Second Place

In the stadium, Sheira watched how Theo cleared the first hurdle in an instant. She took another look at the screen, showing Theo's profile. "Oh! We have Theodore Griffith from Thersland destroying the first hurdle like it's nothing with his clone. I've been curious about the reason he brings two spears with him, but I guess the clone can help him fight. What do you think, Sir Diego?"

"Haha… I like the young man already." Diego laughed and said, "From what I can see, he is the leader of the group. Seeing a first-year student lead the group is possible but certainly uncommon. He has a great head, ability, and swift decision-making. I can see why Thersland entrusts the leader position to him. Unfortunately, he has one flaw."

"One flaw?" Sheira tilted her head in confusion. "From my perspective, he is good enough for me. It's already surprising to see someone solving the riddle in an instant without any data from the previous block."