a whimper in the kiss he gave him. Taehyung tried to grind himself further against his palm, and he grunted his disapproval. Breaking away, he slowly slid his to his feet.

Tae whimpered when he bit down on the soft flesh of his lips with enough force to break the skin. his fingernails dug into his biceps, and he licked the spots of blood away to appease his wolf. Rich and sweet, his life essence exploded on his tongue, and he laughed when he pleaded with him again.

"On my terms, Kærasti."


Oh, sweet lord, he was going to combust if he didn't come soon, whereas that blasted Viking wolf just stood there, brought his arms over his chest, and studied him.

"Yes, anything, please. For the love of everything - Fuck me, Jungkook."

By rights, Tae ought to have been horrified by sounding like one of his novel heroes. However, the throbbing pulse between his legs and the ache in his puckered entrance left no room for doubt or false modesty.

He wanted this man while he couldn't type sex scenes without blushing like a schoolboy, with a very naked, very aroused Jungkook towering over him, it just felt natural to voice his desires. Tae's skin heated under his silent perusal, not in shame, but lust and need for this man. Having tasted him, he wanted to feel that cock plough into his hole and make it his own.

A flutter of apprehension snaked up his spine at the thought of taking that huge cock in his ass. He had said he would claim all of his holes. The mere thought sent another rush of heat between his thighs. His lace panties had long since given up any pretence of holding in his arousal, and his jeans were starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Anything, minn Kærasti?" The deep, dark rumble of his voice washed over him. His eyes lit up in lust, and his nostrils flared when he nodded and whispered his answer.

"Yes, anything."

Jungkook stepped back, and disappointment burned a hole in his gut for the few seconds it took before he spoke again.

"Then remove your clothing... ah... slowly." He held his hand up and shook his head when he immediately made a hasty grab for the hem of his shirt, so Tae forced himself to slow down. Tae ran his hands slowly up underneath the hem of his blouse, exposing minute amounts of skin in slow motion.

Jungkook's sharp intake of breath spurred him on. Letting go of the blouse he ran his hands over his chest until he could thumb his nipples. Shivers of delight chased across his skin, and his cock lengthened in need.

A Norse curse made him open his eyes to find Jungkook had retreated to the stairs. Sitting down, with his legs spread wide, he watched Tae through hungry eyes, as he stroked his dick in slow moves mirroring the speed of his hands on his nipple.

Emboldened he walked closer, slowly unbuttoning his blouse until it fell from his shoulders, and he threw it across to him. Jungkook caught it with a grin. Seeing him lift the discarded shirt and inhale deeply made Tae lose his stride. That was just so damn sexy, as was the way his cock jumped in his hand. The thick head glistened in pre-cum, same as his and Tae licked his lips, desperate to taste him again.

A deep rumble rose from Jungkook's chest. he tore his gaze away from the sight of his cock, ran it up the ridges that made up his abdomen, over the ink gracing his side and chest into the jawed column of his neck, and the proud lines of this warrior's face up to his softly glowing golden eyes.

"Not that slow, Kærasti. I want to see my ass. Ready for my tongue and my cock. I want to see it weep with my dew. I want to taste you, devour you until your only thought is of me. I want you."

"God, yes, please, I want that, too."

All finesse went out of the window as Tae stumbled in his haste to kick off his shoes and his jeans, and braced himself for impact. Instead of the floorboards coming to greet him, however, he found himself on the stairs draped over Jungkook's knees. The first sharp slap of his hand on his ass cheeks stung like crazy.

"Ow, what was— ow."

A second and third swat followed interspersed by the deep, menacing growl of his wolf. The vibrations of that sound trembled through his body and settled straight on his cock so that the fourth, fifth, and sixth swats didn't hurt. They set his ass on fire, but the pain added to his arousal.

Again and again, those blows came, until he lifted his butt into each one, and moaned his denial when he stopped. He was dimly aware of being lifted and the feel of the stairs carpet under his knees and forearms, as Jungkook moved him into position as though he weighed nothing. In this position, cool air rushed across his swollen hole lips.

"So beautiful with your red ass, now let's wet and open your sweet ass. I want you to scream when you come against my tongue, do you hear me, Kærasti? Up these stairs, and if you're a good boy, you will get my cock. If not..."

Tae gasped and his knees buckled at the first bold swipe of Jungkook's rough tongue along with his exposed cock down to his anus and Jungkook chuckled into his puckered hole.

"We will just have to start all over again."

Taehyung's body quivered in need, more of his precum trickled down his shaft. Jungkook lapped them up with an appreciative rumble, and then swatted his ass.

