
"Remember, tell everyone that it's just a test."

"Of course. I will tell my friends that it's just a test." Theo nodded while thinking, 'I won't tell anything to Nart Eilric though, since he is not my teammate.'

Radvils snorted and waved his hand, opening the door. "You may go. I won't see you off."

Theo closed his eyes and calmly rose from his chair, heading to the outside.

As soon as he was outside, Radvils quickly slammed the door with his Magic Power as if he was angry.

Theo took a deep breath and smiled over his small victory, but little did he know, anger might be the last thing that Radvils would think of.

Behind that door, Radvils was actually smiling in excitement, seeing Theo's character. He had been watching Theo this whole time to see whether he had the potential to bring his team to victory.