"Start crawling up one step, Kærasti. I want to be comfortable for my meal of fresh ass."

Oh, good lord. Is he going to make me crawl up these stairs with him eating me out? I'm never going to survive this.

Somehow he managed to follow that command, and several more licks of his far too talented tongue were his reward. Tae groaned and moaned as he took up the plethora of arousal with every step they managed.

When he slipped, his hands dug into his hips to hold his still, and seemingly satisfied, he renewed his efforts. Up and down, again and again over his cock. Jungkook teased, he pressed and circled the tight ring of muscle after he pushed two fingers into his hole, Tae did scream. Jungkook finger-fucked him with devastating precision, curling his digits until he found the spot designed to drive him wild with need.

Tae tensed, shook, and then exploded as his orgasm burst from his with an intensity that took his breath away. Tae's body was spread obscenely wide and unable to move—completely at the mercy of this man—as he wrung every last shudder out of him. Only then did he withdraw his fingers, and swatted his butt cheeks again several times in quick succession.

"Start crawling, Kærasti, if you want my cock. He's mighty eager to sink into your body, but only if you do as you're told."

Tae groaned and hung his head, gasping for breath. Trust him to end up with the Viking equivalent of a Dom. How on earth was he supposed to coordinate his limbs with the afterglow of that spectacular orgasm having liquefied his bones? Nonetheless, he dutifully tried to heft himself up the stairs, wincing at the contact. He'd have carpet burn in the morning at this rate. Two more steps and a bite to his sore butt cheeks made his stumble, moments before Jungkook licked up his hole again.

"Relax. I love tasting you, minn Kærasti."

The gentleness with which he lifted his head to make Jungkook look at him, brought tears to his eyes, and he hastily blinked them away when he frowned.

"I know you wouldn't. It's just..."

Tae let the words trail off, embarrassed to be having that conversation at all. Really what was wrong with him? Talk about killing the moment. Well, not for Jungkook. His cock was still as erect as ever and seemed to point at his opening like some sort of Tae seeking missile. The thought made an almost hysterical bubble of laughter escape Tae's chest, and Jungkook's frown deepened when he didn't seem able to stop.

Before he knew what was happening, he was in his arms, cradled against his chest and he'd carried him through to his bedroom, where he sat down holding him.


Jungkook had no idea what had just gone wrong, but he cursed himself all kinds of a fool anyway. By Odin why was Taehyung crying, or laughing, or was it both? If he had been anyone else, he'd have slapped them 'round the head until they stopped this nonsense, but this was his Kærasti, his válað, the one person destined for him, and he could never treat him like that. Tanning his behind was all sorts of fun, but he could never hit him otherwise. That was simply wrong.

"I'm sorry, forgive me, I'm just being silly." The words uttered between hiccups soothed his worries somewhat.

Jungkook grasped his chin to make Taehyung look at him. A soft sigh escaped his lips when he kissed the remnants of his Kærast's tears off his face and leaned across to pass him the glass of water he kept by his nightstand.

Tae took it with a grateful smile and drained the whole thing in several deep swallows before he passed it back to him. "Thank you, I needed that. I'm sorry."

Another tear rolled off Taehyung's face and fell on his abdomen where it led a fiery path down to his groin. His cock jumped in answer, Tae looked up at him. It was the bright hope in his eyes, clouded with worry that made his chest tight with emotion and made him shake his head.

"You do not need to apologize. It is perhaps I that should do that. Was I too hard on you? Too demanding? I forgot you're human and fragile, and not used to the ways of my people." He rubbed a hand over his jaw, relieved to see his tentative smile.

"No, well, maybe a little, but I liked it. I was just being silly about... well... I can't believe I'm doing this." he blushed bright red and hid his flaming cheeks behind his hands.

Jungkook grasped his wrists away from his face and kissed him. Slowly, tenderly, to not to overwhelm Taehyung again. He could taste the salt of his tears, but also his desire. Taking the kiss deeper, he let himself drop backwards on the bed until he lay half on and half off him.

Taehyung's scent increased again, and when he started to kiss him back, he flipped them over until it was his on his back and Jungkook on top. A hiss escaped him when he spread Taehyung's legs, enabling him to settle in between them. The action brought his ever eager cock in far too close contact with Taehyung's hole, and he broke the kiss with a grunt.

"Please, don't stop. Take me. Make me yours."

Taehyung's whispered plea of permission made his wolf howl in delight, but he was determined to make this good for him. Jungkook was well aware that he was well above average size, even for a wolf, and unless his little human was as aroused as he could be, he was liable to hurt him.

So, instead of driving his shaft straight into his delectable hole, he shook his head, got to his knees between his legs. He grinned at Taehyung's pout, and taking his arms in his hands gently pushed them above his head until his fingers reached the slats of his headboard. A gasp escaped his Kærasti, when he yanked his whole body up a little until he could curl his fingers through the gaps.

"I do not want you to let go," he said. "Understood?"

His grin deepened when he looked down to see him watching. his breathing was back to fast, shallow exhales, which confirmed his arousal, as did the sight of the slight flush, which spread over his honey tan skin.

Tae's nipples were hard little nubs pointing straight up, almost begging for some attention, and straddling his legs to immobilize his lower half, he scooted down until he was at the right height, closed his eyes and concentrated.

He couldn't completely shift, but his wolf was getting stronger, and sure enough, his sharp and deadly claws emerged. A shiver went through his mate underneath him, his heartbeat accelerated. It was the awestruck whisper reaching his ears that made him smile, however, and he opened his eyes, to find his staring at his hands.

"Wow." Letting go of the headboard he reached out to touch his claws. Jungkook gave him that moment to examine the other side of him. his gaze darted from his face to his clawed hands and back again, while the sweet musk of his arousal perfumed the air between them. His wolf all but purred at the open admiration in his expression, Tae smiled up at him.

"I can't wait to see you shift fully. I bet you're beautiful in your wolf form."

Jungkook flashed his grin, and then pointedly stared at his fingers still examining his claws.

"I am deadly, too."

Taehyung swallowed hard at those words, but Jungkook didn't sense any fear. More of a quiet acceptance of that fact, which his next words confirmed.

"You're deadly in your human form, so I don't doubt that but I also know that you would never hurt me, so you can stop with the big bad wolf act."

Jungkook grinned when his animal growled at that, vowed to show him just how bad his wolf could be. It would have to wait until they were truly mated. He was too fragile for that in his current state.

"You will find out just how bad I can be a lot sooner than would be good for you if you do not do as you are told. Hands-on the headboard, Kærasti."

Jungkook nodded his approval when Taehyung complied immediately, laughed when he spotted what he needed on his bed stand. Taehyung kept a collection of colourful scarves in a bowl. They would be perfect for helping him to keep Taehyung's hands where he wanted them. Reaching across he snagged a couple and looping them first through the slots and then his wrists, he secured his Kærasti to his satisfaction.

"There, you can get out of those if you have to, but you will not do that, will you?"

"No, minn rekkr," he said.

Jungkook tapped his nose, "Hmm, I approve of the title, Kærasti."

They smiled at each other like a pair of lovesick puppies, until Jungkook brought his clawed hand into his vision. Tae sobered, swallowed hard, when he ran the tip of his lethal claw along his neck, and up to his mouth. The plump lips opened to him, and withdrawing his finger he bent his head to claim the soft flesh in a gentle kiss, which quickly turned passionate when Tae kissed him back.

Desire soaked eyes pleaded with him when he withdrew. He yanked on his makeshift restraints, when he ran his clawed index finger slowly along his collarbone, and down into the valley between his chest. Jungkook ran circles around the heavy mounds with both his hands now, his claws digging in just enough to mark his honey tan skin with the thin red lines of his possession.

When he flicked the little hard buds of his nipples, Tae gasped, moaned and arched his back in silent encouragement. Taking the hint, and giving in to the now urgent need to taste her, to hurry this along, he took one of the nubbins into his mouth, while he rolled the other one between his thumb and forefinger.

A deep-throated moan was his reward, goosebumps broke out on his Kærasti's skin, as he writhed under his tongue and fingers. Having suckled one nipple into an elongated shape, he swapped his attention to the other one, while lifting off him. When Jungkook trailed his free hand down toward his anus, he smiled around his mouthful of my nipple. Tae eagerly opened his legs to give him entrance, and his questing digits encountered soft tissue drenched in his saliva.

Releasing his nipple with a soft pop, he brought his slick fingers up to his mouth and sucked them clean. Another one of those cock hardening groans came from his mate as he watched him through hooded eyes. Beads of perspiration rested on his upper lips, and his whole body shook with the force of his breathing.

"So wet for me, minn Kærasti, but I think you can do even better."

He laughed at his moaned denial, as he shook his head. Scooting further down the bed, he got to his knees, slid his hands under his ass cheeks, and lifted Taehyung.

"Let me see. Ah, there it is."

He grinned up at him when he let his legs fall wide open. Completely exposed to him, his inner lips opened up to reveal the little quivering muscle he couldn't wait to claim. He blew across his anus, and the bundle of nerves contracted, Taehyung watched as he repeated that action while circling his cock with the tip of his tongue, more of his nectar left his cock and trickled down his balls toward his hole.

"Oh, God, please..."

He repeated the action several more times until his whole body shook in need. He lapped up his arousal and inhaled deeply against the tight ring of muscle guarding his delectable ass.

Unintelligible sounds spilt from Taehyung's lips and his thighs tightened around Jungkook's head, as he started to grind himself against his face. Tae whined when he bit the soft flesh of his inner thigh and withdrew.

"Please, I need to come. I'm so damn close. Please, Jungkook, come with me. Make me yours."

Jungkook closed his eyes to savour this moment, a bite to make him transform, just one bite. He would no doubt remember. And after when it's done, they both become old and grey, rocking their great-grandchildren off to sleep. The thought of his Kærasti heavy with his child made his wolf howl. Taking his cock in hand he slid the already thickening tip through Taehyung's hole.

"Yes, yes, just... Jungk-"

Tae's mouth opened into a silent scream as he thrust into his clenching hole. Jungkook swore against the overwhelming sensation of Taehyung's tight heat gripping his cock.

"Fuck, relax, sváss. Let me love you."

Their gazes locked, as he continued to push in slowly, beads of sweat slid into his eyes, blurring his vision with the sheer effort required to hold still and to an inch in at a pace he could cope with.

Tae whimpered, but he didn't tell him to stop. When he was halfway in the crushing force around his cock relaxed slightly. He pulled back until only his head stretched his inner muscles and Tae gasped.

"Yes, please, just... Move, for the love of the universe, please... I'm okay now. I-"

The rest of whatever he was going to say was lost in a scream as Jungkook lost the ability to go slow. He thrust back into Tae's willing body, seating himself further with every forward motion of his strong hips between his thighs until at long last he bottomed out. His balls hit Tae's ass, and he hung his head to claim his mouth in a long drugging kiss, while he started to move in earnest.

"Please. L-Let me. Need to." Tae yanked at his restraints while he mumbled the words in between kisses and using his claws, he freed him in one fell move.

When Taehyung wrapped his arms and legs around him, it drew him in further, and Jungkook howled his approval. Spurred on by his incoherent moans into his ear, he set a ruthless pace, as he pistoned in and out of Taehyung in ever-faster moves. When he angled his thrusts, so that every move of his dick scraped along a sensitive spot, Tae tumbled into his first orgasm.

Another gush of his juices soaked them both as he came. It was what Jungkook had been waiting for. Much to his surprise his wolf burst free, his fangs descended, and his claws slid through the covers of Tae's bed. He was dimly aware of his eyes growing wide and the brief smell of fear before he pulled out of him.

The action stretched Taehyung's hole obscenely wide, he flung his face down on the bed, bringing his ass up, surged back into Tae's hole, his inner muscles clenched around Jungkook's cock in rhythmic waves designed to drive him, too, past the point of no return, as he thrust deeper. Taehyung came a second time.

The bed banged loudly against the wall, the sound of his balls slapping Tae's ass on every downstroke set the perfect backdrop for their frantic coupling, interspersed with Tae's whimpers of arousal and the deep growls of his wolf. Jungkook's release built with the speed and intensity of an out of control bull, he thrust deep one last time, while giving his wolf free rein.

"Minn, all mine."

His wolf's fangs tore through the sweat-slicked skin of his mate, and Tae's scream rang in his ears, as his life essence flowed on his tongue, while he pumped his seed into his body. They shook together as his internal muscles clamped down on Jungkook's pulsing cock and the force of the mating orgasm took Tae also.

Tears pricked the backs of Jungkook's eyes, the knot forming as he collapsed on top of Taehyung, his cock locked tight, his wolf truly at peace for the first time since he'd come into this world. He had the foresight to roll slightly, so that they lay on their sides, joined together as intimately as two people could be. Retracting his teeth, he licked the wound until it closed, leaving his mark behind.

Shivers ran along his Kærasti's spine and he pulled him closer. Guilt pricked. Taehyung hadn't agreed to his bite. In truth, he hadn't thought this would happen, not until he was back in his time, but he didn't regret the action either.

Tae's even breathing told him that he had either passed out or fallen asleep, which was probably for the best. No doubt he would have some explaining to do when he would wake up. He smiled as darkness encroached on him, too, together with the sickening feeling of falling. His wolf howled his excitement as the world swirled by, and with his last conscious thought, before the magic pulled him under, Jungkook tightened his hold on his precious bundle.

He hoped they would wake up in the safety of his homestead.

Either way, he was finally going home.